forum Anybody here play ukulele/guitar?
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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v(I just wanna say I want to learn but hw and stress so I can't, for now)


Well, it's good that you want to learn ^.^ I understand being under too much stress, though. I haven't practiced my uke in a week because I haven't had the time.


lol I thought ukulele chords were bad
I was so, so wrong
it's really satisfying when I play one right though, so it's worth it to me


oof I still need to get back into the hang of chords properly, I used to be able to do 50 chord changes a minute on my guitar but I got too busy and couldn't play it for like months rip


oh I just set a timer for a minute and tried to change between two chords as fast as I could. it works really well if you sit and do it for like 5-10 minutes before one sitting


Lol I wouldn't be able to do that for 10 whole minutes with the same two chords, I'd probably start switching between like 15 different chords bc I'd get bored


yeah usually what I do is I pick a song and then take like five minutes practicing switching between that song's chords before trying to play it, and sometimes if I'm not fast enough I'll do it again. honestly I've always had to do it two or three times in one sitting, especially with trying to do the intro to my smile is extinct (the original version), or 505