forum The World Walker ((one-on-one// fantasy-romance GaY//closed))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Yrelta, a world much like Earth only with some few significant differences. For one, the world is vacant of nearly all colour, the world set in darkness and grey. They have three moons, but the main difference is The World Walkers.

World Walkers are people who have the ability to travel through the void and into other universes. They're highly trained and highly respected in Yrelta's main city, Kerrian.
World Walkers carry out tasks and missions, help save other worlds from danger and their own if need be.

Alex Lowe is a closed off, reserved and stand off-ish person. He's none for being cold and blunt, not beating around the bush and getting right to the task. He has a temper, one he tries to keep under control but dealing with idiots doesn't help.

When Yrelta come under threat, Alex is tasked with traveling to Earth and finding the boy who is able to help them.

This boy has extraordinary power that not even he knows how to unlock and master, and Alex has to help and guide him if his world is going to survive.

Okay, I have way too many roleplays and too little time but honestly I wanted to do a roleplay that kinda fleshes out the world in my book a little more.

Yes this will be gay. It'll contain gore, swearing and shit like that so be prepared.

I'll post a temp if anyone is interested.


Well it could be anything. They need to be strong and slightly unstable in the beginning to help the plot but nothing too op. But just go crazy.


Name: Micah Jennings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Closeted Gay
Appearance: He wears glasses most of the time though he has contacts, but they irritate his eyes so he never wears them.
Personality: Micah can come off as reserved, shy. Around his few friends he's very outgoing and fun and a ball of happiness. He's frightened at loud noises, mostly thunder storms or fighting. He's a cat person, has a cute little fluffy kitten that he normally sleeps with.
Likes: His kitten, reading, being with friends, going on adventures with said friends
Dislikes: That he can't come out to family and friends, having to be so secret and hiding his true self, loud noises,
Powers: Micah can control the weather, which he doesnt know and his powers haven't fully developed
Backstory: Micah comes from a relatively small town, hence his secrecy. It's more of religious town. He knows if he tells just one person everyone will know by the end of the day. His parents would probably throw him. It wouldn't be the worst thing expect that he would have no wjere to stay after that. His parents scream at each other and slam doors and break things almost every night, hence the fear of loud noises.
Other: he is emotionally attached to his kitten


Alex ran. He dodged trees and logs, using his power to jump from one space to anything to get away from the creatures that were hunting him. Kerrian had fallen, and it was up to him to find the one person that would be able to him him save it.

Using the last burst of his power, he jumped through the void, closing the portal to his home and landing, well, more stumbling and falling over, on the other side. Earth. 2019. The name of the town he couldn't remember as he'd hit his head on the side walk. The colour and the sun Alex noticed first, the light showing how pale he was contrasted to his dark clothes.

He knew he was bleeding from multiple points in his body, his left shoulder being the main point of pain. A bell rung in near by, probably a school finishing for the day.


Micah packed up his bags. It was only a couple minutes until the bell was going to ring. He talked quietly with his only friend in the classroom. Unfortunately, all of his other friends were in other classes.

The two of them continued to talk even after the bell rang. They only seperated once they exited the school. His friend going to the parking lot, Micah walking home. His older sister was currently using his car while her's was in the shop. It wasn't a far walk, took maybe ten minutes to walk home, maybe a little longer. It gave him peace of mind to walk, see nature.

On his walk, he saw a clump on the ground, walking closer, he noticed it was a body. He let out a small scream, quickly clamping hisnhands over gis mouth. There was a lot of blood. What should he do? He should probably call an ambulance. He struggled to get his phone out of his pocket


The scream caught Alex off guard, and he immediately frowned. He stood, groaning softly and leaning against the nearest lamp post, "There's no need to fucking scream, I'm fine." He said, quietly yet still harshly as he looked down his shoulder and down at the boy. His senses were too scrambled to realise this was the person he was looking for.


"Wait what?" Alex whipped around, groaning and clutching his shoulder, "Whatever you're doing, stop, I'm fine." He said. He wasn't great with technology or this world, having only been here once or twice.


"B-b-but you're bleeding. You n-need to g-go to the h-hospital." Micah stared at the boy with wide eyes. He wasn't sure what to do. School had never prepared him for a situation like that.

Micah had finally gotten his phone out of his pocket and had unlocked, ready to dial 911


Alex huffed a little, trying to think quickly. He couldn't go to the hospital, "Do you have any medical supplies where you live? I can patch myself up."