forum Hold me closer, tiny dancer (o/o) (Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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"It's fine. It really isn't your fault." Rowan smiled weakly and closed his eyes, trying to relax. "Preston is just a jerk."

@emilyevewrites group

Eve pressed her lips together. "It's not just that… He's friends with my crazy stalker ex I told you about." She winced as she said the name she swore to herself she would never give another thought to: "Christopher."


"Well, I know, but him not liking me isn't your fault. I don't even know your ex personally." Rowan shrugged. "You can't blame yourself for him beating up on me. He's just mad I'm better than him."


Rowan smiled a bit and laughed softly. "Hopefully I'll be healed up before the competition. I don't think I can compete with a brace on."

@emilyevewrites group

Eve nodded slowly. If Rowan wasn't ready by the competition, she didn't care what he said, it would be her fault. She drove swiftly, and after a few minutes, she pulled into the parking lot.


Rowan got out of the car once Eve parked and headed inside with her to check in. They had to sit in the waiting room for a bit, but it wasn't too long before they were allowed back.


Eve wasn't allowed in the room while Rowan was being checked out, but he wasn't in there for long either. "He says it's mostly bruised, but there is a mild sprain, so I need to ice it and be careful with it."


Rowan flushed a bit at Eve's response, but laughed weakly anyway. "Ah… thanks. We should probably head back home now…"


"Yeah, me either… at least I'm still on my parents' insurance." He sighed and got into the passenger side of Eve's car.


"Ah… I'm sorry." Rowan replied, his voice soft and sympathetic. "Dancing is the only thing I've ever been good at, I think, but since it's the first thing I ever showed any interest or talent in, I was never really allowed to pursue anything else. I don't know if I'm good at anything else, or if I even want to be doing this in the first place."


"I think you're pretty good." Rowan smiled weakly. "Every once in a while I wonder if this is actually my dream… do you ever feel that way? Feels like I'm just doing what they want me to do."

@emilyevewrites group

"I was talking about being a doctor," Eve laughed quietly. But at Rowan's question, she looked over with the most serious expression she'd even had. "Yes," she breathed.


"Oh, sorry… I guess it's comforting to know I'm not the only one who feels that way, though." Rowan laughed weakly. "But I don't know anything else. What else would I do with my life?"