forum Romance? Siblings? I dunno... [CLOSED but stalkers get iced sugar cookies shaped like Christmas trees and snowmen]
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 1 follower


"I want to continue our little…kiss…but I also want to know if there's any place you want to go" she replied, placing her arms in her lap.


"We could go home then?" she asked, knowing she'd be tired if she stayed up too late because she had practice the next day.

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"Alright," he said, returning her smile as he started the car.

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"Did you finish your coffee on the ride?" he asked.

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He shut the door and stood behind her. He moved her hair out of the way and kissed her neck airily.

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He smiled and pulled her into his chest to rest his chin on top of her head. "Where were we?"

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Christian grinned. "With pleasure," he murmured before quickly closing the distance between their lips.