forum I need a suggestion.
Started by @Lavy-the-Nerdy-Sci-Fi-Birdy

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I'm working on a short story where there is a exploratory recon of a undiscovered planet and I can't think of a reason for some of the members to get separated from their team other then a creature attacking or getting lost (which isn't likely for them since they are trained professionals).
Help would be appreciated!


Maybe there's a sudden rockslide or a cave caves in so there's a barrier between them? Or maybe a cliff breaks and some of them are stuck in a canyon?


I usually think a natural disaster that separates people is kind of cliche (I mean it works sometimes, especially if it's not JUST there for separating them). Maybe they could get in an argument about where to explore first and so they organize themselves into two groups that will report back at the end of the day? Maybe one person sneaks out on their own in the middle of the night and in the morning when they're gone, only a few people are willing to go after them?

Deleted user

Maybe they were exploring and then they come across a lake, a lake with water that makes people do the opposite of what there suppose to do or what they wanted to do(eg they want to go north, but after drinking they'll want to go south) and a part of the team drinks it(maybe because they were desperate or it was a stupid mistake that anyone could make, and then the part that drank from it went the opposite direction of the other people, just a suggestion

Mikaela Bree

Maybe a way they could get separated is if a few wonders off from the rest of the group. Another suggestion is that they could be split off into groups and one gets lost. I don't know if this could help you