forum "I would burn the world for you" (OxO Closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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Nico sighed as Bel stepped back from him. He didn't mean to offend him. He just wanted to make sure Bel could protect himself it it became necessary. "I don't think any more or less of you, Bel. I dint know what I would do if I lost you. And not because the Lisais needs you. But because of what it would do to me."

And with that, Nico took him up front, paid for the weapons and they were back on the streets. The lanterns were lit, giving a soft, warm glow to the streets. People were out drinking, laughing, dancing. The vendors had been put away for now.

Nico was quiet as they walked back, giving Bel his space. He didn't want to rush or make him uncomfortable. He would let him make the first move.

@larcenistarsonist group

"It's fine," Bel reassures. "I believe you. I'm not upset." In just a little over a week, Nico has grown attached to Bel and the prince would be lying if he said he didnt feel the same. The circumstance is just less than desirable. If Bel could have his way, nobody would be dead and he would be safe.

Lingering a few steps behind Nico, Bel takes in the scenery. He listens to snippets of out of context conversation, he studies the strings of lanturns, he carefully makes his way down the cobblestone avenue. People all around him are living their beautiful common lives without worrying about the throne and the crown and the kingdom. Gods, Bel has never been one to yearn for another life but here he is.

The trip back to the inn is all too short. Bel wonders if it would be possible to stay another day, but he knows the answer will be no.


Nico opened the door to the tavern and let Bel walk in first. The door shut behind him as Nico led him to the stairs. There by the bar, three of his men were drinking and entertaining others. There was a crowd around them, laughing at whatever Cassian had said. Nico only shook his head at their antics and walked by. Nico wanted a good night's sleep, as good as it was going to get from sleeping from the floor. He didn't want to drink. Perhaps if Bel wasn't there he would be by the bar with them, but he was alright tonight.

After allowing Bel to enter first, he walked into the room and locked the door behind him. "You can have the bed. I don't mind taking the floor. It's no issue." The others would be sharing beds. They were used to sleeping close to each other. They weren't bothered by the nearness of another man, not when it was their friend.

@larcenistarsonist group

(places I have responded to this in the past 72 hours: dentist chair, dermatology office, fire drill in the middle of the rain, and I'm at a hockey game right now akdhjsjs)

The prince follows Nico into the tavern and then up to the rooms. With a quiet thank you to Nico, Bel enters their room and sets his few belongings on the short table. In the low light, his new bracelet catches and glows. Something warms and tugs his heart

Bel blinks at Nico. "No," He says. "No, absolutely not. We've both been sleeping on rocks and dirt for the past week. We could both have it." The effects of what he had said only set in after the words are already out. Oh well, too late to take them back. Not that Bel would want to take them back anyways. "You've already kissed me." Twice. "I'm sure sleeping by my side wouldn't offend you too much."


(Haha. It be like that sometimes.)

Nico jersey his head up in surprise. He hadn't been expecting that answer. He was happy about it, just shocked. His lips turned up, amused. "I would be no where offended by sleeping by your side. Quite the opposite." He prowler towards Bel, stopping just shy of pressing their chests together. "And I quite liked our kisses. I think you did too."

Nico didn't touch him. He would wait for Bel to make the first move. Nico was sure of himself and used to this. He had been with many people. Well not many, but enough in his lifetime. He would let Bel set the pace. He wouldn't go any faster or slower than he wanted.

@larcenistarsonist group

Bels eyes widen, ever so slightly, as Nico approaches and nearly presses them flush together. "Maybe I have," Bel answers in a quiet but strong voice. For the second time that evening, Bel raises his chin and closes the small height difference between them. One of his hands goes to grab Nico's strong bicep, the other raising to gently trace his jawline.

As he kisses Nico, the realization that he's alone in a room with a man he's very attracted to sets in. A small noise escapes him as he leans just a little further into the kiss, and invitation for more.


Nico slid his hands around Bel's waist, pressing them flush against one another as they kissed. He sighed softly against his lips in content. Yes, he very much liked this.

