forum The soft footsteps of an ending life
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@GoodThingGoing group

"Aren't we all," Beck said, his voice a soft scoff. "We should probably get back to…all this. Probably shouldn't leave your patients waiting."
He paused, then perked up. "Oh! Listen, before we go, you've gotta do me a favor: read A Perfect Day For Bananafish by Salinger and get back to me. Just pop into Page of Mind some afternoon to catch up, alright?"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“You work at a bookshop too? Curious.” Nathaniel smiled as he slung his pack to his shoulders. “I was just about to go there for a few hours before heading home, though I am not sure if we have any Salinger beyond Catcher in the Rye.” He straightened his shoulders as if to leave. “Booker’s in case you want to find me. I am there most weekday afternoons when I’m not here.”