forum Demon Love Anyone? / oxo / Open!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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"forgive me if I don't believe a word you say." Logan muttered, slowly starting to get the feeling this man was an actual demon. "To protect then purge when we're done with this so called contract, am I right?" He shivered and glanced away from the demon, needing to keep a level head. He huffed a laugh and shook his head "where were you all those years ago, hm? When I needed protecting the most? I don't need to be protected by anyone." He took a shaky breath and glanced down at his wrist trying his best to think about something he could do. He didn't want to the contract just to benefit him, that'd be selfish and would feel like a waste. He bunched his lips to the side and nodded slowly "there's actually something I do want." He said slowly, not daring to meet the demon's gaze

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"No purging," Toru promised. He still held onto the man's wrists, but he let their hands fall between them on the couch.
"And I hadn't been summoned. If you had and made a Contract then, I would have protected you." Toru examined the man's face as he still didn't meet his gaze, his grip loosening on his wrists. He didn't want to hurt the man, after all.
"You can tell me," Toru said softly. He needed to be gentle with this human, so he would be.


Logan glared over at them, hating how genuine and sincere his concern sounded. "Help my friend, Suni. He has some weird type of cancer." He took a deep breath and straightened "the doctors have him a few more years to live but there's no way he'll be able to do half the things he's planned in that time. Give him a chance to live a fullfilling life. Nothing instant of course then it'd look suspicious, but cure him slowly, maybe over the next year or so." He smiled softly to himself, it may have not been the most generous or life altering thing Logan could ask for but it was for his friend. Suni would be able to live a long life with Antonio and some of it with Logan. Despite what the demon said, Lo had a feeling he would live nearly long enough to enjoy his entire life.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Toru listened intently as the man spoke, nodding.
"I can do that," he said, moving to be holding the human's hand in his instead of onto his wrists.
"Give me your name, and it is a done deal." The demon smiled at the man, a sickly sweet one that could mean doom for the man, or something else entirely. It was hard to tell, in the end, and Toru knew this.


"now just sound like a teleprompter trying to steal my social security." Logan laughed softly, trying to make light of the situation and get his mind off of Suni dying. He watched the demon's movements carefully, only more discouraged to find that he was graceful and…damnit still stunning. "My name is Logan, Logan Versailles." He whispered, feeling as if he just signed away his sould to Hell itself

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Which he had, of course.
"Well, Logan Versailles, I am Toru Machintoff, and our Contract is sealed." Toru raised his hand from on top of Logan's, revealing a mark there- a skull, roses twined around and inside of it.
"In six months, your friend will be completely healed." Toru smirked some as he looked down at his mark on Logan, then up to the man. He smiled still, moving his hand to cup the other's cheek.
"And we're going to have fun together, now won't we?"


Logan swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat and traced the mark on his hand, finding it absolutely beautiful yet horrifying at the same time. He stiffened at the touch and forced himself not to lean in. He tried his best not to think back to his previous relationship, despite the many parrallels. He finally met the demon’s, Toru’s gaze and tilted his head oit if the touch. “Well see how much fun well have when I start having my coffee cravings.” He replied, standing anf brushing past the demon to the kitchen, downong the rest of his wine

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Toru laughed some, letting Logan move out of his hand.
"We will, we will," he said calmly sitting back on the couch. "We're going to have lots of time together, after all." He smirked some, watching Logan go to the kitchen. He stretched out, relaxing on the couch like he owned the place. He was a very possessive demon, even he would admit, but it would work in Logan's favor when the fighting broke out with the other demons.


Logan arched an eyebrow at Toru when he made himself comfortable on the couch and leaned against the countertop, swirling his second cup of wine in his hand. "So Toru," he drawled, letting a hint of the latin accent he had before roll over the demon's name, "I'm assuming you expect me to welcome you into my home with open arms, correct?" He tilted his head and walked to the thresh hold of the kitchen.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Toru rolled his eyes.
"Me, the complete stranger you just sold your soul to?" He looked over, smirking some. "I wouldn't have it any other way." The demon moved to stand, walking over to Logan. Even his stride was graceful, bringing him to behind the man as he wrapped his arms around the other.
"And I can always make sure you do, in the end." He smirked some, flicking one wrist. Using his new power over Logan to make the other turn his body to be facing him.


"oh great," Logan muttered, trying his best to lean away from the demon, his breath becoming shollow when he realized he had absolutely no control anymore. He had fallen into the trap once again. He had promised himself he wouldn't ever again but for some reason he drew in the worst people. He looked up at the ceiling and shut his eyes, letting silent tears fall "do what you want to me, you clearly have all the control." He whispered, trying to keep down a scream of rage and fear

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Toru carefully raised his hand, wiping Logan's tears away.
"I'm not going to hurt you…" the demon said, voice soft. It seemed he had pushed too much. He pulled Logan close, into a gentle hug.
"I told you I was going to protect you, didn't I? I'm not going to go back on my word." Toru gently ran his hand over Logan's hair, looking down at the human. He'd have to watch what he did for now.


