forum I’m a villain in need of a hero...or at least someone mentally stable.. (1x1 closed)
Started by @Fenrir

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Brink tilted his head slightly, accepting the remote. “I don’t really watch much.” He said softly, slightly embarrassed. He flipped through a few channels before he stopped on a cooking showing, having always liked food shows whenever he did get the chance to watch tv. “Ok.thanks again.” He said softly, curling up on the couch and tentatively watching the show


Finn smiled at how sweet Brink looked when relaxed He walked into the kitchen and started preparing dinner. He also called and warned willow of the situation. She said she'd pick up Poppy which will work out well. Finn came back out into the living room after putting dinner in the oven. He went to sit down but the elevator doors opened and in ran a little girl who went straight to Finn and hugged him. He picked her up smiling.


Brink jumped at the sound of the elevator, and carefully watched as the young girl came running in. He smiled softly as the two interacted, finding it oddly cute. Brink had always liked kids since they never really judged him for what he did. Plus there were plenty if street kids where he was fun so it always sort of felt like a family to him. He remained quiet as the the girl hugged her brother, not wanting to disturb the moment.


Finn put Poppy down after a moment. Looking up at willow. "Willow Poppy this is Brink. He's going to stay here until he feels a little better. Brink this is my sister Poppy and friend will." He gestured to them as he talked. Willow was a little shorter than Finn but still taller than Brink. She looked at him carefully.
"Nice to meet you," she said sitting down in a chair in the lining room. Poppy didn't say anything hiding behind finn slightly.


He watched as Willow into the room as well, shifting uncomfortably under her gaze. “nice to meet you as well.” He murmured in reply with a small nod, hugging his knees to his chest, despite that hurting more. He rested his head on his knees and smiled softly at the little girl behind Finn but didn’t say anything to her. He understood that he was a complete intruder to Finn and the girl’s home. He wasn’t about to make it any more awkward like acting as if he had any right to be there. Instead of trying to engage with them more, he sat quietly on the couch and watched more of the show, seeing that it had switched to a baking completion now.


Finn smiled at Brink. "Food should be ready on. I'll be in the kitchen." Finn left the room. Poppy sat down on the other end of the couch from Brink. She looked at him curiously.
"You have a lot of booboos." She commented. Hugging a little doll she had in her hand. She fidgeted slightly in her seat.


Brink glanced over and smiled softly, “I’m not the most graceful person.” He lied, not wanting to ruin her innocence with what really happened to him. “What’s her name?” He asked, nodding to the little doll in the young girl’s hand. He gave a quick glance over Willow, hoping he wouldn’t upset her by talking to the young girl.


Poppy laughed slightly. "Finn's clumsy too," she whispered. "her names Ava." She held the doll closer. Willow looked more relaxed than before. Looking at the tv but watching them from the corner of her eye. Finn came back a few moments later.
"So the food should be ready soon." He leaned on the doorframe leading into the kitchen.


He laughed softly when Poppy mentioned Finn being clumsy, remembering the way he had entered the building the first time they met.
“That’s a beautiful name.” He said, his soft smile still there. He glanced over his shoulder as Finn announced the food would be ready and nodded, breathing in the aroma from the kitchen. He turned back to the tv and nudged the remote to poppy in case she wanted to watch something different


Poppy blushed and smiled. "Thank you!" she took the remote but didn't change the channel. She watched the cooking channel. "Finn likes this show! He's going to be on one day. right, Finn?" She looked over at her brother. Finn smiled from the doorway watching the two interact.
"Hopefully," Finn said laughing slightly. He walked back into the kitchen and came out with two bowls of macaroni. Willow got up and helped him. Getting another two bowls. One is small and for Poppy. Finn handed Brink a bowl.


Brink thought that was cute, that hero like Finn still wanted to have a normal life, still had normal dreams, despite him being the hero of the city.
He picked his head up from where it rested on his knees, eyes growing wide as he saw that there was macaroni for dinner. He nodded and smiled gratefully, shifting around so that he sat cross legged on the couch, still leaving a significant amount of space. He took a small bite of food and hummed happily, thinking that this was the best food he had had in ages.


Finn smiled and sat next to Brink. He watched the looking show and crossed his legs. Willow finished her food first.
"Alright i got to go but It was nice meeting you brink and Finn I'm guessing you won't need me tonight?"
"No, I think I'm going to stay in tonight." He smiled at will. "Drive safe." Willow waved them him off as she walked to the elevator.


Brink smiled as Finn sat beside him and waved at Willow as she left, also wishing her a safe night. He finished off the meal and went to slowly stand, resting his ability to move, even with the wounds. He hissed softly but managed to get up. He took the dish to the sink and started to wash the dishes, wanting to do something other than sit around and let everyone else, mostly Finn, feel as if he needed to be taken care of constantly.


