forum Need help with story
Started by Mia

people_alt 3 followers


So I'm writing a screenplay and want it to be like Donnie Darko in that if it were filmed it'd confuse you so you'd have to watch it multiple times and would be realistic and relatable with a supernatural/scifi twist. Not sure if that makes sense but anyways, the story will mostly follow a high schooler and her younger brother for two weeks (the week before spring break and week of). For spring break they'd go to their grandmas house and find a book about seeing their future. My thinking was once they can see they're future they mostly go along with it until some breaking point when they don't causing a rift in space time and end of the universe or something like that. Not sure if that makes sense, just hoping for some feedback on whether it does or doesn't and tips on how to improve.


Sounds like a good idea! Im a little confused about how them NOT causing a rift/end of the world is a breaking point. also, i would maybe add some smaller events leading up to it or after. Just to keep the story interesting so readers dont drop out. Other than that id love to read it!


I think the main thing that made Donnie Darko confusing was how the main plot was made to seem only like his hallucinations. The characters, tools, and foreshadowing were presented as his imagination as his mental state got worse, making it seem like the climax would be more about how he lost touch with reality. That’s why it was so confusing when we saw how the things in his mind were really there. Just something to think about. I think the main tool of a story like this would be to put in foreshadowing in a seemingly mundane way, making the implications about one thing confusing once you introduce more evidence that they weren’t going to follow the timeline, such as some evidence from after that point. That might be a bit confusing, but i’d Say forshadowing of the twist would be something to think about.