forum O/O anyone?
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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@Becfromthedead group

Name tbd, but posting this so you can get what you need!

Name: Innes

Gender/Pronouns: Cis man, he/him
Age: 26

Appearance: About 5'11, broad chest and shoulders, but otherwise fairly average build with a good amount of muscle tone. His complexion is quite fair, and he WILL burn in the sun. He has dark brown hair in soft, loose curls, which sits at about chin-length. He sometimes ties it back. Pale green eyes with small streaks of brown. He has pretty significant scars on his arms and torso from the attack on his family. There is a pale spray of freckles across his cheeks.
Typical Clothing: Always in long sleeves to cover the scars on his arms. Dark colors. Usually likes wearing button-ups with looser pants and boots. Has never been one for fancy clothes, though usually he had to dress like that growing up. He wears gold half-rimmed glasses.

Personality: Often comes across as super cold, but he really just has a sense of duty, mixed with bitterness and jealousy. He has been trained to be a leader, and in the process, he feels as if he'd withdrawn from his family, but grown to care deeply about the wellbeing of his people. He's the kind of guy who wants to play hero, wants to protect common people, and doesn't really put his family over others in general. He tends to be very closed-off, harbors a lot of secrets, and doesn't do well with feelings. He's suffered from depression over the years, causing others to see him as lazy, undeserving of his inheritance.
Talents/Skills: War tactics, calligraphy, violin. He's also pretty physically strong from training, and can lift more weight than the average person, and has pretty solid endurance for running or other activity. He learned how to use a sword and spear and ride a horse from pretty young, but he's only good at those, not great. Above average intelligence, some alchemy knowledge, knows at least very basic offensive fire magic and basic healing.
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Brief Backstory: Middle child, always felt like his parents were harder on him than his siblings because of his obligations. They were actively looking for a wife for him for a while, but he was dragging his feet on the topic.
Other??: Gay (but very closeted for political reasons), nearsighted

@larcenistarsonist group

ajslkdfj EPIC I love him,,, ALSO how long ago should we make this attack?

Name: Katya (Uhhhh last name)
Gender/Pronouns: Cis female, she/her
Age: 24 years of age

Appearance: Katya is average height (about 5'6") and is built fairly lithe. She is fairly toned, especially after working out tremendously, but she has the body type where she just cannot gain any sort of mass. She has particularly thin facial features with a spattering of freckles across her pale face and shoulders. Katya has long, dark brown hair that reaches to the small of her back. It has a slight wave in it, due to it's natural texture and her constant braiding of it. Katya's favorite hairstyle is her long bangs braided back into a high ponytail. She has hazel eyes, which can be mistaken for brown and green. Her back and biceps are littered with scars from her escape.
Typical Clothing: She prefers to wear simple clothing, even when she was living in the castle. She wears gray-green tunics beneath dark cloaks with comfortable brown pants with knee-high boots. Carries a quiver full of arrows and a satchel full of assorted herbs and medical supplies. A bow's usually slung over her back and holds at least eight daggers in her belt at all times.

Personality: Katya is a very quiet girl who harbors a very deep anger. She's quick to make enemies and hold grudges, not quite thinking before she makes a leap. When she has a goal, it's damn near impossible to shake her off of it. From the lack of attention she got in her youth, she's also prone to acting out with actions rather than words. Katya is angry, but her heart really is in the right place. She wants what's best for the majority, but that side of her is constantly at war with the side of her that wants to tear down the sky to kill the man who wronged her. She's stubborn, doesn't like following orders, and tends to suffer from intense nightmares.
Talents/Skills: Very quick and quiet. Good at sneaking up on people and identifying plants and animals. Because of her identification skills, she's familiar with some magical, healing herbs, but not nearly enough to bank somebody's life on it. She's much better at her brother when it comes to combat, just because she spent so much more time training while he was away at "King Lessons" in their youth.
Favored Weapon: Longbow and daggers

Brief Backstory: Youngest of three and hardly considered for anything. Spent most of her time in stables or training with a fencing coach. Grew slightly bitter towards her parents and older brother, but never hated them. Her parents figured she was too young to be married off, so she never really had that issue. She was particularly close with their older sister, Rianne, and she yearns to avenge her murder.
Other??: She enjoys hunting in her free time. she collects animal teeth. never really thought about romance, nor does she ever care about it (aro/ace queen).

@Becfromthedead group

Thank you! I love Katya as well!
Maybe it was a year or so ago, unless you're thinking longer than that. It just definitely needs to be long enough for them to a. recover from injuries and b. formulate an actual plan. Plus I think it would be cool to explore the aftermath of the throne being usurped!

@larcenistarsonist group

awesome! perhaps we should start a couple villages away from the main village/capital so we can include their planning/brief journey to kill the Bad Guy. Yeah, they've basically been on the run for the past two years gathering Intel and recovering/preparing to reclaim their throne

@Becfromthedead group

Innes threw a notebook on the table in front of Katya.
"I gathered a bit more about them while I was out today. A few things about their organization and its structure, and also a little bit about castle security."
His eyes were much more tired than normal; he hadn't slept well in days once again, between all the research and generally being on edge.
"Any luck on your end?"

