forum Winter Solstice || OxO || Open!
Started by @Skylark

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Damien almost pouted at their lack of response. Usually, they'd already be in another room by now. Evidently, he needed to lay on the charm a little more. "Physical how?" he purred, reaching a hand out to run up the other fae's arm. "Care to demonstrate?"


This time, Anthurium moved away from the fae’s touch. “Ah, patience, little raven. Why don’t you take me to those lovely spots you know, hm?”
Seeing a servant pass by, he placed the glass of champagne on the tray they were carrying. Then they turned to the fae expectantly.


Damien's pout turned into a delighted smirk at those words, taking the fae's hand to lead him. "Right this way, I'm sure you'll love where I take you." From the ballroom, he led them to a side chamber bathed in the soft moonlight. There was no one else in the room, for which he was glad. Looking up at the other expectantly, he smiled, "What do you think?"


Anthurium looked around, examining the space. The moonlight highlighted all of the other fae’s best features, and the room itself was quiet and calm. They nodded. “It’s perfect. You’re good.” Looking down at him, he brought his hand up to his lips and kissed it, then touched it to his cheek. “But let us not speak any longer, little raven.”


"What should we do instead, my lord?" Damien near purred, eyelids fluttering at the gentle touch. Oh, he felt more settled now, knowing that he would soon be able to feed on their pleasure. It wouldn't harm the other at all; it could even enhance the sensations.


They hummed. “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t really have a preference, though nothing too exciting. Just something slow and easy, I suppose.” Then he chuckled, still with the other’s hand pressed against their cheek. “Well, I suppose a little talk is needed.” Anthurium tilted his hand again reaching out to touch the feathers on the smaller fae’s mask. “Hmm, will these be an inconvenience?”


Damien leaned into the light touch, looking up at the other's masked face. "They do seem like a potential hindrance," he murmured. It didn't matter if the other fae saw his face. For one thing, it was unlikely that they would meet again, and for another, if he fed much, it would make the other's memories of the occasion somewhat hazy. "How about we get more comfortable?" The room had lounges and low tables, perfect for the occasion.


“That’s a good idea.” Anthurium took his hand from his cheek, and led him to one of the lounges. Sitting down, they then reached up to take the fae’s mask in his hand. “If it’s alright with you, will you take off mine if I take off yours?” they asked.


Damien nodded, allowing the other to remove his mask before grasping the edge of their white and gold deer mask. Pulling it off, he gasped softly, "You're beautiful." This shouldn't come as a surprise, as most High Fae were lovely to behold, but this seemed different somehow. Regardless, he was filled with anticipation.


As he pulled off the other’s mask, they smiled. Anthurium studied the other’s pale face, then chuckled softly. “I would argue that you are the beauty here, little raven.” Their white eyelashes fluttered. Indeed, the moonlight illuminated his face just as enticingly as his body, making it look silvery and sharp.


Damien couldn't help the flush that crept up his face. One would think he was used to the attention, sought it out, even, by nature of what he was. But this–this was different. Shifting over on the lounge, then swinging a leg, he moved to straddle the other's lap. He gently cupped their jaw in one hand, lightly running a thumb along their cheek. "I'm sure you say that to all the fae who lead you into side chambers at balls."


Anthurium couldn’t help but smirk a little when he saw the smaller fae’s flushed cheeks. He welcomed his advances toward them this time, leaning into the hand on their jaw. “So what if I do? Maybe this time I really mean it.” Their own cheeks began to feel warm, and he became aware of his heart beating. He wasn’t sure why. Sometimes it happened, sometimes it didn’t. Maybe he was actually smitten with this Nether Fae. Whatever the case, they leaned in and pressed their lips to his neck, while placing his hand on his chest.


Damien sighed happily and closed his eyes, tilting his head fall back as he looped his arms around the other's neck. He had to stop the purr that rose in his chest. "Oh, that feels good," he murmurs, pressing closer. And it did; the soft feeling of lips on his neck, kissing his pale skin, was utterly delightful. "I certainly hope you mean it."


(Well thank god cuz I have no idea what I’m doing-)

Anthurium let their other hand wrap around the smaller fae’s waist, pulling him closer. His kisses climbed up to the other’s cheek before they moved to whisper in his ear. “As much as I adore the sound of your voice, little raven, I should like to hear only that moaning and purring of yours now.”


Damien let out such a purr, shivering at the sensation of their breath against his ear. "Oh really, now," he replied breathily, running his hand's along the other's shoulders. "I'm sure that can be arranged." It would be his pleasure, actually.


Anthurium grinned at the sound he made, pausing for a moment to bury his face in the fae’s neck again. When they drew back, they murmured, “Mm, yes… perhaps this can shut you up.” And he leaned forward again to press their lips to his. It was a soft kiss, gentle and not hard, but the effect was the same. His grip tightened around the other’s waist, and their other hand moved to drag across his collarbone.


Damien practically melted against them, a continuous purr rumbling from his chest. He drew one hand up the back of their neck, tangling his fingers in the hair at the base of their head. Oh, this, this was very good. He could feel the energy thrumming under their skin. The kiss caused his lips to tingle and his heart to race, and their grip around his waist was grounding in the best way.


Anthurium soon became aware of the other’s heartbeat as well as his own. Their blood hummed with heat, skin tingled as the smaller fae brought his hand to the back of their head. He brought his hand up to caress his jaw, and only pulled away from the kiss to catch their breath, then kissed him again, harder this time. A deep feeling rose inside him, and small green plant shoots began to grow from their hair, along their arms and legs.


(sorry for the wait, it's been a hectic day!)

So absorbed in the kiss, Damien almost didn't notice when the small green tendrils began to grow and wind around his fingers. It was only when he felt something brush along his bare leg did he startle back, breaking the kiss, though remaining pressed very close. Without him realizing it, his powers had responded to the energy flowing around them, and his eyes had begun to glow purple.


Anthurium’s eyes flew open when the kiss was broken, and he looked down at the other fae in confusion. Then they noticed the small tendrils and leaves in his hair, and one of them curling around their hand. “Ah, this is embarrassing…” they muttered. Quickly they noticed the other’s glowing eyes, but didn’t comment at first, just studying his face. “Mm, I should have warned you beforehand that this sometimes happens. Now what is this? I think I’ve read about this somewhere…” Not minding the small plant curling around his hand, Anthurium rubbed his thumb just underneath the Nether Fae’s eye.