forum They Come at Night (Crime/Romance) (OxO MATURE)
Started by @Desvelarse pets

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@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn's senses buzzed when the man spoke to him. He bristled, glancing over once again. "Yeah, man, I'm good- thanks," he replied shortly, turning his gaze quickly back to his drink. He swirled the liquid around in his glass before taking a small sip. He wondered why the stranger was talking to him. He didn't think that he seemed off, did he? Could everyone in the room tell that he had something to hide? Were they all looking at him, being able to feel the weight of his sins on his shoulders?

Vaughn shook the thoughts away as Figure snickered. With that in mind, he downed the rest of his drink, having to clear his throat afterwards. He ordered another one, that probably being his fifth drink of the night. Sixth maybe? He wasn't keeping track. Not that he wanted to remember this night anyways. He would end up stumbling back to his gas station either way.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn hums at the strangers words. “Alright. Well…if ya need anythin’…I’m here, yeah?” He sets his glass down, eating a couple more cherries. As the night went on, they grew more and more worried for this man. He only got more and more drunk as the night dragged on. He was very concerned for his safety of going home. They didn’t want anyone else getting hurt with a murderer around. Then…he thought of their most insane idea yet.

“Would you like me to walk ya home? I’ve got nothin’ better to do.” He smiled. A genuine look of kindness in his cold eyes. They decided that they should show their gentle side for once. It would be a nice change.

“Besides…” They went on, “I’m not plannin’ on gettin’ too drunk tonight. But you seem to be doin’ the opposite.” He chuckles softly, trying his best (and failing) to joke.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn had planned on having a calm, quiet night to decompress on his own, but the man next to him seemed to have other ideas. He thought he was making it clear by his body language that he did not want to be social, and that was obviously failing.

He ended up tapping out after eight drinks. He was nowhere near being a light weight, but he couldn't deny feeling fuzzy as the alcohol took the edge off his nerves. When the man offered to walk him home, he turned to more properly face him, head tilted slightly to the side. "Now why would you want to do that?" he hummed.

After thinking for a moment, his intoxicated brain came to the easiest answer. "Trying to sleep together or something?" he asked, a lazy smirk appearing on his lips in an instant. He had one-night stands and hookups from time to time, usually after getting a few drinks into his system. It seemed to push Figure from his brain for a moment, which helped him to make more of these reckless decisions.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn blushed violently at these words, sputtering, “I- n-no! No that’s not-“ he covers his face. “Augh- look- I’m just a bit worried- you’re drunk and I don’t want anything happening to you.” He looks back up, still blushing slightly. He then clears his throat in attempt to ground himself.

“I-I…I’m just wanting to be nice is all. Make sure you make it home safely. Especially with a killer running around. I mean…don’t get me wrong…I agree with him- but- that’s not the point-“ he takes a breath.

“Would you mind me walking you home? Just…for a piece of mind. Please?” His cheeks were still red as he spoke, showing just how easily flustered he could be.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn's smirk faded into more of a perplexed expression. "You just want to walk me home," he repeated, a brow raising in slight confusion. That was until he mentioned the killer. He could have choked on his drink in that moment if he had one.

"I would have no worry about the killer. He only kills abusers, you know," he commented, looking away as he ran a hand through his hair. "I don't take strangers to my home anyways. So, I can either come to yours or go on my own."

He wouldn't ever risk showing some stranger the gas station. It was sure to have incriminating things strewn about. He finished off the last of his drink before looking at the man. "Besides you're a stranger. I don't even know your name. What is it?" he pressed, leaning forward a tad now. It was clear that he got a bit more talkative now that he had a bit of liquid courage in his system.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn nods understandably. “Yeah…I know. And I totally get it.” He eats the rest of their cherries and pushes the bowl over. “If you want…you can come over to mine. It’s…more of an apartment but it’s still home to me.” He smiles warmly. “And you can stay the night so nothin’ bad happens. Believe it or not I used to be a bodyguard.” He snickers, leaning back.

He then blinks as he was asked his name. “Oh. Aragorn. Pleasure to meet you…?” He tilts his head, wanting to know this new acquaintances name.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn listens to Aragorn talk about being a bodyguard. He gave the man a once over, and it made a bit of sense to him. He seemed to be fit and well built enough to have a job like that. “Vaughn,” he answered when asked about his name. He wondered if that would come back to bite him in the ass, but decided not to worry about that now.