Logan shook his head and bunched the fabric of Toru's shift in his hand "don't. Don't say things you don't mean. This isn't anything more other than a contract for you to feel better about yourself. You think one desire fullfilled from a measly human will what? Boost your ego?" Logan shook his head, hitting Toru's chest with his hands. "If you want to protect me then let me go."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You have no idea what I do and don't mean," Toru said softly. He let Logan him his chest, looking unaffected.
"And you have no idea why I do this, it seems. I can't let you go from this, and I'm not letting go of you now. You're going to be at your most vulnerable for the next twenty-four hours, and I'm going to make sure no one hurts you." Toru still didn't stop Logan, his arms gently around the other still.


"except for you right?" Logan laughed humorlessly through his tears, trying to wipe them away with his sleeve. "You're a demon. Doesn't matter what you do and don't do, all of it in the end will benefit you and will screw us." Logan peered up at the demon, eyes blood shot and teary. "You're right, I don't know a single thing about you. So why should I trust you or anything you say?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Toru let out a soft sigh. He raised his hand, his thumb gently brushing Logan's tears away for him.
"You shouldn't," he finally said, looking down at Logan. "You have no reason to trust me, none at all. All I ask is I'm at least given a chance to prove myself. I want to tell you that I don't just do things for myself, that I do want to make sure you're okay, but I know you won't believe me." The demon left his arms gently around Logan, hand on his cheek to catch the stray tears.


"I don't. Your act is good. This attractive knight in shining armor with a dark shtick. The gig is good. The best I've encountered yet. But considering you're a demon and how good you seem to be at your job, you have no real commitment to me." Logan gently took a step back from Toru and wiped away the rest of his cheeks. "Do what you need to convince yourself you're doing all of humanity a favor. I won't care. Just as long as you help Suni. That's all I ask."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Attractive..?" Toru raised an eyebrow at this, letting out a soft breath. He didn't believe Logan on that point but didn't say that out loud. Instead, he watched Logan as he stepped back. He was weighing his options here, it was clear. Deciding Logan's fate.
He took a step forward, then, scooping Logan up into his arms bridal style. He didn't say a word, beginning to walk. He held Logan to his chest, protective.


"ah!" Logan had immediately wrapped his arms around the demon's neck, despite his want to be apart from them. "Toru what are you doing?" He asked, expecting to feel numb and surrender his control again to Toru but the feeling never came. Oddly enough he felt more comforted in Toru's arms than before, whether it was Tiru's demonic abilities affecting or Logan's inability to argue when cuddled, he would never know.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I'm getting you to bed," Toru said softly, holding Logan to his chest still. "You've just been through a lot, you need some rest." He didn't do anything to take control of Logan, or influence him, just bringing him to the bedroom. He hummed softly, moving to lay Logan down and tuck him in.


Logan nodded slowly and glanced between the bed and Toru. "And was that necessary?" He asked, gesturing to Toru. "I could have walked." Regardless, once out Toru's grasp, he scooted to the farthest edge of the bed and curled up into a tight ball, barely taking up half the bed. "While I appreciate it, this doesn't change anything I've said before." He muttered, turning around and facing the wall of his bedroom, his back to the demon.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I know it doesn't," Toru said softly. He moved to lay down as well, giving Logan some space.
"But I'm going to keep doing what I can to prove to you I'm here to protect you." The demon was facing Logan on the bed, but he didn't do anything to Logan still. No controlling, no trying to touch him.


Logan's breath hitched slightly when he felt Toru joined him in bed. He scooted as close to the edge as he could without falling off as he could and peeked over his shoulder at the demon. "I think my biggest worry is you. Not anyone else." He muttered, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. "Why try and prove to me of all people you're not evil incarnate? Why waste your time with me? You could have just moved on to a person who actually asked you for a contract. They'd probably be more willing to comply too."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I don't like people to think I'm something I'm not," Toru said calmly. He sighed as Logan sat up, moving to do the same.
"And like I said, you're at your most vulnerable for the next twenty-four hours to attacks from other demons." The demon ran one hand through his long hair, letting it fall to over their shoulder. He didn't move closer to Logan, as before, letting out a breath.
"And I am sorry, for scaring you so much before. I didn't realize I was going overboard."


"wait what?! Did you say demon attacks? No one ever told me anything about demons attacking me. I thought you meant emotionally vulnerable not actually in any danger." He hopped out of bed and ran around his home, coming back with a few bats, a knife from the kitchen, a thurmose full of cold brew, and a large stack of books. "There is no way in Hell, Heaven, or Purgatory I'm sleeping while knowing there are more of you coming after me." He said, shutting the door behind him with his foot and setting everything down before locking the door. He did realize he was licking himself In with Toru but he figured that'd be better than anyone else right now. He climbed back into bed and curled up comfortably in his many blankets, pulling his coffee and stack of books towards him, hands slightly shaking. "Well, you were. But thank you for the apology, whether it's real or not."