forum las vegas lights // oxo // closed
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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@knightinadream group

The red alarms finally stopped. Now his mind was replaced with TV static. This time he did not have to focus on being quiet. It just came naturally and effortlessly. He avoided looking at Abel and Felix as well as making eye contact with either of them. Hell, he doesn't even want to look down at his arms and wrists. Previously, he just wanted to go home because he didn't want to be dragged around the strip and try on clothes. Now he wants to go home so he can be alone and away from everything, but that is impossible for him.

He wasn't really paying much attention to the conversation. While getting the jist of it, he did not focus much to details if there were any. All he is able to recall is that Felix apparently owes Abel nothing for the jacket. Not much thought went into what he heard. Somehow words were drowned out by ringing in his ears.

So when Felix was talking to him, his reaction was delayed. Damian was withdrawn and only heard the last syllable of whatever Felix said. Snapping back into reality, he blinked then turned to look over. He only had a faint idea of what was being asked when he saw that Felix was pointing towards the door. "Yeah, sure," He replied, "I'm ready to go."

@larcenistarsonist group

Felix blinks. Yeah, no this isn't good at all. Rewinding everything that just happened in his mind, Felix tries to pinpoint what exactly what caused this sudden withdrawal. Like, not even ten minutes ago Damian was laughing and smiling and actually invested in what was happening–oh. The reel in Felix's mind shudders to a stop. Abel grabbed Damian's wrist and saw. Shit.

"Alright, thanks man!" Felix calls with his usual volume as he begins to push Damian towards the door. "Just let me know when it's done." Abel makes some noise of affirmation as Felix pushes open the door. The bell sounds, they're hit with the dry evening air, the door closes behind them. The difference between the stuffy, humid shop and the six o'clock desert air is stark and almost disorienting. Felix shakes away the odd change as they head towards his car.

"Hey–" Felix starts, carefully bumping into Damian with his shoulder. "You alright? You shut down in there." Felix knows why, but he's not going to start a conversation with Hey! My friend saw some pretty traumatic scars and it caused you to zone out! You alright?

@knightinadream group

(zfzjalkijh ahh that is awesome! i didn't even realize it's been a year. i love this rp)

The world felt removed from him or he was removed from it. His senses were dulled. All that he could hear was the ringing from his ears. There were no thoughts in his mind. No deep thinking or wondering what kind of dinner he should make when he takes the twins home. His anxiety was voided with the rest of him. In fact, he cannot recall if he had said anything just moments ago. Did he? What did he even say?

Subconsciously his feet moved as he was pushed outside of the plant shop by Felix. They stopped once the two of them were at the car. Damian put his hand on the door handle. His fingers wrapped around it and stayed there. No pulling, no tugging the handle to see if the door was unlocked. Nothing.

His body moved after the slight bump, but he remained still. If this had happened at any other time, he would have shouted or sweared. He turned his head in Felix's direction, but didn't make eye contact. There was no expression on his face. Usually when he is nonchalant, you can still see hints of emotions lingering his eyes or the way he spoke.

Somehow he managed to speak. Still, he is unsure of what Felix said, but he responded anyways. "I'm fine. Just tired. It's been a long week." Damian looked down at his hand on the door handle then pulled it.

@larcenistarsonist group

Knowing that his answer is bullshit, Felix sighs and unlocks the car after Damian's half-hearted attempt at opening it. There's something entirely distant in the detective's eyes… something that tugs at something deep within Felix's chest. He doesn't like it. Seeing Damian suddenly distant like this. "Alright," the gambler murmurs, ducking into the driver's side of the seat.

He waits for Damian to get in, fiddling with the air conditioner to get a cool breeze blowing through the sedan. He turns the radio down low so only a few warbles can be heard from whatever artist is belting their heart out. Felix pauses for Damian to get his seatbelt on before shifting the car into reverse and pulling away from the old parking lot.

For a couple of agonizing minutes, Felix drives in complete silence. Every time he would break at a stop light, he'd steal a glance over to Damian. Somewhere along the way, he places his hand carefully atop of Damian's.