Despite himself and his wants, he broke the kiss. Nico's lips were parted he he panted softly. He looked down at Bel with heavy lids. He knocked his nose against the other affectionately. "You don't have to do more because you think I wanna do more," he murmured. "We go your pace and nothing more."

@larcenistarsonist group

Though slightly disappointed at the broken kiss so soon, Bel has to smile at Nico's caution. How gentlemanly. "What if I want to go a little faster?" Bel asks, quiet and against Nico's cheek. "I'm not made of glass, Nico. You aren't going to break me so easily."

And then as quickly as it had stopped, Bel leans in for another, and another. Bel has never been drunk in his life, but he feels this is what it would feel like. Bubbly, dizzy, so completely happy.


Nico smiled wide and met the kiss. He wrapped Bel close to him, kissing him harder than he had before. He nipped at his lip gently. He moved their bodies until Nico was sat on the bed and he pulled Bel into his lap. He slipped his hands up Bel's shirt, caressing his back.

This felt right to him. They fit well, perfect almost. Their slight hight difference was perfect. Not low enough he had to bend his back to kiss him but tall enough he could tuck him under his chin. "Say the word and it all stops okay?"

@larcenistarsonist group

(sorry my responses have been minimal today akdhjsk my cousins surprised me for a birthday sleepover)

Truly, Nico's caution is touching. Bel's always been treated carefully, his tutors, his coaches, his maids, his seamstresses–all of them afraid to even touch Bel. His father never even placed a finger on Bel. Gods. How long has it been since he's been properly held.

"Okay," Bel says simply because he can only manage simple words. The next thing he knows, Bel is on Nico's lap and atop the bed. With a small push and firm kiss, Bel presses Nico against the bed.


Nico found himself suddenly being pushed back in the bed. His head and shoulders almost bounced softly as they hit the mattress. His hands slipped off of Bel's back and gripped his thighs, his hips, in a firm grip. Not tight enough to be uncomfortable but firm enough to leave a small mark.

It was then that there was a shift in him. This is what they were doing. This was what Bel wanted. He was willing. So Nico took over. He kissed Bel fiercely, pulling them flush against one another. Just as he broke the kiss to press his lips to his jaw, he flipped them both so Bel was under him.

@larcenistarsonist group

(ajfhdjjs fair)

At first, Bel tried to match Nico in the intensity, but somewhere along the way he gives in–allowing full control to the other man. Suddenly, Bel's on his back and beneath Nico. As he flips, a surprised squeak escapes him.

Breathing heavily, the situation begins to wash over Bel. As Nico presses his lips to Bel's jaw, he laughs softly and brings a hand up to run through Nico's hair. It's soft and smells of soap and Bel believes he could get quite used to this. "Never thought this would happen to me," he says quietly as his eyes slip closed.


A soft chuckle came out of Nico's lips as he heard the squeak. He grinned against his skin, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw. "Well believe it because it's happening. And it's going to keep happening." As long as you let me.

He kissed his way back up to Bel's lips, giving him a chaste kiss, before sitting up. Nico pulled his shirt off in one quick motion. He had a series of scars scattered on his chest. Some faded some more fresh. But the most noticeable ones were on his back. A mangle of scars on his back made from a whip. It was brutal, ugly. Some were raised while others still pink. The wounds were relatively fresh, happening only a year prior. It wasn't something he enjoyed remembering.

@larcenistarsonist group

In such a short amount of time, Bel wonders what had caused Nico to become so attached to him. Surely the man's met thousands of people in his life–there has to be something that Nico sees in him–but slowly all sorts of doubt is melted from his brain as Nico kisses his lips and sits up. Bel's eyes go wide, his face reddening significantly as he takes in Nico's chest and scars.

Before he knows what he's doing, Bel's reaching out and tracing the largest ones–mapping how they curl and curve down his sides and around his abdomen and stretches across the muscle. "Why me?" He meant to say in his head, but clearly his muddled brain and tongue had other plans.


