forum ~Lost In The Moment~ the day the villain gave up
Started by @Adam_gets_railed_by_men

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Dean jumped a bit as a man gripped his shoulder. “ nice wings twink.. Wanna see how good your balance is in bed? “ the man was drunk, not in any shape to be wise about his actions.
Nor had dean remembered the pride shirt he was wearing
“Buddy.. I don't think your my type..”

@emilyevewrites group

Saul set down his bottle with a loud sound. He rose from his seat and removed the man's hand from Dean's shoulder in an almost casual motion. "Fuck off," he growled.

@emilyevewrites group

Saul didn't remember when he'd eventually passed out, but he suddenly woke in an unfamiliar room with a painful headache. He shifted around and sat up, grimacing at the hangover that was dulling his senses.