forum Rp with a super cool title (1/1) (CLOSED)
Started by @-LemonTail- language

people_alt 64 followers

@-LemonTail- language

Alrighty so here are the plot ideas I have, but what do you think?

One is kind of dystopian, evil government/group or something, plotting to take over world, one hero must save all idk :/ (we can add romance bc yes)
Another one is like middle ages, castle, kings and queens, assassin sent to ki// someone (idk who) then they fall in love bc yes
Another idea is like this modern day themed one with horses and the country and wild and idk the plot but it's fine
Another another idea is 1800s person suddenly appears in the 21st century, or vice versa.
All of these are very rough, I'm still figuring out plot and such but if y'all have any ideas, I'm open lol

@-LemonTail- language

(alrighty then we'll just make it up as we go I guess. So. What time period and do you want to be the person who randomly appears or should I? The person who does not will just find the character who appears I guess :P)


(THIS IS A JOKE, I'm making the real one in a bit)

Name: Alexander Hamilton
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: Just google it, you know what he looks like.
Strengths) Fighting wars
Weaknesses) People who encourage me to cheat on my wife
Likes) Writing
Dislikes) Stopping writing
Other) Not much
Background: Dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean, Grew up to be a hero and a scholar. Got a lot farther by working a lot harder by being a lot smarter by being a self-starter. By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter. Then a hurricane came, blah blah blah, When he was 10 his father split, two years later see Alez and his mother bed-ridden half dead… And Alex got better but his mother went quick. Moved in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide. Left him with nothing but ruined pride… He started retreating and reading every treatice on the shelf…Started workin, clerkin for his late mother's landlord, trading sugarcane and rum and all the things he can't afford, se him now as he stands on the bow of a ship heading for a new land…
Other: Alexander Hamilton