forum Love triangle
Started by Kat

people_alt 2 followers


Looking for suggestions on how to make a love triangle effectively and without it becoming cliché.


Just some idea fragments to help you along:

Have a level headed rational character fall completely in love with someone who already has an S.O. Have them try to get over said person and deny their feelings. (IMO unrequited love that turns into a relationship is cuter than a character being genuinely torn between two options.)

Have multiple people be in love with the protagonist but they aren't in love with any of the options and choose a third party, or even no one at all.

If a YA: have the protagonist stress a lot over picking someone, only for the relationship to fall apart for simple reasons (Particularly in YA the seriousness and committed-ness of teen relationships is overplayed, break the stereotypes)

@GoodThingGoing group

Yeah, teen relationships aren’t really serious. It’s mostly like people who have crushes on each other make out or ‘go out’ like to a movie once or twice.
Here’s an idea: a teenager falls in love (or just has a crush on) someone they just saw once or twice, or goes to a different school, etc. and completely ignores someone else that likes them until they realize they like both people.