forum "I'm broken, No one loves something that's broken." OXO (Fxm) (Open)
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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@saor_illust school

(I'm gonna give you her first original sheet)

can you uh
explain this part

okay plot twist she's samuel's little sister that he doesn't even know about because there parents think she's dead. The reason why is because she and samuel were both kidnapped by the same villain but samuel was given back, when she was born she was stolen at a young age and not given back leaving them to assume she was either dead or never coming back, the villian continued to torture and experiment on Jasper this whole time, leaving her to believe there was no hope and only pain. Until one day the villain was rambling about wishing he never let go of a Guy named sameul, then saying sameul was her brother but she would never reach him so it was okay for her to hear it. Well one night he forgot to chain her up properly and she escaped, the villain was enraged and is still looking for her.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(Her backstory is basically I got kidnapped tortured and experimented on, abused and Mal nourished for ten years until I escaped, I found my brother, but my brother didn't remember me, and he had a girlfriend. She's now just trying to figure out how things work and what things are)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Somewhere in a beautifully flourished garden, was a little girl. Well, she wasn't so little as she looked, but the innocence in her eyes made her look years younger as she observed from wide eyes.
The sweet sound of laughter filled the air as she chased after the butterfly's flying all around her, she stopped chasing them as they started landing on her.
One on her finger at first, and then all of the sudden they started flocking too her, and the lighting making it seem almost an ethereal glow.

@saor_illust school

Pierun had discovered the small garden on a list of top ten underrated places to visit for aspiring photographers. It was small, sure. But it was breathtaking. There was native wildlife everywhere, and the grass was lush and green. The sound of sparkling laughter drifted through the air and he perked up his ears, trying to discern the source of the sound. It was that of a young girl, that much he could tell. Walking softly, Pierun followed the sound to a small clearing.

There, he saw a dark-haired girl, clothed in a black hoodie that covered her small frame. She looked around 11, maybe 12? Butterflies danced around her, fluttering here and there to find a new spot to land, and the lighting was perfect as the sun began to set behind her. Pierun got to his knees, eagerly setting his camera on silent as he took picture after picture. I'll ask her for permission to use these photos after. For now, I don't want to ruin the moment, he thought to himself. Every now and then he would pause, waiting for the right moment to begin again, and didn't let his presence be known, for fear of startling her.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Jasper, however, continued to let the butterflys flock around her, feeling the sun on her face. It felt nice, and relaxing. She was truly enjoying the moment, that is until she felt a pair of eyes on her and quickly grew anxious as to who would be watching her and from what angle. She moved to look around the area until her eyes landed on Pierun with his…what was that again? Gosh she couldn't remember but he kept pressing a button on it..anyway she immediately moved to run and hide behind a bush.
She peeked out from behind the bush at Pierun to see what he would do next with his strange device.

@saor_illust school

The girl noticed him.

Pierun smiled softly, and lowered his camera. "Hey there, I'm Pierun. I didn't want to startle you too badly while I was taking pictures. But now that you've noticed me, could I ask for your permission to use these photos as part of my portfolio?"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

She just continues to stare at him from around the bush she was hiding most of her small frame behind.
"pictures..? Where are they? I don't see them. What's that device your holding..?" She asked him, seemingly squinting her eyes at it trying to see, or remember what if was that he was holding. She ended up looking up at his face and then looking away.

@saor_illust school

Pierun gave the girl a curious look. Had she been living under a rock or something?

"…it's called a camera. I prefer to use digital, so that way I can edit them later, so all the pictures are stored inside the camera at the moment," he explained, pointing to the camera.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Her eyes widened slightly, sparkling with curiosity as she looked at the camera.
"camera..? So that's what it's called then, alright. Uh, can I see the photos…?" She asked, moving to come out from behind the bushes slightly, so he could probably see more of them.
She has her eyes mostly on the camera and not on him at all.

@saor_illust school

Pierun nodded his head, trying to keep his movements slow so as to not startle the girl. "Yeah, of course."

He turned the camera around so that she could see the display. "Here, you press this button over here to see the next photos."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

she hesitated for a few moments before moving closer to pierun and the camera.

she walked slowly over to the camera before clicking the buttons and looking at them as the photos moved, she let out a soft "woah.."
she looked up at him, "These are really cool."

@saor_illust school

Pierun couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. Watching her be so in awe at how his digital camera worked was kind of adorable, he had to admit to himself. "Yeah," he said, smiling. "It's why I first got into photography."