forum Death on Silent Feet (Abandoned) (X/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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(Um, honestly, I'm up for anything. What kind of genres and/or plots do you like?)

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(Ok, well. Maybe, an assassin type or fantasy thing? However, keep in mind, I don't do smut, kissing is fine. Although, I've only done platonic rps so far.)

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(Well, sorta? Do you, or should we use a template?)

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(Okay, that's cool. I could also make one if you'd like.)

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Backstory (optional):

@RhysTheFirebird group

Name: Clara Bewnora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: Clara can come across as rude and brash when you first meet her. She's a wild and energetic girl who's steadfast in her opinions. She's sarcastic and has a wicked sense of humor that she uses against her friends. Most people think this is her picking on them, when in fact, it is quite the opposite. Doing such things is how Clara shows her affection for her friends and brothers. If she doesn't like you, she'll tell you that, then go on her merry way and ignore you.
Likes/Dislikes: She loves anything active, whether it's running or taking a tussle in the dirt with her brothers.
She dislimdes anyone trying to get her to do other thinfs, like sit in a chair and read or learn to ah music. Sitting still is not her strong suit.
Appearance: Short, auburn hair that falls to her shoulder blades, with bright green eyes. She stands at about 5'6" and is more towards the slim side with small curves.
Backstory (optional): Clara grew up in the traditional household of the husband/father goes out and makes the money while the wife/mother stays home and does all the housework and raising the family.
From the moment she could walk, Clara has loved to run and play outside, and she was allowed to up until she turned 9. During the years she was able to do whatever she wanted, she wouldn't wear the dresses or hair ribbons her mother bought, and insted, she would wear boys cloths, trousers and a tunic along with a piece of work leather to hold back her hair.
She would always run around town, playing in the dirt and even getting into fights with Other boys, most bigger and older than her. She came home at the end of the day often sporting a black eye and split lip. Her mother disapproved of this and did her best to put a stop to the 'shenanigans'. Clara resisted this until she was 9 and her other put her on a tighter leash, saying it was time Clara learned the ways of being a woman.
There was nothing Clara hated more than learning how to me and her brothers and brothers clothes. How to clean and cook. Clara was close with her brothers and they saw her restless energy and started to sneak her out when she was about 11.
Things were fine until Clara was 13 and started maturing. It became difficult to hide the face Clara was a girl, and eventually, word reached her mother and the leash was tightened further, meaning her mother always had Clara in the same room as her. Her mother even stood outside the door when Clara used the bathroom, or at least timed her. Thing went on like that for a while, until Clara got it in her head to up and leave, saying goodbye to her brothers and not another word to her mother, Clara left home and struck up business as a mercenary. Doing the things she was paid to do without queztion.
Other: Occupation) Mercenary.