Vaughn finished the last bit of his drink before taking out his wallet. He gave a couple of bills to the bartender to pay for his drinks, along with a bit extra for a tip. “Well I’m ready to get out of here when you are,” he hummed, getting to his feet. His side ached sharply from the stab wound and he bit his tongue, keeping himself from grimacing at the pain.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn nods, paying for his drinks and standing. The dude was tall. With his heel boots on, he was even taller than Vaughn. He smiles as he pulls his hair half up to keep it out their face and walks to the door. They took big, striding steps and it almost seemed impossible for anyone with shorter legs to keep up with him. As he walked, they seemed to become a little more scary to anyone who hasn’t already spoken with him. They honestly looked to be running terminator style at a target.

After a short walk down a couple of streets, they finally made it to a small yet nice little apartment complex. Aragorn took out a card and pressed it to a scanner, then, the door opened to let him and Vaughn in. They held the door open for Vaughn, smiling softly. Once he was in, Aragorn closed the door and headed up a flight of stairs. “My rooms the second to last door at the end of the hall.” They say softly. Once they make it to Aragorns room, he unlocks the door with the same key card and opens the door. “Sorry for the mess-“

The room wasn’t exactly messy, just showed signs of someone living there. There was a desk with tons of papers stacked onto each other, folders on a table, some clothes on the floor. Nothing too crazy. Though, all his clothes seemed to look the same. White dress shirts, black or very dark brown pants, and a pair of brown boots the same as the ones he had on now, and two pairs of heeled combat boots. One dark brown, the other black. He definitely seemed to be a minimalist.

“You hungry? I could run down to the kitchen and get you something.” He smiles warmly.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn followed after Aragorn, a tad surprised by the man’s height. He really did hope that the man wouldn’t try anything, as he was not in the right condition to be fighting with someone more fit than him. Normally he would at least try, but not with his current injuries.

Once they were inside, Vaughn took note of the things around him. “That’s alright, looks better than my place right now,” he replied. The gas station was always a mess. He tried to keep it clean but it got dirty so fast due to his ‘job’. He often came back covered in mud, dirt and blood, and always ended up tracking it everywhere.

“No, I’m ok, I don’t need anything to eat. Thank you, though,” he answered. He slipped his shoes off by the door, not wanting to be too rude in the strangers home. He was exhausted though, and really couldn’t wait to get into a bed and pass out.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn smiles and nods. “Of course. Feel free to take the bed. I’ll be working till like…3.” He laughs softly and points to the bathroom. “If you need to, you can take a shower and then sleep. I’ve got fresh towels and such ready just in case.” He sighs as he plops down on his desk and looks back at Vaughn. “And if there’s anything you need…I’m here. I’ll sleep on the floor so you don’t need to worry too much.” He chuckles.

The bed was already made. And it was huge. It made sense though from how tall Aragorn was. They also tended to sprawl out in the night, so even if Vaughn wanted to share, he wouldn’t get much room. Aragorn sighs and turns back to his computer after a moment, bouncing their leg.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn was more than happy about the size of the bed. He had what was considered a twin sized cot at the gas station. His legs always hung off of it, and it’s led to him having thousands of sleepless nights due to discomfort.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning back onto his elbows, watching Aragorn. “You’re going to sleep on the floor? The bed is big enough,” he said, before tilting his head in a dog-like manner. “You’re not going to sleep with me?” That’s what he had been under the impression would happen, so he was a tad confused on why else the man would invite a stranger into his home to stay the night.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn blinks, blush creeping on their cheeks. “Uh- no? Why would I? I respect your personal space after all.” He clears their throat. “Besides- I sprawl out anyways- there wouldn’t be enough room even if I slept at the edge of the bed.” He looks back at his computer. They seemed flustered by the comment as if they had never even slept in the same room with anyone before. Which was probably true from his limited memory.

They soon went back to their typing, “Oh- if you need I can run to the store as well and get you some sleep wear. Or you could borrow mine if need be. You seem like you’d fit.” He shrugs, still bouncing their leg.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn hummed in reply to Aragorn’s rambling. He felt a tiny bit disappointed, but guessed it was for the best. He wasn’t in his right mind at the moment due to the alcohol. “Your loss,” he said in a sing-song tone, pushing his hair back. He let his gaze wander to the computer, being a tad curious about what Aragorn could possibly be working on at this time.

