forum come on, i can try. (o/o, open!!!)
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Deleted user

so i dont have a starter but i do have a character named lachlan and he's a hp oc but like lets not do that, he's an australian asshole who gets a crush but i guess the crush hates him cause he's an ass. go whereever you want off of that tbh

Deleted user

hi sorry about the late reply i didnt expect anyone to respond

i guess they'd go to the same school? do you have a template or character page?

Deleted user

@Tell_Me_A_Story hp oc is a harry potter oc. the game called wizardry is about harry potter, but lanno can be put into any other universe.

Deleted user

@TeamMezzo-Sleep-Is-For-The-Weak alright! do you want to start it or should i?

Deleted user

yeah if you want to do this rp just show me yr character and if mezzo doesnt respond we'll go for it

Deleted user


lachlan sighed, legs tucked under him as he stared blankly at the table he was at. he had been in the school greenhouses all day, skipping every class, but science would start soon. he knew they were going to do a lesson in here.
he was going to stay in here, obviously, as he had nowhere else to go. the only real inconvenience is the other kids. they tend to pick fights with him whenever he reaches their field of view.

@TeamMezzo group

Justin was tired of being made fun of. Every day, people would mimic his tics and shove him over. Just before science class, he decided he'd had enough. He decided to ditch school and go to the greenhouse. Much to his surprise, that Lachlan kid was sitting in there. "Ah man, I thought I'd be alone for once," Justin muttered.

Deleted user

lanno stiffened as he heard someone walk in.

"science isn't started yet, if that's what you're here for." he called to the stranger, not bothering to look around.

@TeamMezzo group

"Like hell! I'm ditching science, they're in the other greenhouse." Justin laughed. He ticked a few times. "Sorry, can't control 'em."

Deleted user

lachlan remained silent for a while, digging his gloves out of his bag and beginning to repot a plant. after he was done, he spun around on his stool. and studied justin warily.

"who are you."

Deleted user

he raised an eyebrow, leaning back against the table.

"tic boy."

he paused, continuing to squint slightly at justin.

"do they really call you that? i assumed they were too damn stupid to know what a tic was." lachlan slid off the stool, briskly walking over and offering a hand.

"you're right, i have heard your name. i assume you've heard mine. lachlan kelly, local australian. you know, the asshole that got called crazy for carrying brass knuckles?"

Deleted user

lachlan's metaphorical hackles raised as soon as the words 'little aussie' came out of justin's mouth, but he stayed his hand.

"i always skip. when have you ever seen me in class, other than when i'm bothering the blonde bitch ari?"

@TeamMezzo group

"That's fair. I just couldn't d-(tic)sorry, deal with the bullies. Promise you won't bully me?" Justin used these pleading eyes he does. He did his tic where his head jerked to the right and his right hand bent at the first knuckle.

Deleted user

lachlan looked coldly at him, but shrugged.

"i don't bully people based on things they can't control. i bully people when they're assholes. so, call me lanno. anytime i see you gettin' pushed around, i'll call it off, aye?"

@TeamMezzo group

"Thanks, Lanno." Justin smiled. "Call me Jus. I use i(tic)-it bec(tic)- goddamnit, sorry, because a syllable is easi(tic)- easier to get out ticless. Damn, that was too hard." Jus laughed. "Vocal tics are a bitch."

(so when it says (tic) it's his croak, (h-h) is his clench tic that he did earlier, and (l) is his leg tic(he tenses up his right thigh). those are his most common three, any others will be specified)

Deleted user


"indeed they are." lanno walked backwards to lean on the table.

"so, what brings you to the greenhouse, jus?" he tried out the nickname, liking how it rolled off the tongue. "you got an interest in plants?"