forum How do you make timelines clash together from other universes?
Started by @Brooklyn_Is_Here

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So for my fanfiction that I'm writing, I have two universes, the Star Wars/Clone Wars universe, and the Marvel Universes. Due to my calculations, the Marvel Universe takes place between 1939-2020, however, the Star Wars Universe takes place around 1814-1944, however, I'm doing a fanfic about the clone wars which I estimate takes place way-way-way back. Before any of you argue against me, Earth does exist during Star Wars but is just in a different galaxy which is years away which is why it is a long ago.
So…uhh any help?


Wait a minute. Star Wars canonically takes place in the 19th and 20th century? Seriously?! Wow. Okay, so.

Captain America fights in WWII, which begins in the forties, but Wolverine was born in 1880, bone claws and all. Galactus and his heralds have been here, there, and everywhere in the universe, and Naboo is pretty full of life and delicious Gungans. Apocalypse (or whoever the first mutant was in X-Men) was around during the time of Ancient Egypt. Hell exists, as does Asgard, Nilfheim, Knowhere, and the scrap heap area with all the portals in Thor: Ragnarok. The Kree, Skrull, Shi'ar, and whatever the heck Ronin and Gamora are have probably been roaming the galaxy for centuries. There are all sorts of gods, cosmic entities, and probably yokai that exist near Earth.

Honestly, just mentioning all of the planets and portals could give you some material to work with, if not characters. Imagine an intergalactic Ghost Rider!


He's the dude who collects souls in service of the Devil. To do that, he rides a FLAMING MOTORCYCLE and uses a CHAIN WHIP, all while being a FLAMING SKELETON IN BIKER LEATHER.


He's the dude who collects souls in service of the Devil. To do that, he rides a FLAMING MOTORCYCLE and uses a CHAIN WHIP, all while being a FLAMING SKELETON IN BIKER LEATHER.

DDDDDDDAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNGGGGG, He's one cool skeleton, that's seriously really cool, thank you for your input!