After a few moments of silence, he clears his throat. Perhaps… perhaps a story might help. It could give Damian a distraction of sorts, something to focus on. "So, Angel Donovan." The law firm lingers in the corner of his eye. "I was twenty, a perfect case of wrong place, wrong time. There had just been a massive robbery, the cops pinned me down as someone too low-class to have a nice jacket, so they arrested me and brought me to a holding cell. I met Abel and Shea there." He pauses. Their stories aren't quite Felix's to tell. "Something we all had in common was that we were all innocent, and Angel Donovan had chosen to take up the prosecution."

"Donovan was a renowned lawyer. For some goddamn reason he chose to slither down to Las Vegas and spend his days making bank from busting low-class kids in a high-class city. The rich guys love him. They think he's just ridding the streets of pests." Felix has to take a moment to unclench his jaw. "Y'know?"

@knightinadream group

Right now, it is physically and mentally not possible for him to speak. He is not sure if he truly has anything to say at all. Putting emotions to words is not something he is good at. Being vulnerable is something he still fears, and he has no choice in the way he is right now.

After putting the seatbelt on, he sat up straight in a rigid manner. His eyes were kept staring off to the side. The silence was not a problem for him; he didn't even notice it at all. His sense of touch was numbed. Damian only noticed something moving in front of him. When looking to see what it was, he discovered Felix's hand on top of his. His vision became blurred with tears he blinked away.

He tried listening to the story. Listening to Felix was like hearing his voice underwater in a pool; he heard bits and pieces, but it was muted by the water. Sounds of ringing filled his head. Between trying with all his might to pay attention to Felix's story and trying to ignore the ringing, it was exhausting. Silence broke all the sounds, real or not, when he heard Abel's name.

All he thought about was feeling their hand move the shirt sleeve up then revealing the scars. He saw the light in Abel's eyes when they stared back into his again. Just the shattering feeling of his mental state crashing down into smithereens was enough to remove him from himself and for the better part, the world.

Staring down at their hands, he said nothing aside from humming in response. It was the least he can do, although he wished he was able to say more. He wished he could have been respectful and listened more attentively. He wished he couldn't be so easily conquered by scars. Damian stared at their hands, sighing softly yet painfully.

@larcenistarsonist group

"I thought I was gonna be in prison for twenty-five years. I'd get out at forty-five and my golden years would've been spent in a cement cell." Felix knows Damian isn't listening. He knows that the man has long since checked out mentally. Damn it, Abel. There's matching scars on Abel's wrist, but Damian doesn't know that. Damian isn't supposed to know that. It's not Felix's secret to share. "But there was some miracle lawyer, fresh out of law school. She had interned beneath Donovan in her college years, and she luckily figured out what kind of conniving man he is. She saved my ass, I owe my life to her."

Felix shifts his hand, moving so his fingers lace between Damian's as he squeezes softly. If he can't hear Felix's words, he at least hopes that he can feel Felix's touch. "She managed to get the others out of a wrongful sentence too. God, I wish more people out there were like her." The radio and hum of the car supply a comfortable white noise as Felix heads down Damian's street. His car is still somewhere on the Strip, but Damian is in no condition to drive home. Felix can always drive him back in the morning.

With nowhere left to drive his story, Felix sighs and checks the rearview mirror. He's going to have to text Rhyda to feed Jackpot his dinner. "I don't know if you can really hear me right now," Felix starts, shooting a sideways glance to the detective. "But I hope you're alright. I… I think I know what triggered this whole… shutting down thing and I'm–" Another sigh. "I'm sorry that you had to go through shit. In the past and now. You don't deserve that, Damian. You don't deserve to suffer." With that, Felix slowly pulls up to the curb of Damian's house.

@knightinadream group

Guilt slithered around the rest of his feelings. He cannot control any of this. He was not able to hold back from all the pressure that he had held back and dealt with for so long. It bled into the present, into the current moment where he cannot be present for those like Felix. His fingers felt bleak against Felix's as they laced together. Damian could only stare at them for so long before looking out the window. When he did, he tilted his head as he saw a familiar yet unexpected sight.

