forum *Snake Eyes* [Private O/O |Rated M| Stalkers Welcomed]
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

This is a private romance roleplay with @Emi-Is-Not-Sure™.

In the times of ancient Greece, a woman who's been born without the gift of eyesight stumbles off in the dead of night. She meets someone that within that calm somber night who she will never forget.

Deleted user

Like if the template bothers you we don't have to do the template… idfk….

Deleted user

Na it's ok. I'd rather hop in but it's what chu want

No, we can hop in, I'm fine with that.

Deleted user

Shifting breezes danced through the clear skies, the gentle warm air dancing along her skin as she walked somberly through the cottonwood forest. She relished the somber sounds of the night as she climbed the gentle incline. She counted her steps and touched the nearby trees as she walked upon her ascent up the small mountain. Her wavy brown hair blew within the wind, she felt the air ease against the back of her neck.
She came to rest upon a rock at the top of the mound, sitting silently with an elegant yet gentle pose. Her foggy grey eyes remained still as she began to hum a soft tune.
(This good? My brain really doesn't want to work today.)

Deleted user

(Yes it's good. But could you describe her eye/hair color? And perhaps her name?)

Deleted user

(Done, I'm going to say her name in the next post if that's ok.)

Deleted user

(That's alright, sorry I made you change it, lol)

(It's all good.)

Deleted user

(alright almost done ssorry for the wait.)

(It's okay. Thank you for not leaving this. ^~^)

Deleted user

(Ye I wouldn't leave it, lol. I'm just super swamped and I can't get to this to write a long enough response.)

Deleted user

(Ye I wouldn't leave it, lol. I'm just super swamped and I can't get to this to write a long enough response.)

(I understand.)

Deleted user

Medusa tread carefully through the soft forest lit by moonlight, the grass she moved under her feet shining in the moonlight like stars. Medusa's little snakes were curled up around her neck, enjoying the warmth from her pulsing heart in her neck as she moved behind tree to tree, her long body curving and her gray dress swishing silently against the bark of a tree. Her eyes suddenly feasted upon a shadow, which made her little snakes rise their curious, hungry snoots.
Medusa slowly stepped closer so she was ducked in a bush nearby, looking and following the shadow to a beautiful woman's back. Her long hair shone a dusky gray color and her shoulders were neatly outlined in the brushy highlight of the moon.

Deleted user

(Finally, aaah it's so good!)

Her ears pricked at the slight noise, her head turning gently. The movement causing her hair to shift in the wind. She tilted her head slightly, attempting to distinguish any other noises.
Selene closed her sightless eyes, letting her body rest. The scent of wisteria whirled within the air, a soothing aroma that wasn't present a few moments prior. Cocking her head up slightly, she gave a small utterance of confusion, lifting her hand to grasp at the hair which shone within the clear moonlight. Despite the confusion gushing within her, she remained to feel completely at peace.
She spoke quietly, her voice soft like rose petals blooming within a morning's mist. "Is anyone there?"

Deleted user

Medusa curled away behind a tree when the woman tilted her head. Her voice gently touched her ears and made her hands shake. The soft voice reminded her of how alone she had been these past couple days… how she longed for another soft touch was all she needed.
She cleared her throat softly and shifted up, a twig snapping under her foot. Medusa flinched before responding:
"There is someone here. Why are you here?"

Deleted user

"I come here to clear my head." She faced the breeze, the wind blowing along her face pleasantly. She tapped her fingers along the rock, the pads of her fingers not making a sound against the stone. "This small mountain has the best spot over the valley and near the river. The gentle breezes, the scent of lavender and fresh water always soothe my head…" Her soft voice trailed off as the movements along her hands came to a close. "Yet if I am intruding, I shall willingly leave." She remained in her inoffensive poise, merely running the fingers on her left hand over her other arm.

Deleted user

"You come here to clear your head, but who else have your brought?" Medusa murmured to herself, then looked forward at the human again.
"This mountain is my mountain, mortal. You are trespassing with the threat of bringing more like you. I'd like you to leave immediately."

Deleted user

She ceased the movements along her arm. "Of course, I understand." She placed her soft hands against the stone and pushed herself up, wobbling slightly as she did so.
She turned to the voice, keeping her hazy gray eyes open gently. "I assure you I have not brought anyone else with me, and I will not return if that is what you desire. I thank you for being gracious and leaving this civil." She nodded her head in respect before turning to make her descent down the mountain.

Deleted user

The Monster frowned slightly as she watched the mortal leave. She shifted from her place and slowly walked out to her, blinking.
"Then why are you here? Certainly you have a reason to show yourself into this forest." Her voice was still soft and unsure at the female, but Medusa suddenly realized she did not want the woman leaving. She could pass on news about her wearabouts…

Deleted user

The sightless woman turned, tilting her head. "This mountain and its beautiful serenity sooth my mind. My senses are often overloaded, especially with the loud noises of the village." Selene rubbed her fingers together lightly, intrigued by the woman's sudden questioning. "But, I should be on my way." She bowed respectfully, the moonlit strands of her hair dipping down with her head. "I thank you once more, ma'am for being so merciful despite my trespassing."