forum Love Knows No Crown nor Throne | oxo | closed
Started by @knightinadream group

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@knightinadream group

Watching others' reactions is something Félix finds himself enjoying. The look on Henri's is enough to make him giggle. His stutter made Félix look away as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He tried to make it go away while setting mini piles of things and figuring out where to put it all.

Just as he turned to go to the wardrobe, he paused. His jaw dropped at the sight of the piles of clothing. Shit. That's all he could think about. Shit. While he did say "organize", this was not what he meant. Nope, not all. If anything, what Henri is doing is also disorganized, but he's not going to say that. Actually, in some strange way, it's kind of cute.

Félix placed the jacket down then rushed over to Henri. "No no no no…" He rested his hand on him for a second then picked up a shirt. "I should have been more specific. I'm sorry." Folding it up, he took it over to a drawer and sat it inside. He repeated this process three more times before returning to Henri's side and giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

"It's okay. We are always learning." This is what his dad always preaches to him. Bending at the waist, he picked another article of clothing up then folded it. This time he handed it over to Henri. "Go put this in that open drawer next to the shirts." He proceeded to point, hoping that this instruction would be more specific, more helpful.

"And when you're done with that, I can teach you how to fold then we'll put these away once we're done folding them. How does that sound?"


Henri flushed a shade of pink as Félix came over to correct him. It was more of a reprimand disguised as a correction. He was smart enough to know that. His mother did it frequently. A bit more under handed and petty, but all the same.
He tried to listen but there was a ringing in his ears. He folded his hands in his lap, looking down. It was happening again. He wasn't good enough. He would never be good enough for the throne. He would never been a good ruler. He would never replace his brother. And apparently, he was never going to be good at cleaning. He couldn't do it.
Henri swallowed visibly, nodding his head like he'd been listening. He took the folded material and placed it in a drawer. Was it the right drawer? Was it the right way to out it in the drawer? He didn't know but it was there and now his job was done.
He walked back over to Félix, the flush having faded from his cheeks. He took a seat next to him, crossing his legs underneath him. He was silent, waiting.

@knightinadream group

Something about the way Henri blushed made Félix stop and think. His mind had wander off from the importance of putting everything away in order to help Henri settle in. There is something else that Henri needs help with and it doesn't involve with these piles of clothes.

The energy in the air changed. And not in a good way. At first, he couldn't tell why. As he folded up clothes and made organized stacks, he pondered about it. In the corner of his eye, he watched Henri and the way that he moved.

Was it something that he had said? It probably is him giving instructions. Henri must not be used to such a thing and having to do simple tasks like folding and putting away things must not be simple for him. No, it must be more than unfamiliar for him.

When Henri had returned to his side, he was just finsihing up with another shirt. He stopped then rested his hand on Henri's back, gently patting it. A beam appeared on his face, but the more he stared at him, the more his smile had turned into a look of concern.

"It's okay, really it is." He looked at the different piles. "You did organize these, that's good. You should be proud for your effort. It really is good. Now let's work together to fold and put them away."


Henri raised his head just enough to look at Félix's face. He wasn't sure if he believed him. He wasn't very good at things. He wasn't very good at anything, other than riding horseback and archery. Hobbies He had picked up at home. Hobbies his brother had taught him ever since he was old enough to ride a horse.
He folded into himself more. He was in over his head. The highs of their kiss was fading and now he was falling low. What was he doing? Why was he doing this? He shouldn't be happy. He didn't deserve to be happy. His brother was dead and he could be next and yet his mother sent him away anyways. Did she want him to die?
Henri waited silently. Félix said he was going ti show him how to fold. So he waited quietly. Expectedly. It looked complicated. He had seen the maid's pressing his clothes once and his eyes almost bogged out of his head. He had no idea that's how it happened. It all looked complicated. He wasn't cut out for this. Maybe if he called his mom she could at least send him a maid to do his laundry. This was too much.

@knightinadream group

Oh he knew that look. Staring at Henri, he did his best to observe the traits held within his expression, within his eyes. It was like staring back into his reflection almost. Everything he had said was with full sincerity. He doesn't bs with it like how others naturally tend to, and yet, he understood the expression. He, in a way, understood Henri in this moment.

"Before we start, promise me this one thing, you do not judge yourself while learning. It took me three years to do this, but I think you will be a pro in no time." It only took Félix three years because he started at six when he was practically by himself outside of school and football practice. He tried learning by himself, but all his clothes would have wrinkles or he ended up losing pairs of socks. And it was little Félix doing the job. Henri will do much better.

