forum getting this damn thing started
Started by Abby

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so I have a "idea" for a romance novel, I have my characters worked out but I can't get started. Help?


That's my problem too. What I like to do is sometimes write the backstories, like Flowerfur mentioned, and develop the characters. Even if you know your characters, there are tons of character outlines you can look up, which can help a lot with developing them further. You can also try writing prompts! Use your characters in a prompt you like, and even if you don't use it in your novel, it's still good practice and can inspire you!

Outlining is always a good start, though. Figure out what you want in the beginning, middle and end and see if that helps. Or you could try writing certain scenes to inspire you. You have an idea, so you could write around it.

Sorry for all these random suggestions, but everyone has a way of writing that works for them and I'm not sure what would work for you haha. Good luck!! :)


DEFINITELY work on writing an outline. If you commit to sit down and just vomit whatever comes to mind for a plot, you'll get your brain rollin' and look! A story! I have maybe five different plotlines for ONE story that I've just written randomly and quickly to get any stupid idea out there. Then I examined all the different ways the story could go, and spent time crafting them all into one plot. There's no right way to write a plot, but you really do need one before you start writing the actual book. If you want to know how I do it just to give you some ideas, lemme know. :)

But yeah, I usually start on my characters, too. I think the way you can create good conflict for your story is to put your characters in situations that highlight their flaws. Have a character who constantly lies? Make it a plot point for them to tell a lie that's insanely important to the story, and then the lie just keeps growing and growing and causes a huge mess. Have a character who's terrible at listening? Have something VERY important be told to them, have them forget it, and then voila, problems occur. Have a character who absolutely LOVES being in the spotlight? Make them have to sacrifice their pride and popularity for doing the right thing.

You can also do the same thing with your characters' dreams and future goals. Give them a goal, put something in the way of achieving that goal, and you've got a story to tell.