Started by @someone_who_occasionally_writes_

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(How are we going to take turns? I just want to make sure so I don't make a mistake.)


(Yeah, I'll start it in a bit, and I'll make a prelude type thing, and from there we can see how it goes. There will be conversation and such, but we will try to take turns as much as possible, but with more than two people that gets difficult, so if there are separate conversations going on that's fine, just make sure to stay around the plot.)

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(I always enjoyed the topics of history and time travel and seeing this just fit my interest. I felt like Pancha in the "just right meme.")

@knightinadream group

Name: Achille Potenza

Age: 25

Time Period: Late Nineteenth Century Italy (1896)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

The clothing you appeared in: Brown dress shirt with black suit vest and dress pants, along with a scally cap and a watch his grandfather gave him

Fears, weaknesses: Getting to close to others only for them to get hurt or worse, enemies having the upper-hand, and being alone.

Strengths: Great at hand to hand combat, strong, can easily adapt to certain situations, and is a great runner

Backstory: Achille was born in 1871, ten years after Italy became a unified country. His parents were famers in Sicily, but his father eventually started to work for a mafia group since it paid more. When he was twelve, his father was killed and his mother ran away to Spain. In order to keep himself safe, he took up work in the group his father was in. Since he was young, all he really did was be a messenger. As he grew older, he took on more serious tasks, such as "taking care of uncooperative people, but still wasn't an official member. He was actually making a name for himself, and he did not really think much about it even though he did get arrested twice. Though, his grandfather got upset about how his grandson was living and forced him to move to Rome at eighteen. His grandfather, a university professor, turned him into a somewhat respectable man. At twenty-two years old, Achille was sent to England to work as an assistant for a family friend who runs a weapon distributor business. By day he spent time in the office or negotiating deals with clients, and by night, he was attending parties or being a bodyguard for someone. Sometimes he would run into trouble with the organized crime there, but he was always fine. Eventually, he had to return to Italy after hearing about his grandfather falling ill. When he returned, he met Marianna Fierro, the daughter of a well-known hitman in the organized crime world. Instantly, he fell head over heels for her. Secretly, they would see each other every night for the next two years. They even wrote each other love letters and gave each other gifts. While Marianna's father disapproved of their relationship, they still saw each other. One day, he went to her home to ask for her hand in marriage, but found out that she went to the United States and was never coming back. Heartbroken, Achille went back home and decided to fall asleep. When he woke up, he found himself in a field along with some other people.

Appearance: Achille stands at six foot three with a fit build. His jet black hair is cut short and is parted to the left. The complexion of his skin is warm beige, it gets tan pretty quickly. He has medium brown colored eyes; they are upturned. Below his left one is a small scar that he had gotten from a fight when he was nineteen years old.

(Sorry that took awhile. Here he is!)

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(I enjoy how all but Riddle's character is part of a violent group.)


Adam awoke, lying down, in the grass. His head hurt like the devil, and his chest was throbbing out of control.

"What the-"

He tried to stand but a sharp pain shot through his whole body, causing him to collapse. He screamed, and just allowed his body to refuse to stand up.

He lay there, staring at the sky, in an unknown location. Alone, and cold, and in so much pain he couldn't stand.

How did I get out here?

He turned his head a little and only saw tall grass a few inches from his face. He started to think about where he was last. He had hooked up with a guy, Jim maybe, no that was last week, maybe Tommy? Who knows, it doesn't matter, all that mattered was he remembered falling asleep in someone else's bed, and now he's in a feild.

He immediately thought of any shady behavior of the unknown person he had slept with the night before, and he couldn't recall any suspicious behavior, he had just assumed that it was a one-night hookup, but maybe the stranger had sinister plans, maybe he drugged him. That would explain the headache.

Suddenly, a deep and demanding voice rang throughout his head, causing him to groan, and grab his forehead.

Adam Braylan, you have a year to find a stone, one year to get home. Or you die, the plan shall be revealed in due time.

And just as quick as it came, it left, leaving Adam with no pain, and a surprisingly clear head.

"The hell?"

@larcenistarsonist group

Bianca's sapphire eyes shot open and she sprang to her feet, instantly drawing her pistol and aiming it at the man closest to her… whoever the hell he was. Her head throbbed, and it wasn't just from looking at the stranger's outfit. She looked around at the field… which definitely was NOT Germany. Her lips slightly parted, taking a deep breath. The air smelled like wheat and dust. Nothing special but nothing ordinary for Bianca. She had lived her entire life in the city or in a trench, the calming countryside stench foreign and unsettling.

She blinked once, then twice before deeming the men surrounding her mostly unthreatening. Mostly. She returned the pistol to her thigh and took a few instinctive steps away from the trio.

"What the hell is going on?" She stated, her voice low, monotone, and meaning business.