He wanted to give Henri a kiss for motivation, yet for the sake of time and learning, he held himself back. Now wasn't the time to think of it anyways. In his mind, he is still thinking about it. God, he never is going to get over what happened mere moments ago.

Félix pulled two dress shirts out of a pile. He sat one in front of Henri then another in front of himself. They can do this bilateral, but he would leave that up to the crown prince. He clapped his hands together, rubbing them eagerly. "Let's get down to business!"

While explaing the process, he did everything he spoke at the same time. "So what are going to do is make sure that all the buttons are buttoned up. Then turn this shirt around….fold the sleeves across the back so they're making a weird x….then fold them up so the cuffs reach the collar…and fold the sides across the middle in thirds….then fold the shirt up from the bottom in thirds…and then…voilà!"

Shifting a little, he turned to hold the folded shirt up with his hands holding from the sides. "See? Now you try. I will be here for every step." Félix looked at Henri with wide bright eyes.


Henri didn't move at his words, even as they sunk into him. He found it hard to believe. Félix seemed to be good at everything. He didn't believe that it took him three years to learn how to do laundry. It sounded excessive and exaggerated just to make him feel better. He didn't see himself ever getting the hang of it, laundry. Or cleaning for that matter. It wasn't that he was ungrateful. He would always thank his maids. He had several conversations with them if he managed to catch them in the halls. Whenever he ate, he made sure he didn't leave a mess. He would stack his things and wipe off the counter. But that was easy. It took no more than thirty seconds to do that. This was so much more and so much longer. Time he could be using doing anything else.
Despite the words circling in his head, he tuned them out to listen to Félix. He didn't want to appear rude. He looked down at the dress shirt, grimacing. He hated wearing those clothes. Dress clothes, nice clothes. It was over the top, uncomfortable, and the complete opposite of him. That was his brother, not Henri. He preferred jeans and graphic tees and sweats. And no one cared what he wore as long as he dressed up when it mattered. But now everyone was watching him. He had to dress to impress at all times.
His hands moved with Félix's, folding the shirt as he did. And while Félix's shirt looked nice and folded, his just seemed off. It was better than his haphazard throwing into piles, but it wasn't a clean and crisp fold. It was just there. Folded but not perfectly. He felt frustrated it didn't look exactly like Félix's. He felt like a failure like he was at everything else. He was never going to be good at anything.
He was never going to be his brother, no matter how everyone around him wanted him to be.

@knightinadream group

Félix watched as Henri followed. Some parts he did perfectly while others were okay. Again this is his first time. He is only learning. The folding was good. Great for someone where it's their first time doing so actually. Six year old Félix would be ecstatic about this. Félix now is ecstatic.

"Awesome!" He carefully took the two shirts then placed them neatly in the drawer side by side. There was still enough room for more to be placed side by side then eventually they'll have to start stacking. More practice for Henri and the two of them will have more time together.

Sitting back down, he took another shirt and went ahead by taking care of it. Then he did the same about a few more times. All that really mattered to him when folding was that the shirt would not have so many wrinkles, but that didn't mean he wouldn't care if there were some. Perfection is rare, and also unrealistic is so many ways. For him, he just tries his best and tries to block out all the thoughts that leave him drained.

Turning to face Henri, he took one of his hands. His thumb rubbing the side of it. Then with his other hand, he softly cupped his cheek. There still that expression that really concerned him. He doesn't want to fix it; you can't do that. But he wants to help in any way that he can. He wants to be there for Henri and for him to know that.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. "We don't have to fold clothes, there's other ways of unpacking and settling in. It doesn't matter…You did a good job with that shirt too, especially it being your first time. Really, I'm proud of you."


Henri felt his lips rise just slightly as Félix continued to praise him. He wasn't used to such praises, from anyone, perhaps Phillippe and it was never in this manor. It was riding or shooting or archery. He scratched at his hair, soothing a imaginary itch.
He looked down as Félix grabbed his hand. He watched as his thumb rubbed his hand. Henri leaned his head further into his palm, eyes closing. He sighed softly before his eyes opened and looked at Félix. He drew his bottom lip between his teeth and nibbled on it, biting at the loose skin.
"Nothing's wrong," besides the obvious of his dead brother "I just, I'm not used to this. I'm not good at it. Nothing else." There was so much else but nothing he felt comfortable explaining. Ever. To anyone. He didn't like talking about his feelings. They were usually swept under the rug for something more important. Phillipe was always more important than he was to their parents. It's just how it was. There wasn't anything he could have done about it. He learned to accept it.
"I appreciate it, though. You don't have to do this if you don't want too." He shrugged his shoulders, aloof. He felt he was forcing Félix to stay there with him and he didn't want him to feel that way.

