forum I Know You- Dance RP REBOOT (CLOSED, Stalkers welcome tho)
Started by @Periwinkle_

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Kelton froze and tensed up for a second but quickly relaxed, also wrapping his arms around Piper. Oh how he missed having someone like Piper.


“Oh,” she looked up at him. “I almost forgot, I found this.” She took out a small faded photo from the pocket of her hoodie. There were two little kids, one bit with blond hair and one girl with curly black hair, both smiling their faces off.

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Kelton glanced at the photo and smiled a bit. "Where did you find this…?"

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"I think I might have some photos from when we were younger, but I'm not sure, I'll check when I get home." Kelton said, wondering if he had any photos or not.


"Yeah, I had totally forgotten about this one. I also found a huge stash of stickers that I collected like 6 years ago."

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"Didn't I use to always tease you about it?" Kelton asked, a small smile forming on his lips at the memory.


“Yeah, you did,” she replied. She laughed. “Although I don’t know why. Collecting stickers is a totally normal thing to do.”

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"I honestly don't know why either, probably for some weird reason," Kelton replied with a slight laugh.


“My mom used to say you did it because you liked me,” Piper laughed. Then she shook her head. “She didn’t see how ridiculous that was.”

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Because I did and I still do, Kelton thought, but quickly dismissed it before laughing along and nodding. "Right, I don't know where she got that from. How obvious was I when I was younger?


“I guess parents tend to do that though,” she continued. Then her head snapped to her left; she had heard someone call her name. A girl from her math class beckoned her over.
“See ya,” she waved at Kelton then walked over to the girl.

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Kelton waved back and sighed in relief, glancing at the other girl before heading off in a different direction. Am I still that obvious?


That afternoon, Piper and the girl she had met in the hallway, along with some other orchestra kids, headed over to the Owl Nest. It was a really cozy cafe that pretty much everybody went to to hang out.

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Kelton walked into the cafe he works at to start his shift, wanting this day to be over already. He had almost told everything to Piper and he felt like an open book, like anyone could look at his past and judge him based on that.


They had all been laughing and talking together for a few minutes. Ever so often, Piper would look over to see one particular oboe player’s eyes on her. She would smile back, and he would smile a bit and look away.

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Kelton ignored the girl eyeing him up and down, making him a bit uncomfortable. Couldn't he go a day without some creepy person staring at him? He smiled brightly at the customer who was ordering, writing down the man's order before turning around to make the drink.


Piper looked over to see Kelton behind the counter, making a drink. She stood up and went over.
“The service here is despicable,” she said with a smile.

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Kelton turned around when he heard a familiar voice and smiled at Piper. "Then go to the manager, he'll totally care about that," He replied sarcastically with the smile still on his face.

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"Now you know," Kelton said with a slight laugh, glancing at the cup in his hand and calling out the order then the name.


When the customer approached, Piper stepped aside.
“I’ve been here like a thousand times and I haven’t ever seen you here. Weird,” she mused.

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"Oh shut up, Gwen." Kelton mumbled, handing the man his coffee and smiling brightly at him.
The man took his coffee and thanked the barista before walking away.