Noco shuddered at the feeling of Bel tracing a scar. His eyes fluttered shut as he took a deep breath. He never had anyone touch his scars, not like this. There had been a small few bedmates that had touched and inquired but he never indulged. Somethings were just too hard. But he found himself wanting to tell Bel. Perhaps one day. Perhaps when they made it home. There were several of them that wouldn't make sense if he didn't reveal himself, who he was. He wasn't ready for that yet.

Nico's eyes opened at the question. He looked down at him, a small smile on his lips. He reached a hand down and stroked Bel's cheek gently. "Because you are kind and gentle but strong and stubborn. You have beautiful stories and a wonderful mind. Your soul is beautiful and your heart is unique. I've never met someone like you before and I don't think I ever will again. You're one of a kind."

@larcenistarsonist group

Bel's hand drops from Nico's chest and moves to hide his face. At the string of compliments, Bels face grows hot and his heart stutters. Never met someone like you. The words ring through his head. They'll likely be repeated in his dreams.

Bel–still hiding behind his hands–goes to speak, but is interrupted by a knock at the door. Instantly mortified, Bel sits up–nearly crashing right into Nico. It's likely one of their party members, but that doesn't make the moment any less disturbed. With slight panic in his eyes, Bel gestures to the door with his head.


While irritated at the knock, Bel's reaction made him laugh. Nico wrapped his arms around him, staining Bel. He kissed the top of his head before climbing out bed. Even though there wasn't anything to hide, he tuck Bel under the cover.

He gave Bel a heated look that said This isn't over yet. before turning to open the door. His hand twisted the know to reveal…. (idk who you want it to be)

@larcenistarsonist group

Bel smiles at Nico's care, the blankets warm over his already flushed body. Gods, I hope this isn't over–

Behind the door was the bard from earlier. His lute is slung around his shoulder, a sheepish look in his eye. "Oh- hello," he says, clearly accented. Bel–though unable to see who's behind the door–knows exactly who it is based on accent alone. "I was uh- looking for someone else. I must have the wrong room." He clears his throat and looks up and down Nico's torso. "Sorry for interrupting."


Nico recognized the bard immediately. Bel had been speaking to the man earlier before they had gone out shopping. He looked back at Bel then back at the bard. "No, you have the right room. Bel's I'm here. Give us just a second."

Nico closed the door and stalked over to Bel. He gripped him by the back of his head and drew him in for a fierce kiss. Then it was over as soon as it started. "This isn't over." He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. "Now, you're going to talk to talk to your bard for as long as you like and I'm going to go downstairs with the others. I'm giving you an hour. Then I'm going to come back up here and we're going to finish. If you're not finished up here I'll kick him out. Because we are finishing this."

Noco gave him a soft kiss on the temple, strode to the door, and opened it. "He's all yours." He stepped around the bard and went down the stairs and into the heart of the tavern.

@larcenistarsonist group

The intensity of the last kiss leaves Bel red and speechless. He can't manage words as Nico gives his instructions before pulling his shirt back on and leaving. We're finishing this, Nico said, almost a growl in Bel's mind. Bel never thought the other man to be possessive, but Bel can't say he hates it. It's nice to be wanted… Nice to be at the front of everyone's mind.

After Nico's gone, Bel scrambles out of bed and assures that he's at least presentable. He fixes his hair and re-tucks his shirt and scrubs the red away from his face. When he's satisfied, Bel goes to the door and opens it, smiling at the bard on the other side. "Ah, sorry about that. Please come in." He opens the door a little wider and nods over to where there's a singular chair tucked beneath a desk. The bard takes the chair and Bel takes the bed.

"I'm sorry for bothering you so late," the bard apologizes, "but I was on my way out of Eldra when I heard quite the news. I hoped you'd appreciate it–"

Interest piqued, Bel leans forward. "Oh?"

The bard nods. "Yes, I heard from the town crier that there's a new monarch on the throne of Blakkast. The eldest of the six children–Sella. She's the new queen." Bel's blood goes cold. "Something happened to the old king–" Bel's uncle. "I'm not one to believe rumors but one says that it's electric mages."

