forum Magic ideas
Started by @The Dude Man Guy

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@The Dude Man Guy

I need help thinking up ideas for characters in my fantasy story. More focusing on what kind of magic they can preform and what they can do with that magic.


or magic could be like a resource that only some people can use , there could be deposits of magic and different deposits could have different powers .


I always like to stick with the idea that it takes energy to cast magic, like it would running or exercising, so that your characters stay equal and cant rely solely on their magic.


You can have it so that your characters actions determine what type of magic they are casting. Example: A mage could cast their spells through dancing. If he he uses his legs more in a dance, they'd conjure a water spell, etc.

Blue Duck

It all depends what type of characters have magic and if you want it to go with their personality or completely contradict that. For example if you wanted to go with the latter, you could have a very pale person who burns quite easily being able to harness the bower of the sun to create a hot blinding light


I’ve been tinkering with having magic come with a price, like in order to gain the ability to do magic you must give something up. Recently I’ve been interested in having to give up your human soul, you won’t be able to feel emotion but you’ll have all the magic you want. You catch my drift?


I always like to stick with the idea that it takes energy to cast magic, like it would running or exercising, so that your characters stay equal and cant rely solely on their magic.

I side with this theory 100%. if there was no limits everyone would probably end up a power hungry warlock! I also think that some take physical strength while others take mental. Shifting a person into another being takes physical, mind over matter kind of thing. while others like teleporting you feel as though you have run that whole distance.


I loooove all your ideas ! For me, I always though magic was something difficult to control or to get. its like a gift and a curse. some people are borned with it while others give away something to get it. so it does a little fight between the 2 you know, because one of them worked hard to have this


usually in stories, magic will deal with physics and natural laws, like temperature or gravity(ex. Windrunners in The Stormlight Archive.). making a magic that you can STore energy would probably make sense, such as being able to 'suck in' warmth and then expel it later.