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Eric woke up as if he was asleep for who knows how long. He noticed that he was in a field full of tall grass and wheat. He suddenly got up as he points his Submachine gun at the Tio of strangers. He was keeping a close eye on the female before he lowered his weapon. He looked around to see where they were but he knew they weren't in Europe or the United States. Eric scouted the area but had a difficult time moving his left arm since he was shot on his left shoulder. The warm summer breeze was something he hadn't felt in a long time.

He heard the voice echo and pointed his weapon at the sky and around the area. "Где ты? (who are you?)" Eric yelled, "explain yourself! Show yourself!"

The voice told Eric precisely what it told Adam, you have a year to find a stone, one year to get home. Or you die, the plan shall be revealed in due time.

"I'm going to die with a wannabe German soldier, her husband, and… another woman?" He said softy enough to where the others heard, "I fought in World War 2 against the Germans, and now I'm fighting something else?"

@knightinadream group

Achille felt like he was hungover or got beaten up by five men. His head felt light yet it was pulsing so hard. Something isn't right, he can feel it. When his eyes flickered open, all he could see was three other people. All of them clearly not Italian, based off of the strange language he heard. It was hard for him to decide what was more stranger, the people or wherever the hell they are.

At the sight of seeing two of them with weapons, he immediately stood up. "Santo cazzo Madre di Cristo," He muttered to himself as he took a step away from the man with a gun of some sort. Out of instinct, his hand reached down into his pocket, expecting for his pistol to be there. All he could feel was the ring. Great.

Holding his hands up a bit, he let his lips part open. Right as he was about to say something, he heard a voice whisper, you have a year to find a stone, one year to get home. Or you die, the plan shall be revealed in due time. A shiver went down his spine after hearing it. First he woke up in a strange place with a bunch of odd strangers and now he's hearing voices? It took him a few moments to gather up his thoughts again and take a quick glimpse of the other three.

"With your lunacy you're bound to die," He stated, "You do not know where we are anyways, stop wasting your breath."


Adam heard a strange language, confused murmurings, and something that he took to be a threat as he stood up to be faced with three strangers. Something was, off about them.

"Where- what- how-"

Adam couldn't quite form a sentence. He was confused and scared, and all he could do was stand there and stare. His mind started racing as he noticed that two of the strangers had guns, strange-looking ones, and he started to panic.

"Look, whatever I did, I can pay you back, just tell me where I am."

He was addressing the three, hoping for an answer, but he wasn't sure whether he would receive one, so he glanced around him to plan an escape if things went south.

@larcenistarsonist group

"I don't want anything from you," Bianca said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I just want to know where the hell we are." She had heard the voice, just like the others, but voices in her head was nothing new.

She turned one of the men. "And what do you mean World War 2?" She asked, enunciating every word. "The Great War ended a year ago-" She turned to the man who spoke the foreign language. "You're Italian. Yes?"

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"Что ты болтаешь?" Eric asked turning his attention to the woman, "The First World War ended in 1918. Today is 1947, two years after the Second World War ended and us Soviets were planning on allowing North Korea to attack the South."

Eric looks over at the person on the ground in confusion, "What do you mean by 'pay me back?' I have never seen you in my life." He takes another look at the long-haired man sitting on the ground, "What part of the world are you from? I have never seen you dressed like this?" He held his hand out to help them off the ground.


Adam flinched a little, but accepted the stranger's hand.

"Pay you back, as in whatever I did for you to bring me out here, I will repay you."

He squinted his eyes, noticing both what the stranger was wearing, and what he had just said.


"Wait wait wait, hol' up a sec here, 1947 you said? The year is 1984 sweet cheeks."

@knightinadream group

Achille turned to face the woman. "Yeah, I'm from Sicily, ciccino…", He answered. While he put his hands into his pockets, he took a quick glimpse of what she was wearing. No woman in Italy ever walks around in clothes like that, let alone men too…No one does. And the other two….they're wearing strange clothes too. Really strange clothes, even rich people in London don't wear such things.

"The hell are you all talkin' about? Great War? North Korea? 1984? It's 1896, Italy made an alliance with Germany and Austria just a few years ago," He stated, "And everyone is going to America cause anyone can make money there now or run away from the mafia. Is that what you guys are doin?"

@larcenistarsonist group

"It's 1919. Italy betrayed Germany and the rest of the countries in the Triple Alliance in the Great War. The War to end all wars. How do you not know?" Bianca looked over the three men. "Are you three alright? Do you require medical attention?"

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"Medical attention for me?" Eric asked, "you're the ones who need it!" Looking at the clothes each was wearing and the way they acted, he realized something. "All of us aren't crazy," he said walking closer to each of the three, "we were in our own time, and we ended up here. Time exists here, but the four time periods we are from is jumbled together like a big ball of… time waves. Like water in a bowl."


"Looks like someone has been doing a little too much-"

Adam made a motion to mimic smoking.

"Clearly what has happened is you guys brought me here to beat me up or some shit because you found out I was gay, just go ahead and get it over with, I have places to be."

He braced himself for punches, or something of the sort.