forum Putting together my ideas
Started by @whimsicalwaterbuffalos_aka_ellia_

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I have quite a few ideas for my story, but not exactly sure how I should put them together. What does someone recommend? More writing and storyline? Working on each bit until it all fits together? I'm a bit new to writing (and I really only just do it for fun) so some help would be great!


I am a plotter, generally a sentence summing up each chapter at first, then a paragraph, then I write the chapters. That said, that method doesn't work for everyone (sometimes it doesn't even work for me. For what I'm writing right now I haven't stuck to that at all) The best thing to do in my opinion, is to know your characters well and figure out how you want to end your story. From there, write the scenes that feel clearest to you and peice the story together from there. If you know the ending to your main plot you can typically organize your subplots within that fairly easily.