forum Strange Magic and Strange Children // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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"…I'll do it." She said finally, voice tense. She didn't even want to know what made her tick. Smoke rose from where her fingertips were still pressed harshly into the wood, fear creeping up and loosening her control over herself for a few moments. She hated to admit it, but the way the man could calmly deliver such a threat legitimately scared her.


Lord Kantner's eyes flickered to the smoke, and a faint smile tugged at his lips. "Ah, good. Now then, I do need to know exactly what you can do, if you don't mind telling me?" He asked, though it was more of an order than a question. Valentin took in a breath, shifting his feet where he stood by the door.


"Fire." She said, trying to keep her voice even, even if the smoke was giving her nerves away. "I don't know the extent of it, I just know I lose control, and things burn." She looked up at Lord Kantner, face stony. "I hold just enough control to avoid setting everything around me ablaze."


Lord Kantner frowned. "Ah, well, then the first thing you'll need to work on is control, now isn't it? We'll find you a place to work on that." He glance at Valentin. "Cosmo! Is there a place nearby that she could work on this?"

Valentin blinked, startled at being addressed. "Nun, Sir, nicht annähernd Holz, da sie das Feuer kontrolliert." He replied, in German, not quite confident in his English skills.


Alcesta looked between them. She didn't speak much-or really any-German, but she did want to learn how to control herself. She didn't want to have to be scared of a repeat of the last time she lost control. She looked over at the other man, shifting slightly from discomfort.


Alcesta flexed her hands slightly, starting to feel needles and pins take hold. "Would you mind please telling me what is going on?" She asked, looking up at him.


"He was saying you cannot practice near wood, as it would burn, so you cannot practice in the house. Perhaps I shall write to…" He trailed off, thinking.


Alcesta nodded slightly, biting down on her lip. She hated having to sit still for long, it made her antsy. She shifted again, at least to move a tiny bit.


He snapped his fingers faintly. "I'll write to a friend. We'll have to put our plans on hold until we have a place for you to practice. Cosmo, untie her and lead her to her rooms." He looked at her. "You will remain in your room unless I am with you. Do you understand? And you are not to set anything on fire or try to escape, or I will follow through on my words from earlier. Do you understand me?"


"Yes, sir." She said, a little relieved to finally be untied. "I understand." She didn't want to be picked apart by scientists. Granted, she also hated her current option, but at least she got a bed for the night.


Valentin came closer, and undid the ropes binding her to the chair. He did not help her up, a bit wary she would burn him. "Come along." he said, in English, though his words carried a heavy accent. "Your rooms are all ready fur you." there was a faint slur, almost, to the way he spoke, and a strange twist in each of the vowels, due to the fact that German was his native tongue.


Alcesta pushed herself up, shaking her hands a little. "Thank you." She said, giving him a small smile, holding her hands in front of her, if only so they knew she wasn't going to try anything.


Valentin just blinked at her, leading her out of the room and down a hallway, quiet as he walked. He hoped she would be alright; Lord Kantner had been serious about punishing her.


Alcesta trailed after him, defaulting back to keeping her head down. She didn't know what they would want her to do for them, and she dreaded finding out. However, she feared punishment more.


He opened the door to a small bedroom. "Bathroom is attached." He said, standing back so she could enter. "Please do not climb from zhe vindow."


Alcesta stepped inside, looking around. "Believe me, I wasn't planning on it." She said, putting her hand in her pocket and finding to roll she had stolen earlier. She had almost forgotten about it in the chaos. She pulled it out, looking at the man. "Have you eaten yet? I can break it in half, if you'd like some." She always felt bad eating in front of someone without at least offering them something.


He arched an eyebrow at her, looking flabbergasted. "No, I absolutely do not want a roll from your pocket." He spat, seemingly unable to decide whether he was shocked, angry, disgusted, or amused, or all four at once. He grimaced faintly, looking away to look around the bedroom, crossing his arms and frowning.


She shrugged slightly. "Suit yourself, then." She said, taking a small bite and dropping her shoulders slightly. It was the first thing she had in a while that wasn't stale.


After a moment, he frowned, seeming to realize he had been rude. "My…pardon. I beg pardon. Is this some English tradition I was unaware of?" He looked confused, whatever shock and disgust now faded away.


She placed a hand over her mouth for a second, swallowing quickly. "Oh, no, it isn't a tradition or anything." She said, voice gentle. "I just feel bad keeping food if I don't at least offer some." She smiled slightly, still holding the roll.


"Don't apologize. It's not as if I speak any German." She said. "And if it's any consultation, English is confusing for the English as well."


She nodded, taking another bite of her roll. "There are words I used wrong for years because they sounded similar." She admitted. "Most of the language doesn't make much sense."