Wait- they are at his house? How? Damain does not remember how they got here aside from getting in Felix's car. Felix's car. Not his car. So if he hasn't gotten into his own car, then that means he hasn't picked up Adonis and Mina yet. In that moment of realization, the only part of him that had returned was the anxiety. It caved into his chest, making each breath heavier than the last. Breathing became a task as much as thinking or listening had.

The volume of the ringing lowered a little. And although he was unsure what Felix was saying, in the midst of his broken and foggy, Damian shook his head. He doesn't need to hear. Chances are he knows what is being said. The unheard heard words, along with the inner turmoils, were enough to make his eyes water.

All the distress has worn him down to nothing. And yet, his chest heaved greatly. Damian needs to get his kids home, but here he is a complete wreck. He shook his head again. There was confusion and worry in his eyes. "Felix, I- why are we here? I need to get my kids. I need to make dinner. I need to go now. I need-"

A sharp inhale stopped him. With his free hand, he pressed his forehead into it. The fight against himself was a loss. Tears silently rolled down his face.

@larcenistarsonist group

Felix just watches for a moment as Damian's panic sets in. He grits his jaw, blinking away the sting aching in the back of his eyes. He squeezes their hands together. He has burning questions in his mind, but Felix knows they're nowhere near close enough to breach that topic. What could've drove Damian to… to this state? His parents, his youth, his job, his wife…?

"Hey–" Felix is quick to speak.With his free hand, he reaches over to place it gently on Damian's cheek. Slowly, he turns the detective's head to face him. With the pad of his thumb, he swipes away a tear. "Hey just breathe for me, alright? We can go get them right now. You just have to tell me how to get there."

Not allowing any of his thoughts to show, Felix has to wonder how he got to be so nice. Any version of his from the past wouldn't have cared. He would've offered a false sympathy, a pitying smile and then he would've been on his way without a second thought. With one hand, Felix can count how many people he's wiped tears from: Ana Luis, Shea, Abel, Drew, and now Damian. He must be getting… soft. But the thought doesn't disgust him.

"Is it alright if you can tell me where to go? After we pick up the twins I can get dinner. If you need me to, I can even stay for a little while to give you a little bit to recover, okay?"

@knightinadream group

Never in a million years would he ever think that he would be here like this. Crying while looking at Felix as they held hands and Felix wiping away a tear. Crying in front of somebody else is just something he never would have imagined doing. Damian let out a small exhale, but ended up letting a loud groan. More tears followed. His hand balled up into a fist pressing against his chest.

"No…No…" He cannot be receiving help at this time. Forcing Fellix to do all these things because of his state. It's wrong. He shouldn't even be here crying helplessly. Fathers don't do that nor do detectives. Even with this mindset that still holds on, his face is stained with his own tears. His lips trembled with burnout, exhaustion. His eyes filled with tears. They just kept coming out.

What else can he do right now? Better yet, is there anything he can do right now? The answer is clear. It is clear, but Damian only continued to sob. Apologies slipped between the quick pierced breaths he made. This is terrible, especially since he sees it being his fault. He knows that it really isn't, yet he cannot get rid of the old way of thinking. It is his fault. It is his fault.

He managed to muster up some energy as he took out his phone. The screen lights up, showing a picture of the twins dressed up as little bats for Halloween. In that moment, he stopped sobbing just for that moment. He was able to find the address of the place the twins were at; it's just a YMCA where he has to pay extra for after hours. His hand was shaking as he turned the phone to show Felix the address.

@larcenistarsonist group

Felix only needs a quick look at the address to know exactly where it is. He's been there plenty of times, Shea and Grace dragging him there whenever the women had a random bout of adrenaline for the gym. It's not far, shouldn't be less than ten minutes. With a final squeeze and another swipe of his thumb, Felix takes his hand back to rest on the wheel, shifting gears as he rolls away from the house.

