forum Plot Ideas?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

I am completely out of ideas. Feel free to put any ideas you don't mind me stealing or adapting in here!


bunch of kids in a post-apocalyptic world, where the world freezes over every ten years or so and the government is really strict on food and curfews and such, break a whole bunch of laws to go exploring behind niagara falls when it's frozen only to discover a secret government space program that shouldn't exist?

time travelling space pirates?

a mischievous young elf who's always getting into trouble being the only one who can help save the queen's daughter from enemies?

literally betting your life on someone who is most likely going to lose a duel they have no business being involved in?


I always find it fun to write about someone I know and maybe a day in their shoes and if you're feeling extra creative, add a bit of fantasy or drama to their life. It could turn into an amazing adventure or maybe just them noticing small magical moments that help them get to where they need to be.

Deleted user

Something's wrong. My brain is working. That doesn't happen often. Thanks dudes. 'Preciate it.


Hey, if you ever need some new plot ideas, you can always go to Pinterest and search "writing prompt". Seriously, it's a story-making machine XD
My current favorites are the aliens' prompts XD but there are also the dark prompts, the funny prompts, the "modern magic" prompts, the soulmates promps…

Deleted user

I actually have a whole board dedicated to those. I tried to write a few, but none of them really got the inspiration flowing. I'm going with the "bunch of kids in a post-apocalyptic world" right now.