forum "You DO like me!" "I don't think 'like' is the right word." "You tolerate me." "Maybe." one on one
Started by @cryptic-glitch

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"Hm. Sounds better than my current situation, so I don't see why not." Lin twirled a lock of his hair around one finger and hummed thoughtfully. "What kind of job are you interested in?"


"Alright. You can drive." Lin pushed off of the wall as well and followed Orion over to the car, getting into the passenger side when he got there. "I dunno how to drive anyway. Haven't got a license."


"I have to stop by my house and grab my stuff; we'll swing by yours if you want." Orion twisted her keys in the ignition and buckled her seatbelt.


"Uhh…" Lin faltered for a moment. "You've… never been to my 'house', have you?" He laughed weakly. "I mean, we can drop by, but I don't exactly own much…"


"Alright…" Lin stayed in the car, sitting quietly while he waited for Orion to return. Considering he was currently living in a tree fort he'd built himself, he wasn't entirely sure what Orion would think of it, especially since she'd never seen it before."


Orion came back out, a suitcase in tow and a backpack over her shoulder. She shoved the suitcase into the trunk and pushed the backpack into the backseat. "Alright. Directions to yours?"


"Drive to the forest west of the school." Lin sighed softly, crossing one ankle over the other and sticking his hands into his pockets. "I don't recommend driving your car into the forest itself, so we'll have to walk."


"You can if you want. I won't stop you." Lin shrugged a bit. "If you feel like seeing where I've been living before we go, then sure." He got out of the car and started heading into the forest.


"Alright." Lin was back within a few minutes with nothing more than his school backpack filled with some clothes, which he then tossed into the backseat. "I'm ready to go."


"Mhmm. We'll have to find some way to make a bit of money, even if it's just for gas." Lin sighed softly and leaned back a bit.


"Mm." Lin was quiet for a moment. "I dunno if I want to. Maybe I'll end up with someone, maybe I won't. Doesn't make much difference to me."


Lin nodded a bit. "I'm still not entirely sure what I am, but I don't think it's straight." He was quiet for a moment. "What do you think?"


"Well, I'm not gonna be offended or anything. I don't know much more than you do, to be honest." Lin replied tiredly.


"Hm. Maybe." Lin considered, humming thoughtfully. "I admit I do feel some attraction towards men, but I've felt that same attraction for other people as well."


Lin considered for another few seconds before shaking his head. "Nope. Never really had any interest in that kinda thing."