forum Brand New Shiny RP part 2 (closed, go ahead and stalk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I-I- uh- sure..?" Henry was a bit shaky, because while he realized what had actually happened, his mind was still telling him there had just been an accident, and that scared him. He stepped into the store, a bit shaky still.


"Wait, you're a mortal, you didn't see what happened." Leo suddenly realized and filled back to look at Henry with wide eyes. "I wonder if there is a way to allow you to see through the mist." He muttered, more to himself than Henry.


"Hey! Chiron could probably help! After all, you are one of the only people to not scream and run away after knowing that the books are based on real life!" Leo said excitedly.


(Forgot how Iris messages work so let's just..)

A few minutes later, arrangements were made, Leo and Henry were in the parking lot waiting for the pegasus, whose name was Cubic, to come.


The pegasus came, whinying in all its glory, and came to a stop in front of Leo. "Hey there!" Leo said in a soft voice and rubbed his muzzle. "Hop on Henry, its safer in front than behind." He gestured to it.


"Now?" Leo grinned and tightened his legs, a sign that let the pegasus know it was time to go. Leo held onto the reins, which he brought over Henry to give him a faux seatbelt as well as a faux sense of safety.