"I don't think that is a good idea," Finn said coming up behind Brink. Closer than what was comfortable but he didn't even notice. Putting Poppy and his bowls in the sink. "I'll show you the guest room you should relax. I can do the dishes later after I put poppy to bed. there's an ensuite bathroom in the guest room if you want to shower."


Brink glanced behind him, blushing softly at seeing Finn so close, especially since he was much shorter than him, forcing him to look up at him. “Dear, I don’t have many good ideas. So I can confidently tell you that doing the dishes doesn’t even crack the top three bad ideas I’ve acted upon.” He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart and turned back to doing the dishes. “I will once I finish, don’t worry about me, darlin. And thank you. Really. For everything.”


Finn nodded noticing Brinks blush and backed up slightly. "It's no problem. Fine but I have a dishwasher you don't have to fully wash them." He opened the dishwasher. It had a few dirty dishes in it but mainly just what Finn used to cook. "I'll be right back. Let me put Poppy to sleep then I'll show you the guest room."


He glanced at the dishwasher and nodded. “Yeah, of course. Go ahead!” He said, waving dismissively, watching as the other left before splashing himself with cold water. “Get yourself together! You’re not falling for him. All he did was help you, like he would do with anyone else. He’s doesn’t really care about you. Once you’re good, you leave. Say goodbye and never see them again.” He whispered harshly to himself, pulling his hair back and sighing deeply. The only problem was he didn’t want to not see Finn again. He actually liked being around him, despite him being an annoying hero. He laughed softly and shook husband head “damnit, why do you have to Be so goddamn good.”


Finn played with the hem of his shirt as we walked back into the living room. He tried to figure out of this was a good idea. It seems like a good idea. He can think of any downsides to helping Brink. Willow had texted him saying "Be careful." but she's just protective. Finn picked up an already sleepy Poppy and brought her into the bathroom. She set her in bed and tucked her in before going back into the kitchen.


Brink had finished up most of the dishes by now, putting the extra into the dishwasher. He hopped up onto the counter once finished and dried off his hands, fidgeting with the towel for bit before setting it down. He lifted his shirt slightly and saw that most of his side was covered in dark bruises. He was fairly certain that at least a rib was broken. He glanced up when he saw Finn enter the kitchen and pulled his shirt back down.


Finn saw his bare skin and bruise and bit his lip. "That looks bad. I'll get you a new icepack." He walked overcareful not to get too close this time. he opened the freezer and took out a fresh icepack. Haning it to Brink. "I have someone look at that if you want. Have a friend whos a nurse. Had to call her way too many times. No clue what she thinks happens but oh well."


“Thank you.” Brink muttered softly, pressing the ice pack to his side, sighing in relief as the throbbing dulled.
He paled (if possible) at the mention of the nurse and shook his head. “I don’t do very well with medical professionals or medical environments. Plus, I’m still technically a criminal. If any reports get out about me, they’d be able to trace me back to here. Unless you’ve already done that, dear.” He teased, glancing over at Finn playfully.
He tried to convince himself he wasn’t concerned about Finn but he was honestly he was done lying to himself.


Finn nodded. "You don't have to worry about that. I don't report much to the police unless they are asses like the guy you caught. He leads Brink down the hall next to the kitchen. "The cops don't like me doing their job and usually the people I stop don't repeat their mistakes." He opened the door to a decent-sized room with a queen bed.


He laughed softly and shook husband head, following Finn down the hall to the bedroom. “They don’t stop making mistakes. They stop making the mistakes that got them caught.”
His eyes widened at the large bed, certainly larger than anything he had slept on. “I don’t need this big of a bed, I can always sleep on the couch or something.” He glanced back at Finn then at the bed. “Are you sure no one else would need it?”


"Hey, I'm good at my job. Usually, after catching someone they think twice before robbing someone. Plus there's a reason I don't usually stop shoplifters." He shrugged and backed up from the door. "Nope, no one else does. Willow crashes here sometimes but she just got her own apartment so the rooms free," He said smiling slightly. There was another free room In the apartment but Finn hasn't opened that since his parents passed. "Like I said before there's the bathroom." He gestured to a side door. "There should be towels soap all that. I'll lend you some of my clothes but they are probably going to be a bit big so keep that in mind." He smiled looking down at the smaller man.


“If that were so darling, you would have caught me much sooner.” He turned and leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest as he looked up at Finn with a cocky smirk.
Brink himself had never really been stocky or tall, clothing always fitting loosely on him so he didn’t really mind the larger size.
“Don’t worry about it dear. I’ll manage.” He reassured, his smile softening as he gazed up at the other, holding his gaze