@knightinadream group

There was a soft look in his eyes. He wrapped his fingers around Henri's hand, giving it a light squeeze. The weight of perfection, needing to be good at everything, must be heavy on his shoulders; Félix can only imagine. How it must have become greater with Phillippe passing then his family send him here to deal with it on his own.

"You don't need to be good at it. You don't have to be good at everything." Félix was unsure of what else to say. Sometimes he isn't good at speaking, giving reassurance. Words have failed him before and he only wants to say what's true, what's best for Henri. "This will take time to get used to. I'll be here for you."

Félix smiled. Headmaster Sauveterre gave him a pass till lunch so he is free to do whatever. That whatever he wants to do is spend time with Henri and if part of that includes folding his clothes, then he is more than happy to spend it so.

"But I want to." It is true. "I want to stay here with you. I enjoy bring in your presence." Also true. He certainly enjoys it more than others. Sitting on the floor beside him while organizing all these clothes is clearly better than being in class.

Letting go, he shifted himself to go back to folding the clothes. "You can put your head on my shoulder while I finish this." He pulled a pile of clothes closer to him. He isn't the best at this or anything really, but he knows that he is pretty okay at some things. Folding clothes, football, and being good company, those are a few. He hopes he is decent at being good company.


Henri turned his head away. he couldn't bare to look at Félix. Not because he had done anything wrong, but because Henri felt a rush of shame. He was the crown prince now, he shouldn't behave like this. He should be strong and confident. This should be the other way around. Him comforting Félix. He should be good at this. And yet Henri wanted nothing more than to curl up on his bed and waste away.
He took his advice and laid his head down on Félix's shoulder. His eyes closed shut and welcomed the soothing feeling he provided. It was calm, quiet. He liked that. He liked this. He didn't want to leave this bedroom. He shifted until he was fully curled against Félix. It could be a bit of an amusing sight to see. Henri himself was taller and bigger than his counterpart and yet he was the one curled up on him, clinging to him. At some point, he decided he was tired of Félix folding his clothes up. He pulled the material out of his fingers and tugged on his hand for attention. He wanted to do anything else than this. Perhaps he could put on a movie. Or they could climb out the window and go do something. There was a slight pout on his lip and a pitiful look in his eyes, hoping that he could get Félix to agree to anything else but this.

@knightinadream group

(It's all good! I was gonna ask if you wanted to continue this or start a new one, but I'm so down to continue this.)

Somehow folding all of Henri's clothes settled the storm in his mind. Although, his whole body melted against Henri when the crown prince rested against him. For so long he has seen things like this in shows and movies: two characters cuddling, he always wondered what that felt like. His pulse coursed through his veins as he placed a shirt by the other folded clothes. The moment he picked another one up, he felt it being tugged. "Oh….Henri…" He paused.

There's still some time before lunch, but they only have fifteen minutes left. Sauveterre and him agreed that Félix would take Henri to lunch then Félix would return to class after break. He wondered if he will ever be successful in asking Henri to tag along with him to lunch. He wondered if he truly wanted to go to lunch then to class. Félix does have to go to class eventually; he is a scholarship student after all. Alas, staring at those glittering royal eyes was enough to make his heart deeply sigh. Still, he cannot get over the fact that he had kissed the crown prince. It is unbelievable how much his face is warming up right now.

Félix was unsure of what to say, of what to do. The cotton material of the white shirt slipped through his fingers then onto the floor. Afterwards, he placed the crown prince's hand over his heart. He wasn't sure what made him do this. It was something his dad used to whenever Félix needed comfort. Now here he is doing it for the boy…no- crown prince…that he likes/just kissed.

"You know, it's probably time we should go," He muttered, "Surely His Royal Highness is hungry, right? I promised Headmaster Sauveterre I would take you to lunch."


(I'm down to continue this unless you had something else in mind.)

