forum Hey ya'll I'm writing a script for a short film. Any help would be appreciated!
Started by @JustAFan52

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Hello! Tis I, Brooke. I am working on a script for my final in my video production class this year, and I want to do something with a sci-fi theme. The basic idea I have so far, that's not fully fleshed out or anything at all, is this: The world has fallen to laziness, and tech has been created to help with that. Synthetic humans (basically robots that look exactly like people) are made for every person on the planet. My story follows a high school girl – who doesn't actually go to school. She's lived inside for the majority of her life, only leaving her room for food and such. She's seen the real world before of course, though the eyes of her Synth (shortened version of name). She sends it to school via controls on her laptop, and meets a few people. People she actually considers friends, despite never meeting in person. Basically the story is about human connection, and how it can't always be achieved through a computer screen (which I find incredibly ironic considering that I would rather text someone then talk to them but whatever lol). I'm thinking of making it into an action film as well, with the synths turning against people. That kind of seems a little cliche to me, but if you have any idea on plot ideas for this, that would be great. Thank you! :)

@Peter_Duende language

The Synths could malfunction, and people, some who haven't been out of their house and made human contact for literal years, even with family, are forced to see and try to speak with other real people. It may sound silly at first but I think it would be an interesting concept.

Sarah Stocking

Humans have probably lost a lot of skills if everyone sends out their Synths instead of doing things themselves. So depending on how much the computer does and how much humans have to input. I think you consider if you want the malfunction to be manufactured by someone, or simply a glitchy programming thing. That will be an important distinction. You should also determine what you want the takeaway to be because a technology is evil arc of this would be a different story than technology can be great but we should never lose touch with humans.


I'd start by asking if the main character is happy with her current state or not. Then decide if she's the one who's going to start the trouble and conflict, or if someone else is going to. Maybe something brings her to start using her synth to destroy other peoples' synths. Maybe she begins to feel lonely and jealous when she realizes that her synth is the only one who has ever felt the friendly touch of a friend or maybe even a high school crush. That could lead her to do all sorts of things. She could attempt to meet one of her friends in person and when she's not recognized, they send their synths to attack her because they think she's a creep.
I really love the idea and all the possibilities this concept has. Good luck man. :)