At the offer of clothes, Vaughn sat up. “That would be appreciated. I’ll borrow something of yours, if that’s alright,” he replied. They would be a tiny bit big on him but that was not a big deal. He would just be sleeping, after all.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn nods. “Go right ahead. The closest is in the wall to your right.” He keeps working. The computer had several tabs open at once. All reports of the killer and how many victims he’s killed. They wouldn’t lie and say they didn’t agree more on these actions…but at least leave it to the police…

Well…come to think of it- the police wouldn’t really be able to do much…

He shook his head and continued working, writing notes every now and then. He kept fidgeting with things as he did so, mumbling under his breath. They never really heard of meds that could help with your mind. So when they were informed years later by a doctor that he not only had ADHD, but also OCD. He couldn’t believe it. All his life he just thought he was weird. All those years. Well…at least the ones he could remember.

Despite his seemingly messy room, he was pretty neat. Just…in his own way. His ADHD and OCD would usually contrast each other. But he very soon found a balance between the two. Very neatly stacked piles of paperwork ordered from different topics and importance would be set onto his desk. Absolutely no clothes could touch the floor, but they could be neatly placed in a chair. The only things that belonged on the floor were shoes and maybe a few pieces of clothes that have been dirtied and torn beyond use. Those were to be used to clean the mud off his shoes.

He shook his head again to try to focus. He drums his fingers on the desk, counting quietly as he tried to continue working.

@Desvelarse pets

(You're good!)

Upon seeing that Aragorn was actively looking at information about the killings, Vaughn froze. Was Aragorn a police officer? Detective maybe? He had said that he was a bodyguard, but maybe he also worked for the police. Why else would he be looking closely into the murders? Did he suspect Vaughn or was it a coincidence that he just happened to invite the killer he was searching for into his home?

Vaughn snapped out of his shock, composing himself as quickly as he was able to. He needed to act natural, he was ok. The clothes, he needed to get a change of clothes. He got up off the bed and stepped to the closet, opening it up. He grabbed a simple t-shirt and pair of pants, then excused himself to the bathroom to change.

Once inside, he locked the door quickly and leaned back against the door. He caught his breath, sliding down to sit on the floor. What terrible luck he had. Figure stood above him; its head tilted down. It stared at him with that toothy smile. 'You could kill him,' it hissed. Vaughn shook his head quickly, eyes shut tight as his hands gripped at his own hair. No, he couldn't. Not in this state where he was already recently injured. He was stuck.

@Eli-the-transboi group

After a while, Aragorn sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair. He was getting nowhere. He turned off their computer and started making a bed on the floor. They then look up to see if they needed to check on Vaughn. “You ok, lad?” He calls out, slightly worried.

He bites his lip, then quickly gets changed and lays down. “I’m headin’ to bed…if you need me…just wake me up.” He yawns, rubbing their sleepy eyes. He felt exhausted…and yet so very restless. He tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep no matter how hard he tried. He only got more and more frustrated as time went on.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn was trying his hardest not to panic. He did not need to lose his cool here. He looked to the bathroom window and debated on climbing out. No, that would be a clear suspicion, and Aragorn would now know his physical description and name. He would be fucked if he did that, whether he managed to get away in the moment or not.

He flinched harshly at the knock on the door, his heart beating loud in his ears. Paranoia ran rampant in his brain. He was currently convinced that Aragorn knew everything. He would come out of the bathroom and there would be multiple officers in the room, waiting to lock him up. Then, his life would be over. Everything would be over.

