forum Roleplay with grace and whisper. Closed.
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio slid into a cafeteria booth and set his lunch bag down on the table before pulling out his sketchbook and beginning to draw while he waited for Evan to show up. They were supposed to be studying the Spanish class vocabulary assignment together. Though it was more Arsenio testing Evan as he already knew everything on the list. He had taken the class for an easy boost to his GPA. He was hoping Evan could help him learn a few more words in ASL as well. He still didn’t know everything.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Evan quickly grabbed his lunch and sped over to arensio a few hi's and hellos on the way there and he went and sat down next to him tearing into his food immediately. "Hey," he said with food still I'm his mouth. He had accidentally skipped breakfast this morning and his first and second period didn't allow snacks so he was dying. He gulped down some water and wipped his mouth. He pulled out his asL flash cards they had sketches of the hands positioning on them and the meaning on the other side. He could also do the ones that weren't as good drawn.


Sana was in her own little bubble in the cafeteria. Taking up one of the booths farthest in the corner, she was busy studying for tests she forgot she had, eating for the first time in well over twelve hours and drinking enough caffeine to kill a horse. Gently, she hummed to herself as she typed away on her laptop, which was currently balaced precariously on top of a stack of books infront of her food. She didn't even notice the two new aditions to the cafeteria crowd, or bother to even see if there were more people. Right now, she needed to study, not worry about who was around her.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio smiles brightly and quickly formed a hello with his fingers to his forehead. (Words with square brackets are Arsenio talking both with ASL and softly speaking) [“You’re eating fast. Did you forget breakfast again? Or did you sleep in too late?”] He then started pulling out his own lunch, a thermos of homemade stew and a few slices of homemade bread, along with half a dozen cookies. He pushed half of the cookies across the table at Evan before beginning to dig into his soup.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(That's a nice idea)

[Both] He signed(I can't remember what the motion is) he rubbed his closed hand against his chest [sorry] he knew it wasn't pleasent when he talked while chewing. He swallowed his found and took a few breathes. "I stayed up late studying spanish but my alarm never went off…" He took a cookie and nommed out as he rested his head on the table. He did the Tired asl sign, bent B drooping down.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Ok, so obviously they can’t speak ASL like you speak English, but whatever I type as him speaking in sign language is just the gist of it. Also, I have no clue what/who the grail is from Soul Eater as I’ve only gotten through about 7 episodes or so and I’m avoiding spoilers)

Arsenio laughed and reached over to ruffle Evan’s hair before signing, [So studious. I could never study that late. Hope I said that right.] He tore his bread and dipped it into his stew before stuffing it into his mouth. He looked around the cafeteria briefly and his eyes rested upon one girl who was obviously studying hard. His eyes lingered in her a bit too long to be casual.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"oh I just forgot to study the whole rest of the week." He chuckled nervously. He noticed him staring at a girl and elbowed him jokingly. "oh~ I see someone has his eye on someone else~" he jokingly made hearts and the sign for love. Kissy faces. He noticed the girl as well. "did you study for the ASL test?"

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio rolled his eyes at Evan’s forgetfulness. When Evan noticed his staring his growled before signing, [I studied perfectly. And I have the most important sign down pat. Let me show you.] And then he flipped Evan off, his cheeks slightly flushed. Then he grabbed a blank index card and quickly jotted down, “And you know I’m demisexual. Also, fuck ASL for not having a sign for that. Extremely mad here.” Arsenio made a pouty face and stuck his little pink tongue out at Evan. He then averted his eyes and stared at the cafeteria wall, now in a funk about the situation.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He put a Hand to his chest, "im offended, you know I still see that blush." He let it go mostly, staring ag the girl a little himself before focusing on his friend again.
"Yeah well signing is not straight forward. It's not meant to have a ton of weirds it's more expressions then words. Which will probably be on the test too." He poked aresenio sticking his tongue out at him. He did feel a little bit bad about it, his eyes softened a little bit. He was getting a better and on it, but when they first started being friends evan would apologise for everything.
"Sorry." He let it slip out, assuming he needed to apologise.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Wait, does Evan hear Arsenio? Because Arsenio, at least, doesn’t know about his powers, as he’s subconsciously suppressing them. And it’d be weird to explain that the deaf kid can hear him using god-powers)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(Okay so for him it's diluted hearing and he can lip read. He just prefers ASL. He can speak tho. He hears things at the quality of if your head was underwater and someone above water was trying to speak to you.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio immediately snapped his gaze right back to Evan and reached out and set a finger on Evan’s lips. “Nothing to apologize for. Just… my brain is acting up again.” He removed his finger and quickly signed what he had said just in case Evan hadn’t quite heard him as he was very soft-spoken. [“Mental illness sucks.”] He then grabbed one of his cookies and started chomping, hoping the chocolate chips would help boost his Serotonin. He had never gotten diagnosed, as he couldn’t afford to go to a psychiatrist for diagnosis, but it had been made pretty clear to him he had problems and attempted to self-remedy as much as he could, though it wasn’t always enough.


Sana paused in her work just long enough to look up around the cafeteria for the first time in a while, silently scanning the room. Her eyes fixed on two boys a little ways away who were clearly using what she assumed was ASL to comminicate and before she knew it, she was staring. All too quickly, she looked away again. That was more than enough interaction with other students for the day. She was going to get sidetracked from studying otherwise. And so, she forced herself to turn back to her computer, fingers flying over the keys as she wrote down notes and everything she needed for the test.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

he stopped himself from almost saying sorry again. Okay so he figured a hug might help,so he just kinda hugged him. he gave him headpats noticing that he was trying to boost his serotonin or happiness. He figured a hug always made him feel better. he had told him once he would literally pick up jobs just so arecenio could have that therapist. he would do it, no cap. he noticed the girl looking over at them but when he turned to look at her she had already looked away. "Hey i think she just looked our direction, wanna go talk with her?"

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio relaxed with the head pats, as people messing with his hair always felt good to him and was considerably calming. Now, if anyone else other than Evan or his Abuela tried giving him head pats, he’d bite their fingers off. Arsenio perked up at Evan’s words. [“Really? I wonder why she seems so interesting though… She’s acting no different from all the other studying students.”] He shrugged at Evan to show that he he didn’t actually expect a response from him.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

he took the strands of his hair fromhis mouth signing a quick no no no. [none of that.] he huffed he got up, grabbing arecenos wrist and dragging him along the way all the way over to the girl. He waved at her, "hi." and waited for a little while.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Arsenio squeaked as he got dragged along, and just kind of buried himself in his hoodie that he had hacked the arms off of, showing his mandala tattoo and muscled arms. He had been feeling confident about wearing it earlier in the day, but now he was regretting his clothing choices. Not enough fabric to hide in.


Sana didn't glance up at the pair of approaching boys, still neck deep in homework. It was only when one of them spoke up that she did glance up. "Hi there," She said, offering a small smile. Normally no one talked to her when she was working, but she was almost glad for the interruption. She couldn't remember anything anyways.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"Hey! i noticed you looking over here, and we looked over at you so i thought i would just come over and introduce myself so we could become friends." he smiled at her, he didn't seem deaf at all at least from sana's perspective. "Im Evan, This is Arsenio." he gestured a hand in that direction. (I'm gonna have him start calling arsenio Ari.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I was trying to think of a good, nickname, thx!)

Arsenio waved a little, still pulled back into his hoodie, and rubbing his bare arms. He asked softly, “Are you in professor Yuin’s class for business law….?” He thought she looked familiar. He pushed up close against Evan, needing some reassurance as his heart was pounding wildly from anxiety.