He's at a stop sign when he notices that his eyes are fuzzy. The back of his throat aches. He's literally a professional at masking and repressing emotions. Felix has made millions off of hiding his thoughts and feelings. God. God fucking damn it– Without thinking, Felix slips his hand right back into Damian's. It's shaking with every sob, and Felix's heart is shaking right with it.

"Don't apologize," Felix murmurs, his voice firm and gentle at the same time. "Please, Damian you have nothing to apologize for." If anything, something deep within Felix's subconscious screams that he should be the one apologizing. Felix can't be anything but an added stressor on top of the detective's already hellish life. A widower, a father, a distant son, a homicide detective– God, all of that has to add up eventually.

Luckily, they arrive at the YMCA soon, and Felix parks his sedan in the closest possible spot. "Do you want to go in with me? I'm not exactly well-versed on the YMCA's policy on letting kids go–"

@knightinadream group

The drive to the YMCA felt both short and terribly long. He tried working on taking deep breaths, thinking that would stop whatever is going on with him right now. The only concern he has right now is how his kids will react to him. He is exhausted, but he has to be present for them regardless of how he is at the moment.

At least he had time now to gather up some bits of himself before they go pick him up. Honestly, Damian doesn't know what he would have done if Felix was not there for him. Spending his own time sitting there, holding hands, and even helping him pick up the twins, Damian wished that he had the energy to say thanks. Later on, he could make some food for Felix to take home; he'll have to find the tupperware for it.

The crying came to a gradual stop. All the energy from it left him drained. He looked at the entrance to the YMCA then sighed heavily. Underneath his breath, he muttered a thanks.

Damian gave a shrug. "I have to go in to pick them up. You can come if you want." His voice was coarse as he spoke. He sniffled while his wobbly fingers pulled out his wallet then went to undo the seatbelt. With the back of his hand, he wiped away the remaining tears. The tip of his nose was a shade of light pink. His eyes were the same color. "It's up to you, I don't want to force you to do anything. You're already doing so much."

@larcenistarsonist group

Felix swallows and looks over the detective's face. On one hand, Damian could clearly use the moral support, but on the other, Felix doesn't know the twins all-too-well and he doesn't want to worry them. Felix has no clue how a five-year-old's mind is supposed to work, and he doubts that they'll immediately jump to good conclusions when they see their red-eyed father approach with a man they've met a grand total of once.

"I'll stay here, alright. I'll be waiting." He smiles in what he prays is a reassuring smile. "Go get your kids."

As Damian leaves, Felix sighs and swipes his fingers through his hair. He checks his phone, swiping away stupid coupon emails and muting "urgent" updates. In the app he actually cares about, Felix checks his messages. He asks Rhyda to feed Jackpot his dinner, he reads over his younger sister's rants, and then glances at the message that he least expected to see.

abel: tell him im sorry

"Holy shit–" Felix hisses to nobody but himself. Abel is… not the type of person to apologize. Don't get him wrong, Felix is happy to relay the shocking message, but it'll have to wait a little bit.

@knightinadream group

"Okay," Damain said with an attempted smile. "I will try to be quick then." He got out of the car then trudged inside to where the daycare was. With each step he took, he felt his legs being wobbly. From a distance, Adonis's voice resonated. Soon, he could hear Mina's as well. They were talking to each other about something. By the volume of them both, it must be something exciting for the two.

The lady at the front desk greeted him with a smile. Damian gave a solemn nod while handing over his ID then signed his name on the clipboard. By the time he put his ID and wallet away, the door handle clicked then he heard the faint sound of little light-up shoes against the floor.

"Appa!" Mina beams as she ran towards him. Adonis follows behind, dragging his little Superman backpack behind him. They both look up at him with wide eyes, but concern lit up in them. Adonis asked, "Why do your eyes look like that? Are you okay?"

Damian shook his head. Mina then added, "Was it the monsters?" He nodded. The three hugged for a second before he took their hands and they all walked outside. "I can cook dinner for us," Adonis smiled. "And we can watch Hercules then go to bed early." Mina shook her head, "What would you make? We already had mac and cheese." The boy giggled whike giving a shrug.