Henri looked up through his eyelashes, hoping to resemble a kicked kitten. He would milk all the attention he could get. He liked the way that Félix looked at him. He liked the way that Félix gave him attention. And perhaps it was because he was attention starved, he yearned for it. He wanted more. He wanted to bottle it up and keep it forever. Henri wanted him to stay with him as long as he could.
At the mention of his words, Henri's stomach rumbled. Perhaps he could eat. It was the first time in a while that he truly had an appetite. It left since the news of his brother's death and never really seemed to come back, even when he took illegal supplements to try and bring it back. He had lost weight over the weeks and while his mother had fretted over his appearance, he couldn't seem to give a damn. At least his mother cared about something about him, even if it only was the way he looked.
"Just a bit longer," Henri pleaded. His legs pulled up so he was tucked firmly against Félix's side. He hid his face into his neck, his breath caressing the skin. He wanted to freeze at this moment and stay in this room forever. He didn't want to go for lunch where everyone would likely stare. They'd look at him sympathetically and tell them they were sorry and it would only make Henri relive the worst day of his life over and over again. No, he would rather stay here.

@knightinadream group

The pile of unfolded clothes had irked him, yet he tried his best to not think of it. On the other hand, he became preoccupied with a million of other things. From Henri to Henri resting against him to lunch, he could not stop. Honestly he had been looking forward to lunch since he got on the public bus. All the adrenaline had begun to wear off; it was not a pleasant feeling, but the comfort of Henri against him made up for it.

Félix sighed while hearing the prince's plea. The longer he stays, the less likely he will be able to get back to class. He is unsure if he would be able to stand up after having Henri snuggled up against him for so long. Sure it has only been mere minutes but he cannot get over feeling of Henri's breath against his skin or the way he was melting into him.

"Fine," He whispered, "Five minutes, non-negotiable, my dear prince." With his free hand, he checked the time on his phone. Five more minutes should be fine. He should have enough time to walk over for lunch then collect his things for class then get to class with ten minutes to spare. Even in this moment of serenity, his mind was running through today's schedule; it was planning each and every single detail. His head began to feel heavy. So much to do, yet he would rather be here.


Henri's lips turned up as he got his way. With his foot, he pushed the unfolded laundry away from them. He wanted Félix's undivided attention, not focusing on the laundry. he knew how he wanted to use his five minutes. Perhaps he could even distract him enough to extend that five minutes. His lips brushed against Félix's neck, pressing soft kisses up to his jaw.

He moved his hands to circle around his waist and pull him closer to Henri if that was even possible. Henri raise his head so they were at an even height. He knocked his nose against Félix gently. The gesture was a question. Could he kiss him? He wanted so badly to kiss him. It was the only thing that seemed to give him serenity in these times. The drugs, the drinking, it was all to chase something that he could never seem to grasp. But here, with Félix, it was only a step away. It was so close he could almost hold it. He just needed that extra step.

Henri had been so opposed to being here. Fought it every step of the way. But perhaps, with Félix there, he might want to stay. He didn't care about the coursework or conforming to rules. But here, in this room, with Félix, Henri felt at peace. For this, he would stay.

@knightinadream group

Still, he was distracted as can be, but it wasn't really Henri that was on his mind. That was subjected to change. The moment those lips brushed against his skin, his mind was cleared and he was brought to the present, to Henri. His face lit up as he was wrapped in Henri's arms. Félix couldn't help but laugh a little at the gesture. Once he took a breath, he stared into the prince's eyes.

They only have so much time left in the first place. And he does not want to go against his own word. But Henri and his kisses…the way he holds him in his arms…Even an extra second of it all is too tempting for him to pass on. Félix took his phone out to set a timer for ten minutes. Once it buzzes, that's it. He already is delaying their arrival to lunch and everything, but an extra five minutes shouldn't hurt anyone.

He showed the prince the timer then repeated, "Non-negotiable." After this, they are going. That's it. Félix pressed the start button. Setting the phone next to the pile of clothes, he turned his attention back to Henri. His heart was a standstill. The way the light shined in the prince's eyes made him sigh. All he was able to say was through a simple nod. In these next ten minutes all he wants is to have those arms squeezed around him while being kissed. Hopefully that is not too much to ask for.


Henri's fave lit up as he saw the timer. He was hoping for a couple extra minutes. He didn't expect to get double the time. He smiled at Félix, bright as can be. There was a small sparkle in his eyes. Nothing mattered outside of this room. It was only the two of them. And now he had ten minutes. He wasn't going to waste a second of it.

The second Félix nodded, Henri gripped the back of his neck and connected their lips. Henri was a little rougher than last time. Not enough to seem forceful or harsh, just a little more frantic. He slowly lowered himself down on the floor, pulling Félix to lay on top of him. Henri wrapped one arm around his waist and the other buried in his hair. He had a firm but gentle grip. Enough to make Henri's presence known but not enough to pull on any hairs. Perhaps it would have been more ideal and comfortable to lay on the bed but Henri hadn't thought of that until it was too late. They were on the floor and he had no intentions of letting Félix go.

