forum Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate's Life for Me // OxO // Open
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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@ladybug_academia group


Rhian, in an attempt to make her sleep the slightest bit more comfortable, slept on top of the provided blanket rather than under it. She’d taken off her dress for use of a makeshift blanket instead, left only in a shift that at the very least resembled a nightgown. Rhian pulled on the jacket from her dress, and hooked one of the skirts around her waist for modesty at best. “Mnh, yes, I remember,” she replied, reaching up to tame some of tangles in her hair. All the pins from her previous updo laying in a pile some ways off to the side.


"Good." Selena swung the door open, eyes flickering over Rhian and her clothes or lack thereof. "And we can get you a nightgown, if you would like." She didn't comment as Rhian got dressed again, until she said, "I'll take you up on deck when you're ready."

@ladybug_academia group

It didn’t take long for Rhian to redress; the individual buttons took the majority of time. “I’m ready,” she said after a handful of moments, stepping to the door. Her hair was pulled back again, now in a ponytail rather than her elaborate bun from the past day. A few flyaway curls framing her face and dislodged from the fabric tie. “Oh. I meant to ask before. If one of your crew approaches me, I can talk to them, right?”


She studied Rhian. "Yes, though they should not be approaching you." She replied, shaking her head a little bit. "Come." She led the other woman out the door and up onto the deck. The ship moved and swayed beneath them, and she moved quite easily over the bobbing deck beneath their feet. The wind blew, buffeting them and whipping around their hair.

@ladybug_academia group

Rhian squinted against the sunlight. While the window in her cell had let in a little brightness, it wasn’t so brash as this. Her hair, being tied back, wasn’t half as bothersome in the wind as it might have been otherwise. She could be grateful for that. Her balance wavered unnaturally on the uneven floor, one hand reaching aimlessly for a wall to steady herself. It was all so disorienting. And yet…nice, in a way. “So the only person I can converse with on this ship is you?” she scoffed. Though despite her tone, Rhian supposed Selena wasn’t so terrible to talk to.


"Or Puck, though he'll be busy." Selena replied. "You understand, I don't want you distracting them or trying to turn them against me. Neither is an option that I shall condone or allow to happen." Her own hair was loose for now, red strands blowing about in the breeze, each breath of wind sending her hair moving again.

@ladybug_academia group

Rhian murmured in agreement, though her attention was elsewhere. It was surreal, almost, to be here on a ship in the middle of the ocean, the ground moving beneath her feet. It would have made her sick had her plan not been to end up on a ship in the first place. The process went horribly awry, but at least… She let the thought trail off as her attention turned back to Selena. “I’m not planning on turning your crew against you.”


She arched an eyebrow. "And you think I can just trust your word? When you're being held prisoner?" She asked. "Because that's what I would do, if I were being held prisoner. Turn the crew against the captain, throw the captain to the sharks, and be on my way."

@ladybug_academia group

Rhian considered that. Scheming wasn’t her greatest strength; growing up in fine ribbons and satin dresses never gave her a need to be adept at it. Her hand came up to scratch her upper lip with a dual purpose to subtly hide her self-consciousness. It was gradually becoming clear just how much she didn’t belong here. “I see your point.”


Selena nodded slightly. "Good. Now then, I shall be getting to work." she said. The sun overhead was stil bright, and she headed up and over to the wheel, speaking quietly with Puck. She didn't seem to care what Rhian was doing right now, not anymore.

@ladybug_academia group

Rhian watched Selena leave from the corner of her eye. She stood, unsure and searching for something to pass the time. Apart from the crew tending to their jobs and the waves lapping against the ship, it seemed almost…quiet. It was the water that pulled her out of hesitation. Approaching the edge of the edge, she leaned over the side to examine the sea below.


The sea was a deep blue-green, and fathomless. Soft, white-crested waves left a faint wake behind the ship as it sailed over the open ocean.

(sorry for the short reply– kinda out of ideas rn, do we wanna timeskip?)