The two little ones were confused when their father led them to Felix's car. They were even more confused as there were no booster seats in the back. Adonis yawned while Damian put on the seatbelt, making sure it was tight. Damian kissed his son's forehead then repeated the same steps with Mina.

While Damian was getting himself settled, the twins looked up at Felix. Adonis only stared with curiosity; mostly because he was trying to figure out what Felix's name is. He's heard his dad called him many things, but he cannot remember. Meanwhile, Mina waved at Felix then asked, "Are you having dinner with us?"

@larcenistarsonist group

Felix is in the middle of scrolling through Braxton Dane's social media page when the sight of Damian exiting the building with two kids in tow catches his eye. Deciding his work will have to wait 'til later, Felix shuts off his phone and drops it into the empty cupholder. He changes the radio station to one that isn't in the middle of an eight-minute commercial and double checks to make sure the doors are unlocked. He doesn't say anything as the detective seatbelts the twins into the back; he only catches quick glances of them through the rearview mirror.

"Me?" Felix, suddenly the subject of a child's attention turns around to face Mina. His experience with children has been minimal, but if there's anything babysitting his triplet toddler terror nephews has taught him, it's to always entertain a child's idea. "I might be able to stick around if your dad allows it." He glances over at Damian as the detective gets into the passenger seat.

Once everyone's safely in the car, Felix puts it into reverse and heads back to the Mae Residence. Since he's already traveled the route once, he'll remember it forever. Forever might be an exaggeration, but with the amount of feelings he's harboring for Damian, he seriously doubts it. Felix still remembers how to get to all of his exes houses from anywhere in Nevada. Oh, the curse of a fantastic memory…

@knightinadream group

The little girl giggled, "Yes, silly!" Her nose scrunched as she laughed in amusement. She looked over at her dad while waiting for an answer. Damian turned around to look at his kids. Adonis was too focused on the feeling of the car seats while swinging his little feet in excitement. Then there was Mina, staring back at him with big dark brown eyes that shined with curiosity. He shrugged then glanced over at Felix, "Sure. I don't see why not."

With all that has happened, he doesn't want to keep Felix longer than need be. And yet, Damian could feel that his heart wants Felix to stay with him a little longer. He doesn't know if he will say anything about his feelings. He wonders if he should.

On the way back, the twins spent the time pointing out clouds and saying what they look like. Meanwhile Damian relaxed into the car seat, trying to collect himself from all that had happened mere moments ago. All he wanted to do was go to bed and to never wake up for the next few days. He wants to stay home until he feels well rested.

Only when the twins get more energetic does he realize that they are home. By the time he gets out to take care of the twins, the both of them hop out and bolt to the door. Damian rested his one hand on his hip as he closed the car doors.

@larcenistarsonist group

"Alright, alright!" Felix says, placing a subtle bravado in his tone that he knows children love. As he catches his own eyes in the mirror, the gambler notes that his smile is genuine. How rare. "I guess I'll hang around for a little while then."

The ride is short, Felix's time split between listening to the children's observations, ensuring Damian won't enter another mental breakdown, and watching the road. The atmosphere is nothing like Felix is used to, which feels foreign, yet he isn't intimidated by it. The Felix from six months ago would never had figured he'd be in this situation.

When they arrive, he pulls the key from the ignition and steps out of the car, taking a deep breath of the evening air. It's still sweltering, but a little less than usual due to the setting sun. Checking that his key is safely in his pocket, Felix locks the car and takes a step onto the front lawn. The twins scuttle inside; Felix turns his eyes to Damian. He takes the few steps to the side of the car to meet him. He leans against the side of his sedan, crossing one leg over the other and folding his arms. "Are you okay?" He asks, barely above a whisper. "Tell me if I'm overstepping."

@knightinadream group

His systems are not fully operational yet. Parts of his mind feel heavy and still throbbing. Then there is his feelings picking a part the details in the way Felix is leaning against the car; how it makes Damian swoon over the leg placement. He looks away, not wanting to be called on his stare.

