forum Gevaarlijke Vogel en Varken <Dangerous Bird and Pig> [Closed Fantasy/Implied Romance O/O] (W/ Fraust)
Started by @K14N language

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@K14N language

Kneel had decided to take a step through the Nether portal once again, looking out over the Muddy, Foggy fields. It had rained that day -and was still raining slightly-, leaving the air smelling like wet leaves and foliage, along with the smell of far-off smoke from the Village -Kamubori- nearby.

Kneel didn't exactly understand water and rain just yet, considering he lived in a hellscape of fire, too hot for water to survive properly. He grabbed the edges of his robe, and slung some over his head, adjusting the ears of his mask to fit in some of the holes in such robe. He looked like a hooded specter, but he didn't care, he didn't understand rain. Kneel looked to see which way he hasn't explored yet, adjusting his mask and Netherite boots in the process. He began a trek to the nearby mountain, past Kamubori, Reoran Mountain, reaching a flattened area with an opening, lit torches inside, so he ran in to take cover from the rain, pulling the hood off of his head and mask.


Agh, they're going to catch me! Cori thought to himself as he bolted from some very angry merchants who had noticed him nicking some shining stones. In his frantic running, he had temporarily forgotten that he could, in fact, fly. Upon realizing this, he took off, leaving a few ebony feathers behind him on the ground. The merchants yelled up at him, but they had no way to catch him.

After a while of flying, Cori reached the mountain, panting softly from exhaustion. He noticed a sort of cave that could be decent shelter and headed inside, not seeming to notice that someone else was already there as he slumped to the ground, running his fingers through his damp hair.

@K14N language

( I might take a break from this for a while, mentally, today is going to be rough for me. So I just need some time, sorry. )

@K14N language

Kneel flicked his head towards the being on his right, raising an eyebrow as he looked at them from under his mask. He made sure to keep his body pretty still though, not trying to alert anyone. He didn't know anybody from this realm, so he was very cautious about what and who he interacted with.

Kneel, little did he know it, was still drenched, and out of reflex, he shook his entire body -like a dog- to clear his hair of the rain, his mask coming off in the at the second. Thus revealing a scar-covered left eye that hadn't been tended to in a while, a pig-toothed, seemingly genderless man with pointy human ears. He had a little pigtail coming from his lower back under the white blouse he normally wore. The cape soon came back down to cover the tail, but his feet were hooves as well, with strands and bits of pink fur near them. The tips of his fingers were black, and rawhide covered as well. Thankfully, the powerful ax hidden under his robe was still in its holster, not making much noise itself.


Cori sighed softly in relief when he was pretty confident that he had ditched the merchants, glancing to his left at the sounds. He yelped in fear and fell backwards, his wings puffing up as he clung to his bag of shiny stones. He was less afraid of Kneel's appearance than he was at anyone being in here with him at all, honestly.

"Ah-! Oh my God! W-Who are you?!" He asked in a panicked tone, his heart pounding hard in his chest. "Jesus Christ… you scared the hell out of me." He laughed dryly, keeping a tight hold on his bag. He couldn't trust this man; not yet. He could still try and steal his bag or hurt him or… anything, really! He was in no state to fight after flying so far.

@K14N language

Kneel, suddenly panicked to the being's response, threw his hands in the air in a blazed panic, shaking them to try and show he didn't mean anything. It was almost kind of sus odd to Kneel that it was so scared. Was it his appearance or was it something else..?

Kneel quickly bent down after waving his hands around for a few seconds, -also making a few disgruntled noises as if he had back or leg problems- and grabbed his mask, quickly adjusting it to sit on his ears and the bridge of his nose properly. The tips of his fingers almost sparked against the dirt-dusted ground.

@K14N language

( Sorry this took so long, Im on a trip and I was sick after getting my second dose of the Covid Vaccineー ごめんなさい!)


(Np ^^)
Cori watched Kneel with narrowed eyes, obviously still pretty suspicious of him. He had been given no reason to trust him as of yet, after all. "Who are you?" He repeated, his voice stiff and wary.."What are you doing here? What do you want??"

He moved back away from Kneel a bit, still clutching the bag and raising his fluffed up wings to appear larger and more intimidating than he was. His heart was racing, pounding hard in his chest, and he felt like he couldn't breathe properly.

@K14N language

( Sorry again for my late response, I only just got back into school and finals are soon, so My responses may not be frequent. ごめんなさい!)

@K14N language

Kneel stared blankly, his body freezing, his hands were flopped down in front of him, his hands almost touching. he was standing tilted, like his center of gravity wasn't very stable.

"Wat? Is dit een vreemde taal?" He muttered, his voice deep and scratchie for his age. He was speaking Piglin, (Which in the future would become Native dutch).
<What? Is this a foreign language?>


Cori watched Kneel closely, trying to figure out who he was and what he was speaking. It didn't seem like he could understand what he was saying. At least he probably isn't going to steal from me? He glanced around nervously, not sure what to do. "U-Um… how am I supposed to talk to him…?" He considered for a few seconds before awkwardly waving, not relaxing his defensive stance.

@K14N language

Kneel looked at his hand for a second, before realizing that the other being was waving at him, to which he waved back, putting his hands back down at his sides, and standing normally, still slightly tilted. He was also puffing his chest out a bit slightly, but it was a natural habit for him to do so due to his standing as King of the other Realm.

"Spreek je Piglin niet?" He tilted his head, watching the other closely, but not making any moves towards them.
<Do you not speak Piglin?>


Cori glanced to the side and then back to Kneel, obviously bewildered and uncomfortable. He was still afraid since he had no real way to figure out the stranger's intentions. However, he managed to pick up the word 'piglin' from what Kneel had said and made his assumptions. He must be a Piglin… and be speaking it. I don't know it, though, and I'm not sure what he asked me… "Um… are you a Piglin?" He asked nervously after a few seconds, although he didn't really expect Kneel to be able to answer.

@K14N language

Kneel knew he was one of the few Piglins that traveled to the overworld, so the other must've known him from the legends and tales passed down through this part of the land.

Piglins, beings are known for their rampant obsession with Gold, and Anarchy were known for being destructive but oddly coordinated. They were tricky, strong beings, who had little to no hesitance. Kneel, was the King or the Anarchy System in his Kingdom, this government would soon evolve into a Monarchy.

"Ik ben een Piglin en een mens, ben jij een hybrid?" Kneel pointed at the other in the second half of his question, slowly taking off his mask seconds later to reveal his face once more. He was a hybrid between a Piglin and a Human, a rare mutation in his genetics allowed this, being a part of the family of the first Piglins.
<I am a Piglin and a Human, are you a Hybrid?>


"Piglin… hybrid…?" Cori repeated, as those were the only two words he had understood. He'd heard of piglins through stories, but had never met one, and didn't recognize Kneel as being their king. Piglin human? But he doesn't know my language… maybe he just never learned if he was raised among piglins? He still looked very confused, fidgeting with his puffed up wings to try and smooth them down.