forum How to avoid getting stucked?
Started by Kekel

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Have you guys ever stopped in a part of the story and simply don't know what to do? Like, no ideas? No inspirations? What do you guys usually do to get inspired? Tips?


If I'm honest, I stop writing an original story for a bit and write a fanfiction instead. I also write oneshots with writing prompts. Sometimes there's a really good scene that I can use in my original story.


If I'm honest, I stop writing an original story for a bit and write a fanfiction instead. I also write oneshots with writing prompts. Sometimes there's a really good scene that I can use in my original story.

Redirect the attention for another thing for a while, it may help, thanks.


I have a lot of difficulty in getting from one part of my story to the next. Like I'll have major scenes planned out but transitioning from one to the next can bring me to a standstill. When this happens, I'll start writing the next major scene I have planned and then somehow connect them later on, just so I keep writing.

I'll also force myself to write. Even if I'm coming up with utter crap, I'm still moving the story on and I can always go back and flesh out/edit the bad material. Even if it's just a few sentences, it's progress and it may help your brain get in the mood to write again (i.e. forcing a smile can help you to genuinely smile).

Lastly, I'd recommend watching tv/reading different books. I found that other stories can be a source of inspiration in my own writing. Maybe I like the way a character is portrayed in a show and I want to use some of their personality for my own story, etc.

Isabel's idea is also great! Work on something else for a bit to take a break from your main story.

I hope these ideas help! Best of luck.


I have a lot of difficulty in getting from one part of my story to the next. Like I'll have major scenes planned out but transitioning from one to the next can bring me to a standstill. When this happens, I'll start writing the next major scene I have planned and then somehow connect them later on, just so I keep writing.

I'll also force myself to write. Even if I'm coming up with utter crap, I'm still moving the story on and I can always go back and flesh out/edit the bad material. Even if it's just a few sentences, it's progress and it may help your brain get in the mood to write again (i.e. forcing a smile can help you to genuinely smile).

Lastly, I'd recommend watching tv/reading different books. I found that other stories can be a source of inspiration in my own writing. Maybe I like the way a character is portrayed in a show and I want to use some of their personality for my own story, etc.

Isabel's idea is also great! Work on something else for a bit to take a break from your main story.

I hope these ideas help! Best of luck.

Maybe you guys are right, maybe I just need to take a break. Meanwhile, I could use that time to do something else, like reading, watching, etc. Thanks for the tip. And thank you two for supporting me :)


I like to write out scene's that I feel like should happen in the story if that happens. Also, here's a list of things you can do if you get stuck:
1) Kill someone
2) Ask this question: "WHAT COULD GO WRONG" and then write exactly how it goes wrong
3) Switch the POV from your current character to another- a minor character, the antagonist, anyone
4) Stop writing whatever scene you're struggling with and switch to the next one you want to write. (Just remember to go back and make those parts.)
5) Write the ending
6) Use a scene prompt
7) Use Sentence Starters
8) Read someone elses writing