forum Legacy High // 3/3 // CLOSED
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@EmptyNebula group

Once Phoenix finished interacting with the loads of people coming through the doors, he headed towards Aaron and Mari. "Hey, how are y'all doing?" He asked, his southern accent coming out a bit.

@EmptyNebula group

"I'm doing good, for what's possibly the first time in a long time." He looked over to Aaron's open locker and multiple books inside. "Why waste time with a locker, who's combination can be forgotten?"

Deleted user

"That is a good question, Phoenix bird!" Mari giggled. "Why, in Wonderland High we never had lockers. We never even needed books!"


“Because I am not dragging around all my books to every class,” Aaron explained. “And before you saying anything, yes they’re all necessary. Besides, I like books.”

@EmptyNebula group

"Anyways," He started seeing something else that caught his attention. "When is Legacy Day? I don't even keep track of anything going on in school."