forum I Met Her In The Romance Section Of The Library (0/0) (CLOSED!)
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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Evan was just on a tourist tour and they had stopped by the statue everyone was messing around and taking pictures on it, he wasnt even going to do before someone shoved him forward into the statue, he tumbled forward and fell onto the statue only for it to start following and him holding it, holding her in his arms as he looked at her.
someone clicked a picture but most laughed.

Deleted user

(Please. Proper grammar.)

Crystal lay in his arms, blinking and stood up. Immediately that war mongering anger took place as she grabbed her sword and put up to someones throat. "HOW DARE you laugh! He just unfroze me and you all aren't impressed but laugh! Quit being so rude…and someone PLEASE tell me what year is it?"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Evan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped when she unfroze and was no longer a statue. It took him a minute to actually register what was going on and then he rushed over, taking the sword away from that person's neck. "Hey Let's maybe not do that okay?" He tried to move the sword hand away from the person's neck as the said person quivered in front of them.
"It's 2024." (that year work?)

Deleted user

(Yes let's yeet Corona away) "2024…I've been frozen for centuries. Have some respect for your heroess and supposed queen!" She called with an angry huff, putting the sword away. "And you. YOU are supposed to be my soulmate? Well dearest we'll have to see about that." She smoothed down her forest green dress, and stretched, then adjusted her corset. "Now then I am starved. Any place with good food still?"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He was a bit hurt by the judgyness of her YOU. he didnt let it show tho he was kinda used to it, frick i forgot that evan was partially deaf lol. "Ah-" he didnt know how to convey he was deaf so he just said so. he was able to read her lips so i guess thats how he responded. "Food? uh yeah we have some restaurants i could take you too."