In a way, he is okay. Just a little bit. He is still standing. Very much alive and feeling a little lighter than before. Of course, he still feels weary and needs a lot of time to rest before doing anything like work. He knows it's best for him to be with someone. As much as he enjoys being alone, it can be harmful for him and himself.

Damain shook his head. "You are fine, Felix. I think if I say 'yes,' then I would be lying to you," He whispered. "But…I am okay knowing that you were there for me…that you care."

@larcenistarsonist group

Something deep in Felix confirms that Damian's words are true. Though the detective may not be operating at a hundred percent, he knows he'll recover. Damian'll bounce back and Felix will leap right on the trampoline with him. If he wasn't a poker face champion, Felix might've flushed at the thought. Instead, he catches Damian's eye.

A half-smile crosses his face. "I'm happy to be here." His voice is quiet, almost like a secret shared between them. He nudges Damian's arm with his elbow, tilting his head towards the house. "C’mon, I'll make some dinner or something." But even as he speaks, Felix can't quite will his feet to move from the spot. He's staring right into Damian's eyes and his heart flips and Felix might as well be rooted right to the side of his sedan.

@knightinadream group

"Okay," Damian breathed. As much as he wants to sit down on the couch in some pullover and shorts, he can't find himself to go inside just yet. Even his eyes didn't dare to move away from Felix's. Looking back into them was more than comforting to him. They were everything.

Meanwhile the twins were standing at the doorway, watching Felix and their father. Adonis wanted to shout to ask about dinner, but Mina put her arm out and the two were watching the adults. They giggled to themselves, hoping that the adults were not noticing them. Then Adonis stepped out, shouting, "Appa! Can we make dinner now?" Mina poked his left shoulder as he pouted.

Damian looked over at the two. His shoulders dropped after he sighed. "Yes," He responded loud enough for the twins to hear. "But Felix is going to be the main chef, okay? So you two just help him if he needs any." The beasties nodded then ran off inside, still laughing at whatever they found to be funny.

"They love to help, even if it's just getting a paper towel or washing vegetables," He chuckled while beginning to walk over. He tugged on his shirt. "I gotta get outta these clothes. I'll make it quick so you won't be stuck with those little monsters for too long."

@larcenistarsonist group

Felix looks over to the kids when they call for their father. Mentally, he runs through all the dishes he could possibly make. Really, it would depend on what the detective has stockpiled in his fridge. Felix could ask either Bianca or Grace–both of them trained chefs–for advice, or even turn to his sister Santana, also known as the best damn chef Felix knows. God, it's been far too long since he's had one of her tamales. He shoots the children a quick thumbs-up as they scuttle back into the house.

"Sounds good to me," Felix responds, slipping his hands into his pockets as he follows Damian into the house. He tries not to feel disappointed. Whatever moment they shared is over, but God what Felix would give to get it back again. Fully remembering the rule from last time, Felix slips off his shoes at the door and sets his sunglasses on the small entry table. "Do what you need to do, doll. I won't be going anywhere."

Felix offers a smile before turning to the kitchen. It takes him a few tries to find the correct light switch, only startling himself with the garbage disposal once. There's no window over the sink which only mildly infuriates Felix, but before he can get too worked up over the kitchen layout, he opens the refrigerator and beckons the kids over with a nod of his head. "What do you guys like to eat?" He asks as he takes inventory of the ingredients.

@knightinadream group

Damian tried avoiding making eye contact with Felix. As he set his shoes to the side, his face was flushed pink. He knew that his kids (who were standing by the table and watching him) would ask a million questions. Questions that he would rather answer when Felix is not there. But, he saw that smile again that left him sighing. "Well…thank you," He lightly grinned before making his way to his room.

Both kids stared at their father till he closed the bedroom door behind him. Mina tilted her head to the left in confusion then turned to her brother. "Does Daddy look funny to you?" She whispered. She watch as Adonis, with his hands up, shrugged in response. Then she pointed at Felix, "Does he look funny?" Again, her brother shrugged, but then he stared at Felix with squinted eyes. Do the adults look funny?