Bel swallows. "Oh." Sella, his beloved cousin, is now on the throne–her father and Bel's uncle slain in a similar fashion to his mother. While terrifying, Bel knows his dear cousin. She's smart and wise and a little fiery. She reminds Bel of Miran, but with the powerful and quiet aura of Valera. Either she could bring great fortune to the kingdom, or she could cause it great ruin. "What does this mean for Blakkast?"

The bard shrugs. "I'm not sure."

With a sigh, Bel rubs his temples and then his eyes. "Thank you, truly." A pause. "You've shown me great kindness, and I don't even know your name."

The bard smiles. "Sevio," he tips his head in what would be a full bow if he was standing. "Your… bedmate said your name is Bel?"

Laughing, Bel nods. There's still an hour left before Nico arrives to drag Sevio out, Bel could at least make the best of a new friend. Conversation begins to flow between them, ranging anywhere from music to writing to travelling across the continent.


Nico walked up to the bar, joining the rest if his men. They were intoxicated. Well, Kaillas wasn't but he never got drunk. He was nursing his ale, likely his first one of the night and likely his last. Kaillas didn't like to have his judgment impaired.

Cassian noticed him first. He cheered and laughed. "Someone looks a bit frustrated. Didn't get laid?" A round of laughter of the surrounding men. "Why are you down here and why is he up there?"

Nico sent the man a displeased look. Before he could jump in, Laurent was the one that spoke up. "Well obviously Nico here tired out our little friend and Nico wasn't completely satisfied, so here he is."

Perhaps Nico needed to cut them all off. He should dock their pay so they couldn't afford their drinking habits and at least Nico wouldn't be humiliated by their drunken selves. He ordered himself an ale, just one to calm the nerves. Just one wouldn't affect his performance later on.

"No, to all of that. And it's none of your business so shut your mouths. And don't talk to him about that." He narrowed his eyes at them, lifting his pint and taking a long sip.

"Ooooh, so scary." Braxton was mocking him now. "Fine, fine, we won't talk about him. We'll talk about you then. How are you holding up?"

Nico kicked his chair, sending the man sprawling to the ground. And that was the shift he needed to get the attention off of himself and his bedroom habits onto the others. He laughed and joked and drank with his friends, his men, watching as the hour ticked by. The minutes were slow and Nico was itching to go back upstairs.

As the second struck the hour, Nico was and excusing himself and bounding up towards the stairs.

@larcenistarsonist group

Towards the end of the hour, Bel grows anxious. He glances at the small clock mounted above the door. Thank the gods Bel can feel their conversation wrapping up. Sivio finishes a story of his last time in Blakkast. It's been nearly twelve years since Bel has been, and he's thankful that at least the breathtaking waterfalls still remain, they haven't yet been touched by the war.

Frankly, Bel isn't sure what this war is being fought over. His brother has been on a dozen crusades to the front lines, his mother's kingdom has been providing aid, his father–though sick and growing frail–refuses to hand down the crown.

At the end of the tangent, Sivio stands, stretching his long legs and arms. "Well, I can tell that you're waiting for your mate," Sivio smiles. "I won't keep you any longer. I apologize for interrupting, but I knew you would appreciate the news."

"And I do," Bel claims as he stands as well. "I truly do, thank you Sivio." Bel opens the door. "Until we meet again."

The bard tips his head. "Until we meet again, Bel." He exits quickly, just as Bel catches Nico coming up the stairs.

"Good evening," Bel says quietly as Nico approaches the door.


Nico nodded at the bard and gave him a pilot smile before promptly slipping in through the door and locking it. He gave Bel a heated look but didn't approach him yet. Instead, he leaned back against the door. He gave him a smile. "How was your talk? Did you enjoy yourself?"

He would be civil first before he took his lover to bed. Make him more comfortable before they performed any act. Bel mattered more to him than anything. If he wasn't comfortable or didn't want to do it, then he would shut it all down.