Henri was almost like a golden retriever puppy in the way his mood kept shifting. He was moody when he didn't get his way and completely lit up when he did. Only in the safety of privacy. The moment they were in the company of the rest of the school, he would likely slip back into his closed off facade. He hoped it would deter anyone from talking to him. Henri didn't want to talk let alone be near anyone else than Félix.

@knightinadream group

Seeing the way Henri's eyes widened at the timer made him laugh. Félix wished they could spend the rest of the day laying together while staring into each other's eyes. If he could, he would have asked if they could in these last few minutes, but there is already something on their minds. He deepky exhaled for the anticipation was killing him. And besides, he is sure they will have more opportunities to be alone like this again.

He didn't even have enough time to catch his breath. One moment he is staring at those breathtaking blue eyes, and now he is on top of Henri while they both put those ten minutes to good use. In no shape or form was he complaining. As a matter of fact, Félix couldn't decide what he liked more; there was so much to consider from the way he could feel Henri slightly tugging his hair to his arm around his waist to the kissing…

Their lips connected like magnets. Static buzzed as they moved against each other. Goosebumps covered him. His thumb caressed Henri's cheek while his heart thumped against his chest. He worried if Henri was comfortable or not being the one laying on the floor. Honestly, Félix wouldn't mind being the one on the floor. No, he wouldn't mind at all.


Henri practically melted into Félix's palm as he cupped his cheek. He nipped gently at his bottom lip before kissing him again. His hand slid from Félix's waist down to grip his thigh and tug it up. He had ten minutes. There was a pot he could do in ten minutes. But as long as Félix was satisfied and wanting, he didn't care. As long as he still wanted Henri.

This was his happy place, Henri ultimately decided. As long as Félix was by his side he felt like he could conquer the world. This felt right, being pressed up against one another. Henrj felt like their bodies fit. They made for each other, at least for the time that they would have together.

With a swoop and a twist, Henri spun then around so that Félix was pressed to the floor and Henri settled between his legs. He had one hand against the back of his head to Félix wouldn't be resting back on the hard floor. He wasn't a cruel lover. He would make sure he was comfortable. Time was irrelevant to Henri. It could have been a few seconds or hours, he wouldn't have known. Until that blasted timer went off, interrupting them and a reminder that they did have places to be. Henri would rather shut away in the dorm but he supposed the food and drink were a necessity.

With a groan, he broke away and pressed his forehead against Félix's. He hesitated for a moment before sitting uo and pulling Félix up with him. He then proceeded to collapse back dramatically, glaring in the direction of the phone.

@knightinadream group

Everything was happening so quickly yet time was gradually going on. He wanted to remember every single detail. He doesn't even want to be out of Henri's touch. Having his hand on his thigh, it was thrilling. Their bodies were melted together. Just something about Henri made him feel like they are in their own world. Anything like a timer or having obligations doesn't matter at all.

Carefully, he did his best to move along without bumping into Henri or the floor. His heart nearly exploded from the excitment. Félix let his hand comb through Henri's hair over and over again. The motion was satisfying to him. It made him imagine what it would be like to lay together in bed with him brushing his fingers through his hair. But the alarm went off. He shivered in startlement; it made him wonder whether his heart was pounding from the kissing or from his phone going off. Either way, he pouted.

Félix remained sitting up while trying to catch his breath. Frankly, he didn't want to get up nor did he want to stop kissing. There were so many things he didn't want to do, but he knew that it'd be for the better if he got up. His eyes flickered down at Henri, observing the stare-off between him and the phone. He laughed while picking up his phone and turning the alarm off. It was difficult to not react to something so adorable to him. Leaning down, he kissed Henri on the forehead.

"Come on, Henri," He cooed while standing up. As he walked forward, he caught his reflection then paused. Félix sighed while combing through his hair. He tucked his shirt back in then tried to make his collar and tie look nice. Everything felt so warm. His heart kept fluttering.


Henri had a brief pause I'm his glaring as Félix kissed his head. A brief moment he turned his head and smiled. Then it was back to glaring at the stupid phone. He would much rather spend his time in his room kissing Félix than doing any of his other obligations. But he knew at some point their stomachs would protest or someone would come banging on the door and dragging them off to their classes. Classes that Henri had no intent to actually partake.

