forum Two worlds close but far - OXO MXM (CLOSED)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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Hakuto slowly and quietly walks out from the place he was hiding watching the smaller male pout, he stands off to the side wanting to learn more about Kai. As Hakuto walks over to Kai he says a soft "Hello?"

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Hakuto walks a bit closer to Kai "Sorry if I startled you I saw you chasing that bunny and I got curious" Hakuto says keeping his distance from Kai

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Hakuto walks over to Kai and sits by him a few feet off "You don't understand me, do you?" Hakuto stays silent for a moment messing with the grass in front of him

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Hakuto looks up at Kai watching him silently as Kai approaches him

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Hakuto smiles softly one of his hands still messing with the grass in front of him "Your pretty curious for a wolf" He says softly

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Hakuto falls back slightly but manages to keep his balance "Well your a feisty one" he says and pets Kai softly

@CaseyJ group

Kai licks Hakuto's face before a howl is heard from the village. He stopped and looked very sad suddenly before sulking off back to the village.

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Hakuto watches Kai leave staying where he was smiling softly. Soon he gets up and walks back to the village to find a place to stay for the night

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Hakuto wanders the village for a bit looking for a place to stay walking past the village leader's house a couple times before finally finding a place to stay. Hakuto sits on his bed looking out the window over at the village leader's house

@CaseyJ group

Once the moon is high in the sky, full and lighting up the village in its soft light, Kai snuck out of his window, simple as it lacked glass, something the village had not yet discovered. Kai nodded to himself once he got out without making a noise and looked around before sneaking off to the woods.

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Hakuto stares out the window noticing Kai, and he watches him sneak off into the woods

@CaseyJ group

Kai climbs up a tree at the edge off the woods and lays down on one of the branches, watching the moon, he starts talking to the moon.

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Hakuto leans against the window sill and watches Kai a small smile on his face as a faint blush appears on his face, as he looks at the moon. It's reminding him of Kai

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Hakuto watches the moon and Kai for a bit longer before closing his eyes and falling asleep

@CaseyJ group

Once morning hits, Kai is shaken out of the tree but his oldest brother, who is much bigger than him, he gets yelled at and just lowers his head until his brother leaves.

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Hakuto slowly wakes up the next morning still leaning against the window sill. As Hakuto walks through the village the next morning he spots Kai in the forest, he smiles softly and walks into the forest sitting under the tree Kai is in