forum Brand new rp with Dusty! (private)
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

"I fully agree. All right, third question: Are you adaptable to change?" Blake watched Conner out of the corner of his eye as they walked between the trees. The hum of traffic from the street was fading behind them by now. "If an unexpected difficulty or unique challenge appears in your life, can you roll with it and keep going?"


Conner nearly laughed, "I'm in the foster system, sir, I have to be adaptable to change even if I didn't want to be." Nothing was certain. He couldn't recall the last time there was any stability in their life, not when he was bouncing from home to home all the time, "So yes, I am. I think to think I am, anyway."

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

"That's a very good point." Blake made another small note before carrying on. "Only a few more questions now. Are you more introverted or extroverted? Or should I say, do you feel more refreshed and energized by being alone or by surrounding yourself with friends—or somewhere in between? That's the usual way I like to think about it."


"I suppose somewhere in between," He shrugged, "I mean, I don't have many friends so… gotta find comfort in solitude." If they were being honest they preferred being alone, mainly because Conner had grown up alone most of the time. People were draining in large doses.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Blake nodded, considering Conner thoughtfully for a moment before carrying on. Fallen leaves swirled under his feet. "Understandable. I will keep that in mind. Moving on—what's your greatest passion? I don't mean a hobby or favorite movie or anything like that. I'm wondering what you think is the most important and special thing you personally can contribute to the world? It's all right to say you don't know yet….although I've found most people know their passion by the time they're your age. They're just afraid of being told their passion is unrealistic or silly."


Connor swallowed. He knew what his passion was, had known for a while but Blake was right, they were afraid of being called silly. Blake didn't seem, however, to be the type of guy to judge, not like the other potential families he'd met which eased a little of his worried, "Ah well it's um… dance." Conner tried to sound confident, but the soft, nervous undertones in their voice peaked through, it always did when he told anyone what he loved, something that they just couldn't seem to shake.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(sorry for the wait)

There it was again. When Conner spoke, Blake's entire face lit up, as if Conner had just told him he was getting a pony for his birthday. "Dance? Really? Well that's wonderful! Nobody says 'dance' anymore." He broke off to watch his footing on a cracked and crumbling section of the path, but his enthusiasm remained. His voice echoed off the dense old trees all around them. "So tell me more! What kind of dancing do you like? Do you get to dance very often?"


(All good:)

It was strange to hear someone sound so excited about dance, about wanting to know more about what Conner liked about dance, but so far, Blake wasn't like everyone else he'd met that day, "Well no, I don't, it's hard when you're never in one place long enough to join a school," One of the many downsides to the system they hated. Long enough to stay and do a trial at a school before being whisked off to the next, "But uh- I like ballet, I think it's great." Even with his hopes of being a dancer, at this age learning and joining was harder than from starting as a child.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(oooooof well hello, you still there? I've been completely absent from this place for way longer than I intended. I'm really sorry fam, I have moods where I mute literally everything and just lurk for ages and it's honestly a terrible habit. I hope you're doing well these days)

"Ballet?" Blake nodded approvingly. "A fine choice. Very respectable. You know, I used to visit the theatre and watch ballets all the time, back when they were more popular. The newer stuff isn't bad either, but sadly I'm much too busy these days to enjoy it." He shook himself and smiled down at Conner brightly. "Well, I'm certainly not pressuring you to make a decision or commit to anything yet. But let it be known that if everything worked out and you let me adopt you, I'd see about getting you some real dance classes. It wouldn't be any trouble at all."


(Heya:)) there's no need to apologise at all for disappearing! I am the king of ghosting for months so i understand completely! school started back up again here so I've been focusing on my studies since senior year is like lowkey important apparently. hope you're well too - side note too, I'm much more active on discord than i am notebook these days if you wanted to chat outside of the rp. no pressure ofc:))

Conner raised a brow, the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips at the suggestion of actual classes, "Seriously? You'd do that?" It was honestly a little hard to believe in his mind. Considering most of the people he'd spoken to so far over the last few days seemed uninteresting in his passion for the style, or took it as a joke, it was both strange and surprisingly nice to hear that Blake would actively enrol him in classes. Conner wasn't going to lie, hearing that had him more inclined to let Blake adopt him. Besides the potential lessons, Blake was the nicest person he'd met all day.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(ayo thanks for understanding!! Good luck with senior year lol, sounds like you'll at least be moving on to something new pretty soon after this right? And actually YES I'd love to chat on discord! I can dm you my username in a sec here :D )

"I don't make empty promises," Blake assured him. "Besides, I know what it's like to have interests that not everyone appreciates. Early 21st-century electronic music for example, or collecting antique lockets. Oh, and don't tell anyone, but I consider myself a bit of an amateur magician." He came to a halt at that point, in a little clearing amid the yellow-leafed oaks that had been paved with concentric rings of crooked old brick. "Well, I suppose we shouldn't wander too far, should we? But before we head back, I do have one more small question, if you don't mind."


(Mhmm, i have a uni placement lined up for next year but I'm gonna differ and do a year of work and travel hopefully and hell yeah! I'll add you now!)

Conner stopped when Blake did, slipping his hands into his pockets. Magician? As long as Blake didn't decide to perform an act on him that would end up with him in half or looking like a rabbit, he wouldn't deny he was interested in seeing what exactly he meant by that. He'd practically made his mind up by now, anyway, and Blake seemed enthusiastic enough about the adoption, too. In his mind, Blake had been the nicest, and the most interesting, chances of meeting someone else who was the same was slim, "Yeah, sure, ask away."