forum Revenge of The Forgotten// Private OxO with @FanfictionFanatic
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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It just fit!

Ok so what do you have in mind? I want my character to be a relative of Elsa/Anna and Rupunzel, super jealous of their cousins with ice and light powers who got to rule a country and forgot all about the promises they all made as kids, I have a very basic idea of my character already lmao

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Cool! Personally love that headcanon too!

Umm, unfortunately, I don't have much of an idea for a character… though I do have three Disney “characters”. And I know you know at least two of them; both of them Wonderland themed. And the third is basically the Enchanteress’s daughter from Beauty and the Beast for a Descendants Rp…


Ooh, that would also be fun to see, a dynamic between one who is angry at the Princess for hurting her mother like this and a jealous one who has vowed to destroy everything their cousins have


I think any range would work considering your oc is the daughter of an enchantress and mine is related to someone with healing light powers thay bring youth and one who can create life with her ice powers

I can make a template if you want, but it'll take some time, im washing dishes


Sure, we can use that! I might add in a few extra little sections if I think that I want to add more info

I'm still trying to think of any ability I can give my character. He's going to be a soldier prince of a disgraced kingdom who has some type of relationship with the daughter of Hades. So I was thinking of giving him weapon/s that help him do things like create portals or instantly send someone to the underworld, still developing this part of his template

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(again this is copied directly from the original RP)

Name: Emmeline
Age: 16
Child Of: The Enchantress
Gender: Female
Romantic Orientation: Ehh… not really a priority
Appearance: about 5’8”, Long messy blonde hair, almost glowing green eyes with a slight ring of gold on the outside, very pale skin, a bit on the scrawny side, willowy,
Basic Traits: Cold, sarcastic, honest, intelligent, a little bit vain,
Why They Want Off The Island: To get justice for her mother's wrongful imprisonment and to reclaim the full extent of her mother's powers

Background: As far back as she can remember, it had only ever been her and her mother. She never cared to know about her father because her mother had never mentioned him, if there was one. After her mother's spell on “The Brat” Prince/King Adam was broken, her mother disappeared. Emmeline believes that her Maman was taken by his Royal guards in retaliation for her curse. As of now, Emmy, as her Maman called her occasionally, lives in a little cottage hidden but not too far from a decent-sized city where she sells flowers, herbs, and little natural remedies. But she is very determined to learn all the magic she can from the enchanted spell book her mother gave her, to find her and bring her back home.
Powers: Well, considering she's the daughter of the Enchantress, she's pretty good at magic and even though she's still learning she's able to cast a variety of spells including; illusions, short-range teleportation, some elemental abilities, locator spells but if she needs an item belonging to someone if she's trying to find them while finding a place is easier she still needs to be at least in the same kingdom, simple animation (like from Sorcerer's Apprentice) and transformation but unlike her mother Emmeline can only transform inanimate objects. She also knows some potion making/alchemy but she is unable to curse anyone other than minor or temporary jinxes or inconveniences.
Weapons: Prefers her magic but carries a small collection of daggers.
The FairyTales They Hate The Most: Pinocchio, Emperor's New Groove
Likes: Reading, playing the piano (secret), roses, being beautiful, magic,
Dislikes: Stupidity, arrogance, lack of respect, unrefinement, being called “a Fairy” (she hates that)
Favorite Color: green, gold, and red
Usual Fashion: a short flowing dark green cloak with gold embroidery and long sleeves, a simple red halter top, green leggings under a knee-length skirt that has a slit on one side, a pair of plain brown shoes, a rose-shaped necklace (thorns included),
Distinguishing Marks: her nose has a slight hook to it and she has a bit of a snaggletooth (though she's very self-conscious about both).


I like her! I'll get Rhys up maybe by tomorrow, I have a party for mymlittle brother tomorrow and need to prep so idk when I'll be free but tomorrow night I'll try to get it up


Name: Rhysand Graye
Nickname/s: Rhys (pronounced Rise)
Age: 17
Child Of: the King of Opariell and cousin of Rupunzel and Else/Anna
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Rhys is lean and tall, about 6'0, but muscular. His hair is naturally grey but his parents would dye it brown when he was younger. He tried dyeing it brown as an adult but hated the colour. He has scars on his face and body from years training with the military and Black Claw assassins guild after the death of his Mother.
Personality: Rhys is cold and cynical. He can be ruthless and takes joy in scaring people. Although he has a stone hard persona, he does have a caring side thay she rarely shows, Black Claw trained him to think that showing emotions was a sign of weakness

Background:after his mother's death, his father became depressed and cold towards Rhys (later finding out it was because he looked exactly like his mother) and left his happy, naive son to the wolves. The Knights and soldiers would abuse the young 12 year old in a variety of ways. When he was 14, he was on his way to a neighbouring kingdom and his profession was attacked by assassins. They took him with them and upon finding out how much rage was trapped in his thin body, took him in and trained him to fight. Now 16, he returned to find his kingdom in ruins, his father drunk and useless, and the soldiers and Knights forcibly taking the kingdom and running it to the ground. Within a a few months he took the reins back from them but still the kingdom was in ruins. That was when he received news that his cousin, Rupunzel, had returned some time ago and was getting married. Rhys and his father were invited. Rhys went to the wedding and met with his cousins for the first time since he was 12. He saw how Rupunzels parents were completely ignoring his presence and felt rage. Why did this random blonde girl get such a beautiful kingdom without doing anything and his was still in pain? He felt rage and jealousy bubbling and let it fester. It started spilling out when his other cousins Ella and Anna arrived and talked about their achievements. Upon returning to Opariell, Rhys called upon Hades and struck a deal with him, his help to conquer more lands and being his kingdom back to its former glory, and he would serve him for the remainder of his life. Hades was impressed with the faith Rhys had for his kingdom and told him that he would not help him. His servants daughter, Megara's child Aurilla, would be of his assistance. All he needed to do in return was turn this naive flower-picking girl into a warrior. Rhys agreed and took the girl. Aurilla gave Rhys a bow made of polished black stone and an enchanted quiver that held an infinite amount of arrows made with shadowstone and infused with soul stone
Powers: Rhysand doesn't have powers but with his bow and arrows, he is able to send people to the underworld by simply cutting them with the arrows. He can also summon the undead once a day by shooting an arrow on the ground.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, and a curved long sword

The FairyTales They Hate The Most: Rupunzel's parents and Frozen
Likes: he likes [REDACTED]
Dislikes: Everything
Favorite Color: grey
Usual Fashion: Rhys likes to dress comfortable but easy to move in. He wears a thin, fitted undershirt with a charcoal grey shirt that has leather "laces" on the sides to tie to the body. He wears flared black pants that are flexible, a pair of leather boots, and a hooded cape.
Distinguishing Marks: a scar on the right side of his face and scars all over his body

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

It's ok. It's a very good story! Wish I had a little more like that for my character… Though I did come up with a little more stuff for her; like what powers she has and some of what her life is like at the moment…


You're welcome to edit your character if you want, we don't need to start right away!!

Rhys backstory was 80% complete because I took one of my characters and gave him a new personality, his name was Nathaniel but I ended up hating his name so I just changed it