"I'll be right out," Vaughn replied, trying his hardest to keep his voice steady and calm. He had to toughen up and get through the night. Once he did, he would be home free, and he never had to see Aragorn again. He quickly threw on the change of clothes, folding his up to put off to the side of the bed. He came out from the bathroom, setting the clothes down in their place before sitting down on the bed. Aragorn was on the floor by the bed, and Vaughn did his best to move silently. He got onto the bed, laying down and staring up at the ceiling. He had a feeling it would be a long night.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Lo and behold…it was a long night for the both of them. Aragorn couldn’t sleep until 4 in the morning. And once they did manage to sleep…they had a terrifying nightmare that woke them up screaming bloody murder. He shot up from their makeshift bed, trembling with fear. Sadly…these nightmares happened every single night…

He couldn’t seem to calm down though as he started hyperventilating. They kept shaking and trembling as they quietly curled up in a ball, staring in front of them. Flashbacks of blood and death spiraled through their mind, causing the panic to worsen. Yet…they still managed to stay quiet, thinking Vaughn was sleeping. He at least hoped his guest was still asleep…if he wasn’t…he’d quickly apologize and explain that this was totally normal for them to wake up screaming.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn had eventually been able to drift off to bed, but was quickly woken up by the sound of a scream. He jerked awake with a startled noise, his hand instinctively going to his hip. He didn’t have his gun on him, it was tucked away with his pile of clothes that was set aside. His heart was pounding, and he was now sitting up- body tense and eyes wide with shock and confusion.

“What the hell, man?” Vaughn breathed out, “Gave me a fucking heart attack.” Now that the initial shock was over, he was a bit less tense, but still on edge. Especially with what he found out last night. He hasn’t forgotten about that, as much as he wanted to. He almost wished that he had never seen Aragorn looking into him in the first place. A bit of blissful ignorance sounded nice right about now. He was almost home free, though. He just had to get out of there at this point. Maybe that would be easier said than done.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn looks over and starts apologizing over and over again, first in Irish, then English. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! This happens literally every night- I’m sorry!” He clears his throat and quickly wipes the tears from his eyes. “I didn’t mean to- I shouldn’t have screamed- it’s just nightmares…”

He was still hyperventilating despite his attempts to calm himself. He was petrified. The images kept coming back. He looked…terrified. His pale skin had fully drained of any color left, leaving him looking like a ghost.

He shakes his head and looks down, his long now straight hair covering his face. “I’m so sorry…”

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn sat there with wide, surprised eyes. He watched Aragorn breakdown and had no idea what to do to even begin to comfort the man. He rubbed the heels of his palms against his eyes, trying to get rid of the tired feeling. He felt like he hadn’t slept at all, and would honestly love to just go back to sleep.

“It’s ok, you just startled me,” he breathed out. He couldn’t fault Aragorn for that. He had his own fair share of night terrors from time to time. They were usually repeats of what happened to him and his family as a child. There were many moments he woke up screaming and shaking like a leaf.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn clears his throat. “I’m- gonna step out for a bit. I’ll try to be quiet. I apologize for the disruption.” He slowly stands, still trembling slightly as he makes his way to the door. “Don’t worry. You’re safe by the way. All the windows can’t break and they’re glued shut. I always pick the safest places.” He keeps their head down as they open the door.

They take a deep breath, now out of sight from the bed as they rest their head on the door. After a moment, he walks out and quietly closes the door with a small click. After he was out, he paced the hall back and fourth. His footsteps were completely silent as if he’s done this all his life. Obviously they were traumatized…but they thought that only the cult was the reason…but now…he wasn’t too sure. Some of those flashbacks he didn’t quite remember…

Aragorn shook their head and continued pacing, their hair in his face as he did so. If any…they looked straight out of that movie “The Ring.” Just blond and not soaking wet. Though some people have actually mistaken this man for a ghost before. It would make sense…their movements were the definition of graceful. And everything about him was pale. Even those eyes that seemed to almost glow in the dark. It was a miracle no one decided to walk out of their room. Otherwise they’d be met with a very frightening surprise.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn watched silently as Aragorn left, jaw clenched tight. Now he knew he couldn’t leave through the windows, even if he wanted to. He sighed as he eased himself up and out of bed. He made his way to the bathroom, pulling the shirt off and looking at himself in the mirror. His body was toned and adorned with scars. He had a tattoo on his forearm that read ‘Adeline.’ The main focus was the wound on his side. He peeled there bandages back to take a look at it. Thankfully, the stitches were holding and the wound hadn’t reopened. The messy job would do until he could get back to the gas station and take care of it properly again.

He stepped back out into the main bedroom, shirt still removed, and walked over to the bed to find his clothes. He would have preferred to leave as soon as possible and not allow Aragorn ask many questions once he returned. His gaze shifted to the computer, tempted to take a look. What did the man know about him and his case? Why was he looking into it in the first place? The answers were on that computer.