forum "Wait, you... you're... magic?" "Darling, what do you think?" (Fantasy o/o Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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"Nope nope nope! I am human! I am a wild thing, my parents always said." Shade grins.

She walks up to the tree and climbs it.

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"Careful careful careful!" Shade calls back down, the sound of wild, lilting laughter following it. She's already halfway up the tree. She deftly flips off the tree and lands on her feet.

"Do you want a shiny?" she asks, her hands weaving a string into a net.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah's eyes went wide as Shade flew through the air. She gasped slightly when she landed on her feet, but the girl was already off again. "What is a 'shiny'?" Farah asked.

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Shade grins when Farrah gasps at her launching herself into the air. "I do that a lot a lot a lot!"

"A shiny is a thing that is shiny, silly!" Shade says, pulling out a chunk of white obsidian and holding it out to Farrah.

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"Around! On the ground ground ground. Near the mountains!" Shade beams.

@emilyevewrites group

"Pardon my forwardness, but do you always talk like that?" Farah asked. Her tone wasn't demeaning or rude, she was genuinely curious about Shade's repetitive speech habits.

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"Yup! I always have. I always always always will!" Shade laughs, spinning in circles. She stops suddenly, facing Farrah.

"Do you want to race me?" she asks, bouncing in place.

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"Somewhere somewhere somewhere. Does it matter where?" Shade grins.

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"I don't follow old dusty dusty dusty traditions. That's boring. I'm not one of the Fae." Shade says, her eyes locked onto Farrah's.

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Shade laughs her wild lilting laugh and takes off, faster than thought.

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(I have a plan, don't worry!)

Still laughing, Shade weaves her way through ancient groves, mystic meadows and babbling brooks, listening to hear if Farah is still following. Once they reach the edge of the forest, which is incidentally the edge of a cliff, Shade just continues on, flipping over the edge.

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Just bellow the cliff, Shade is being held by a giant raptor. A peregrine falcon, to be exact.

"Hop on on on! We can go for an aerial tour of the forest on-" she said, the last word uttered in Peregrine. It sounds something like scree-AW.

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Shade laughs. "And we're off!"

They sweep away over the top of the forest, exploring the entirety of everything. At the end of the day, Sahde starts falling asleep, so the peregrine sets them down on the forest floor once more.

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Shade yawns, then snuggles right up against Farah. The sprite makes its home in Shade's hair, and falls asleep itself, still clutching the diamond.

The next morning, Shade wakes up and climbs the tree, to better see where they are.

@emilyevewrites group

When Shade first woke the next morning, Farah was already wide awake and alert. Her head was on a swivel, keeping an eye out for anything around them. "What do you see?" she asked, following Shade up the tree at a slightly slower pace.