forum OxO TOH rp<3
Started by @FRANKtheTritoposaur group

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Gus booed at the rules. Being the mischievous children that they are, they put Hunter and Willow right next to each other in the very back. Willow was actually paying attention, Hunter was kinda looking out the window appearing a bit frazzled. Within a few minutes they were sitting in a parking lot. The car nearly vibrating from the excitement inside.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(I'm good. My uncle died. We werent close but I saw him a lot. The funeral was earlier and it just kinda feels tired today. It will probs just take longer for a response bc my mind idnt in it.)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

The rest of the kids unloaded and ran to the black gate enclosing the pool. Camilla scanned her ticket pass thing and opened the gate. It was like opening a portal to a buffet in front of people who hadn't eaten in weeks. Gus ran into the pool imeadeatly and almost died. Willow went to a table in a grassy area. Vee, who carried most of the stuff, followed behind Willow. Amity walked in and stared. It was strange, water that people were willingly getting in. Some(most) times walking along the cliff by the boiling seas people were being threatened. She saw a kid get pushed in against his will and let out a small startled yell. Instinct, she assumed.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

"Yeah, I just forgot. Thanks" She smiled and held them in her hand as she sat beside the pool. She stared at the water for a while before reaching out and touching it. "Luz…" She whispered "I don't know how to swim"

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

"Thanks, I'll have to do something for you next time" She pressed a quick kiss to luz's hairline. 5 more minutes and Amity was dressed in floaties and was now making her way to the stairs.