Adonis was the first to stand by Felix at the fridge. With his little legs, he dashed over. Soon Mina was at his side. They both looked into the fridge then up at the adult. Without hesitation, Adonis responded, "The one that Daddy makes like the meat tamale or like the one with noodles and vegetables. You know?"

Mina nodded, concurring with what her brother said. As she played with her braid, she asked, "What do you like to eat, Felix?"

@larcenistarsonist group

It's hard for Felix not to overhear the twins' short exchange. He's been called many things in his life, but being called funny by a child is something new to add to the list. He crouches down, both to be at a similar height to the kids and to be at a decent angle to stare into the vegetable crispers. Clearly Adonis has never had a tamale straight from Felix's childhood. Those are the real things, sent straight from Mexico with Felix's parents. "Yes, I do know," Felix says though he truly has no idea what noodle dish Adonis could be talking about.

Felix hums as he ponders what he likes to eat. "Well, I love a lot of what my friends make, but they're not around all the time, so I have to get creative." He shrugs as he pulls open a drawer in the fridge, finding a couple different vegetables. "I like Mexican food. My mom and sister taught me how to make lots of food when I was little." He finds tortillas, cheese, enough produce to make a decent salsa, and a chicken breast in the freezer. "Do you guys like quesadillas?" Those should be easy. As he sets the jalapenos on the counter, he has to wonder what the twins' spice tolerance is. The only clue he has to go off of his his own nephews, but they were raised in Miranda Herrera-Wells's household, and she can eat a ghost pepper without wincing.

"Help me out with this, yeah?" He nudges a stool over to the sink and sets the vegetables down on a kitchen towel. He tests the water with one hand and closes the fridge with the other. "You guys good with washing veggies?" He nods and leaves the two of them to their own devices as he begins to scavenge through Damian's cabinets looking for a proper pan to cook them on.

@knightinadream group

Neither Adonis nor Mina could really remember the names of the food they liked. All they were able to recall is what ingredients their dad would use or the names that he would call them. Since he makes food from a wide range of cultures, they get mixed up on names for things. Nonetheless, the twins smiled at Felix.

All sorts of questions pranced around them as they listened to the adult. Their eyes followed as each ingredient was set out. "We like quesadillas, but our daddy makes quesillos most of the time," Mina answered. Both of them jumped up when the jalapeños were out. Adonis giggled, "Those make my tongue feel funny. I like those. Daddy does too." Mina laughed too. Somehow jalapeños are amusing to them.

Without hestitation, the twins sprung into action. They began their little routine of getting ready to help. First, they put on their cooking aprons and chef hats that Damian had bought at a crafts store. Adonis had light blue apron and hat whereas Mina wore burgundy ones. "We have to wash our hands first though," Adonis pointed out while getting on the stool, "Daddy says it's very very important to wash our hands." Mina nodded, only to stop so she could adjust her chefs hat.

After drying their hands, they started to clean the vegetables. Adonis hummed to himself. Mina looked over her shoulder at Felix then returned to the task at hand.

@larcenistarsonist group

Quesillos? Like flan? Huh. The other option is just straight Oaxaca cheese and Felix doubts that Damian is a cheese maker in his free time. Well, the kids seem to enjoy jalapeños so that's at least a plus. He couldn't imagine a decent Mexican dinner without the proper spice of the peppers.

"Ah, yes, washing your hands is very important," Felix notes as he locates the cupboard for frying pans. "The last thing you want is disgusting grime on your delectable dinner, right?" As soon as he finds an adequate skillet, Felix rises to his full height and steps beside the twins to wash his own hands. The hand soap is one of the fancy kinds purchased at Bath and Body Works, and Felix finds this tidbit of information thrilling.

When he looks back at the children, they have aprons and chefs hats and Felix cannot hold back his laugh. It's not mocking at all in the slightest–he's just surprised. They're… adorable? Is that the right word? Felix has never really described another human as adorable, but hell, this sure seems like the right time to start.

Because it's unwise to give children knives, Felix instructs the twins to just begin washing off vegetables while he finds an adequate blade to craft a pico de gallo with.