forum Plot help
Started by @poshtopus

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I've come up with a story following a young god who kills a god gets banish the inadvertently brings about the apocalypse and has to fix it with their limited amount of power. There is the problem that I've no clue how to start the story. Any suggestions?


I don't know what tone you are trying to set, i.e. if this is meant to be a 'deeply immersive serious' fantasy, or a more 'Percy Jackson//making light of a serious set of circumstances' type of vibe. If the former, I'd say the best way to get into it is just write out the scenes you currently see most vividly and then try to make a rough plot outline and connect them so that the beginning makes sense. For the latter maybe try the whole tangled//megamind 'I'm currently about to die and here's why' approach. You always want to start so that an intriguing hook event starts within the first two chapters, but it's okay if that doesn't happen in your first draft. You can always shift events and the starting point of your story around later on.