forum "Under the light of the moon." [oxo][Closed][MATURE]
Started by @bleeding_hearts

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Iseul grinned, "Of course I'm sharing! Here." He offers the food to his friend. A few handmade goodies, as well as Peter's favorite snacks. "Help yourself!" Isuel liked making and bringing treats for Peter. He liked seeing Peter's smile. It was always assuring. He hummed as took the water gratefully and chugged half in one go before glancing up at the moon. He wanted to say something- but he wasn't sure what or even how to explain it. But he figured it would come to him later- hopefully.

@FanfictionFanatic group

Peter sat up a little as the snacks were passed to him. “Thanks, Iseul.” he smiled, taking one of the homemade options. It was no secret between the two that he was a big fan of Iseul’s cooking. It wasn't that Peter couldn't cook, he just made fairly standard quick and simple types of food. Besides, Iseul’s food tasted better.
He looked back at his friend and followed his gaze. “Something still on your mind?”


Iseul grinned ear from ear when he heard Peter thank him. He nods and hummed, "Of course! I figured I should bring some goodies. You always look happy whenever you find out I've made something. I should make you my taste tester or something." He laughs gently and nibbles on the food thoughtfully. He shrugged helplessly at Peter's question. "I'm not sure how to word it. I wonder if there's something I could have done differently, or… If I could have avoided this. I know that now I have to deal with my consequences… but I'm still nervous. What if I'm overreacting, you know?"

@FanfictionFanatic group

Peter blushed when Isuel admitted to noticing how much he enjoyed his friend's cooking. “I wouldn't mind being your taste tester.” he murmured softly, nibbling at the treat.
He listened to Isuel’s answer and nodded. “Well, we both know you could have avoided it by not being there.” he chuckled lightly, only teasing his friend. “But if you're just overreacting, we’ll just laugh about it later. No need to be nervous about that.” he smiled a little. “Otherwise, we’ll deal with it.”


He laughs softly and moved to ruffle Peter's hair. "I would love to have you as my taste tester then." He looked genuinely pleased at how much his friend liked his food, it always made him so happy.
He paused and shrugged before laughing, "Yes yes, but you know me, I like to explore and see what's happening in the world!" He hummed and shrugged. "How are we going to deal with it though? I'm currently under the belief that I'm turning into a werewolf and there's nothing I can do about it." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "What am I supposed to do with that information?" He sighed deeply and shook his head. "Either way, I'll figure something out. I always do."

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Peter blushed, smiling at the friendly gesture. Honestly, Isuel was the only person who he allowed to mess with his hair in years. Everyone else did it to mock his height but Isuel… was nice.

He chuckled with his friend and nodded. “Yeah, I know you.” he agreed easily, not blaming the larger man for his longing to explore. “But you don't have to figure it out on your own. I’ll help you figure things out. Including whether or not you are turning into a werewolf.” he reminded.


Iseul hummed faintly and ran a hand through his hair. "Indeed you know me… I'm glad I have you on my side. I'm really thankful for that. You've always been there for me." He hummed faintly as he leaned against the other in content. He liked playing with Peter's hair. It was always comforting. "I just hope that I'm having silly hallucinations and I'm just jumping to conclusions."

He tended to do that. Jump to conclusions. Peter was usually there to hold him back, make him think. But he had always been someone who acted in the moment and rarely thought about the consequences. That's how he had gotten into this whole mess anyways.

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Peter smiled up at his friend, relaxing as Isuel cuddled him and played with his hair. “You've always been there for me too.” he reminded. “But I don't know if you're hallucinating unless I am too. I noticed your fangs first…” he trailed off, suddenly unsure if he should have mentioned that. “I don't know if that means you're actually turning into a werewolf or not. It could have been the lighting…”