@larcenistarsonist group

Katya's eyes sweep over the notebook, taking in her brother's notes. "I asked around," she mutters. She's sitting at a table deep into the tavern, one knee brought up right under her chin while her other leg extends over an adjacent chair. "Nobody here seems overly-eager to hand out damning information about their king." She glances up to her brother, gnawing on the inside of her cheek. "Regardless, I still know about the stable entrance. It shouldn't be guarded too heavily, right? Unless the bastard decided that ponies were worth protecting."

@Becfromthedead group

"I wouldn't count on that," Innes sighed, "If they have the manpower, which they absolutely do, they're going to keep security tight."
He sat down across from his sister at the table. "I need a drink."
He ordered from a bartender who passed by and then turned back to Katya.
"It's a shame that society was just alright with bending to a new king that forced his way in. I can't say dear old dad was the best, but at least he didn't cut people down to get the throne."

@larcenistarsonist group

Katya shrugs, pushing the notebook away from her. She snaps at the bartender, demanding a drink and bowl of nuts for herself. "What else were they supposed to do? Get slaughtered too?" She keeps her eyes down on the table, her fingers tracing patterns into the worn wood of the sticky table. The both know it's been too long since they've been home–if they can even call it that anymore. Two years have passed since Cyril Haverdeen and his forces attacked. It happened late at night. Katya still hears Rianne's screams when there's no other noise.

"Should we head to the next village in the morning?" Katya nods at the waitress who delivers their drinks and snack. She sits for a moment, trying to remember what town is to come. "I think it's Thale… We're in Mercon, right?"

@Becfromthedead group

"That's sadly true…" Innes sighed, thanking the bartender as she passed him his ale.
He pondered over the drink for a bit before answering.
"Yes, I think we've been here long enough. Thale shouldn't be too tough of a journey anyhow."
Innes started putting back his drink much faster than before and ordered a second.

@larcenistarsonist group

"So we'll stay for the night," Katya concludes, sipping at her drink much slower than her brother. She notes his drinking. "You'll become a raging alcoholic if you don't slow down brother." A slight smirk tugs at her lips, but she hides it behind the rim of her stein. Her eyes sweep over the room, observing the other patrons and few waitresses milling about with trays and overflowing mugs. A bartender and innkeeper converse quietly behind a carved bartop. "Should I rent us a room?"

@Becfromthedead group

"If it takes the edge off faster, so be it," Innes replies softly.
He also looks over where the innkeeper and bartender are.
"That's probably for the best, isn't it? I'd rather not travel these trails by night."

@larcenistarsonist group

Katya nods, knocking back the rest of her drink before standing to stride over to the innkeep. "Just one room. Two beds preferably." She slides a few stolen gold pieces over the countertop as the innkeeper nods and hands her an iron key with a room tag clipped to the ring. "Thank you very much, good sir." With another nod, she steps away, twirling the key ring around her finger as she reapproaches her brother. "Did you want anything for dinner or are we good with eating subpar bar nuts for the night."

@Becfromthedead group

"Don't care," Innes replies, taking a few sips of his new drink. "I'm fine without. I'll hunt on the road if I get hungrier. You can get something if you'd like, though."
He looks at the key in his sister's hand, following its motion with his eyes as she twirls it. Yet, his mind is a thousand miles away.
Innes is unsettled and unprepared. He secretly doesn't want to follow through with this. After all, it's only to get the throne back- the very thing he never cared for. But it was even more so to wrest it away from the hands of the scum who stole it some time ago and treated the kingdom with cruelty beyond words.
Innes' expression is soft, vacant, wandering. His head is starting to feel fuzzy halfway through his second drink, and he feels more relaxed, if a bit quiet. A slight flush floods his cheeks.

@larcenistarsonist group

Katya hums as she studies her brother. "I think you should go to bed." She slides the key across the tabletop, the sound screeching and unpleasant even through the hubbub of the tavern. "You're going to drink yourself into a hangover, and you're even more of a pain in the ass to travel with when you have nauseating headaches." With a set jaw, Katya sends another once-over across the room. There are men playing cards in the corner, a woman flirting with the waitresses in the middle, a bard struggling to get past town guards to the stage to her right. Nobody looks like they would possess information damning enough to kill a false king, but there are always moles lurking in the oddest of places. "I'll join you in a little bit, yeah?"

@Becfromthedead group

"A couple of drinks aren't going to get me hungover," Innes protests, looking down into his mug.
At this point, he is tipsy at worst. His speech is still crystal clear, and he doesn't seem too inebriated yet.
"Besides, when's the last time that happened? You really ought to stop fretting over me, sis."

@larcenistarsonist group

"Forgive me for not wanting an alcoholic for a future king," Katya hisses. She knows a tutor she used to have would call her out on her fallacy, but Katya believes that a slippery slope is the only way down for Innes if he continues. "I'm looking out for you and the future of our kingdom, alright? Don't let this become a damned habit, Innes–" At the end of her statement, the whoosh of the opening doors causes her to turn her head. "Shit– Don't look now but a particular guard we lost a few towns back just walked in. I say we get to the room." She flips her hood over her head as she stands with her back to the man, blocking Innes from his view. "Now."