forum Does anyone have an idea which weakness I can give somebody who can controll time?
Started by @Natalie

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Everyone in my universe who has powers has a weakness (or more), but I can't seem to find one for the one who can controll time. Does anyone have any ideas? It can be anything: a phobia other mentall illness, a sickness, allergies, a bad and strong personality trade; … just anything would help!

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

What about using their own lifetime as a resource? For example, winding time backward/forward shaves that much time off their own life?

Or, if you want to go in a different direction… one possible weakness for someone who can control time could be that they experience debilitating migraines or seizures after using their powers for an extended period. Another possibility is that they experience time-related hallucinations or delusions, which can make it difficult for them to distinguish between reality and their own perceptions of time. Alternatively, their powers could be tied to a specific object or location, and they must always be within a certain distance of it in order to use their abilities. Another idea is that they are susceptible to time paradoxes and can become trapped in a temporal loop if they're not careful; this weakness would probably play well with a character who values intelligence and thinking things through, but struggles to do so.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Well, with a power that deals with time, there’s a lot of potential drawbacks, mostly regarding the ‘time’ part. This might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but it’s just ideas. So, they could be out of sync with time (which means anything from accelerated/decelerated aging, unable to interact with people because the people never remember them, or even getting stuck in time loops), every time they manipulate time they create an alternate timeline and it could destabilize the universe/multiverse, or they could affect past/future but be unable to correct what they do.

But, besides all that, they could be susceptible to aging or otherwise lasting diseases, or short-term illnesses end up lasting much longer. They could be essentially immortal because of their power, but they have to deal with the loneliness and boredom that comes with immortality. Personality-wise, they could be overly shy due to their ability making it hard for them to interact with people (either because the acquaintance never lasts, or because the people want to use/manipulate them). Alternatively, they could be arrogant because of their ‘god-like’ abilities, and thus they abuse their power.

Just some ideas. Hope this helps.