forum How to Start......
Started by @queenflorence

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I'm writing a story that'll involve magic in it, but I want it to seem like a normal world to anyone else. I'm having trouble coming up with ideas for how the magic can first be, incorporated/seen by the main character, basically how to start this thing. I keep trying to write it, but I can never figure out where to start….Anyone have different ideas of how to start?


Awesome! So maybe you can have the magic sorts kept hidden from normal people by magic gatekeepers, yet something slips out and a gatekeeper is sent out to find it. Just maybe this magic creature/object/thing finds its way to your main character, and just maybe the only way for your gatekeeper to get to your protagonist is through school (optional idea) and the gatekeeper is forced to reveal their identity while searching for the creature/object/thing, only to realize that it'd escaped the house and the gatekeeper along with your MC are sent on a dangerous adventure to find it, and fast because they aren't the only ones looking for the magic creature/object/thing… dun dun DUH!
"You can see it too?"
"We're too late."
"Wait a second, you're a what?"