After taking a few calming breaths and getting himself under control with a discrete fix in his pants, he stood up. He shook hos head around, hoping it would settle his hair some. While he didn't particularly care what he looked like at the moment, sex hair was not the move. He didn't want to hear it from any of the other boys. Not because he was ashamed but because it was something he didn't want to deal with. He also wasn't particularly in the mood to get into a fight. At least not yet.

He made no attempt to fix the state of his clothes. If he tried, it would likely end up in a worse condition than it currently was. Instead he tucked his hands into his pockets and said he was ready to go. If his mother saw him like this she would throw a fit. Appreances are everything. You're brother understood this, why don't you? And even when she wasn't there he could hear her voice in his head. How annoying.

"So what is so important that we can't just stay here?" He finally spoke. There was almost a bit of attitude in his voice, as if this was Félix's fault. I'm a way, it was. Félix was making them leave and go do some things.

@knightinadream group

It came to a point where he just gave up. He looked half decent compared to earlier this morning. Will anyone notice? Hopefully not. His hair already gets messy on its own. There were some wrinkled in his clothes, but a lot of students have wrinkles in their shirts or jackets.

He tried to not let his gaze wander on Henri for too long. Biting the inside of his cheek, he lowered his head. His thoughts began to trickle back. He just made out with the crown prince of France, again. That cute boy who's fixing his hair is the crown prince and they kissed. He sighed while watching him smile. Does that make them something? Does Henri like him?

Even though he was still blushing, he rolled his eyes at Henri's question. Félix turned around then went to wrap his arms around Henri's waist. "Well, I have to go back to class in order to go to football practice later today," He replied. He relaxed the side if his head against the prince's chest. "And I promised the headmaster to take you to the dining hall. You don't really start class till tomorrow. He wanted to make sure you have enough time to settle in and so on."

Letting go, he walked over towards the door. His fingers wrapped around the handle. It clicked open as he pushed it open. "We can walk really slow on the way there." He would suggest they could hold hands, but he is pretty sure that there will be people walking about. If only they could do something like holding hands outside. Oh well, he tried not to think about it.


Henri scrunched up his nose like a bunny would in distaste. He didn't like the answer he received, and while he didn't mind leaving for food, he had no interest in anything else. He would rather laze around his room and do a whole lot of nothing. He scratched behind his ear, the frown deepening on his face the further he thought about it. He didn't want to be around other people. He didn't want to hear their whispered about poor Henri and his dead brother. He didn't want to see the sympathic looks they gave him even when they didn't know he was watching. He didn't want to deal with teachers pulling him aside saying they were there for whatever he needed. Hebri didn't want any of that. He just wanted to be left alone.

"Can I watch you practice later?" Henri liked to watch sports, football especially. He had attended many premier league games and cheered just as loudly when his preferred team won. It was one of the few enjoyments he found in life and even so much so after the death of his brother.

Making a split decision, he ran over before Félix opened the door, grabbed his waist, turned him and kissed him hard and brief. It was over almost as soon as it started. He just wanted one more before they left. One more to get them through the day. One more to satisfy him. He pulled away with a boyish grin on his face. "Lead the way," he said and stepped out with Félix.

Almost instantly, his manner changed as they left the comfort of their room. His smile fell and his face became neutral, nonchalant almost. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and his head hung low. Though try as he might, he would never remain inconspicuous. It was only a matter of time before he was recognized.

@knightinadream group

"Really? You would?" His eyes sparkled as they grew big. Félix couldn't believe it. "Uhhh yeah! Sure! Practice starts at 17:30 and goes till 18:45. It's at the little football field past the gym building." He lightly clapped his hands. This is just as exciting as when they let him join the team at the start of the academic term. The team has been doing really well too! Later, he will have to ask Henri if he can come watch their games too. Oh it would be amazing to have him on the sidelines watching and cheering for the team!

He gasped when being pulled in for a quick kiss. His body relaxed after suddenly tensing up. Félix moaned softly as Henri pulled away. Only when he saw that God-forsakened smile did his heart become light again. The grin left him frozen where he stood till he somehow walked out alongside Henri. Honestly, he doesn't know how he stepped out into the hallway. After all, he was pretty sure that his ankles turned into ice.

Closing the door behind him, he bit the inside of his cheek. He watched as Henri's hands slipped into his pockets. Seeing it made his heart sink a little. He already wishes it is the next time they can be together alone, but wishing for the future is wasting the present; his dad always said that. After letting go of the door knob, he gave Henri a light smile, "Let's go." Then began to walk down the hallway.