forum Apocalyptic rp, anyone? (OxO)
Started by @Emmrii

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She hurried downstairs to meet him, and she reached over and grabbed his hand before they went into the basement. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Olivia could start to hear crying coming from further inside.


Killian moved towards the sound, he pulled out a small flashlight and pointed it around. It landed on a woman, her face red with tears running down her cheeks, her shaking arms held a knife up.


“Ma’am, put the knife down.” Olivia’s hand tightened around Killian’s. “We’re not going to harm you…”


She continued to cry as she dropped the knife. Killian rushed to her side, the woman's lips were cracked and her voice was rough. He put his bottle of water to her lips, letting her drink. "Olivia, you have the chapstick, don't you? She really needs it,"


She nodded and got down on her knees next to them. She began to search around in her bag, and she soon pulled out some chapstick. “It’ll be okay,” Olivia whispered. “But… what happened here?”


"the zombies came and.. my husband went to find food, then he came back saying one of them bit him.." she said in-between sobs, "he only got sicker and sicker, then he became one of them! And all the stress I.. I lost the baby," she held her stomach, as she cried


Reia placed a reassuring hand on the woman’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze before she turned to Killian. “We have to get her out of here,” she said. “Take her somewhere safe.”


"are you able to walk? The area is safe for now but I don't know how it is further on," he helped her up on her feet, "let's get you into better clothes," he spoke softly, "stay right here," he grabbed Olivia's hand and led her upstairs. "What do we do with her, she'll be killed out there,"


She sighed, pulled her jacket tighter around her. “Maybe we can try finding a car. We can steal one if we have to,” she said. “That way, we can get her somewhere faster.”


"Car's are to loud, we can be drawing them any closer to where we are." He rubbed his temples, "She had a miscarriage, she's probably in pain… fuck.. should we just stay here for a little bit, she needs rest."


“I suppose so. But we still need to stay on alert. There are probably zombies around here…” She sighed and closed her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Hopefully there’s enough food to sustain us for a while…”


"we'll get her on her feet and we'll get going, we're going to need to help her." Killian hugged her tightly and kissed her head, "are you ready for this?"


She slipped her arm around him and smiled faintly. “Not really, but… what other choice do we have? She’ll die if she stays here much longer.”


"Let's go get her," Holding Olivia's hand, they walked back downstairs. The woman's legs were shaking as she stood. "Can you check her for bites, love?" He asked Olivia


She nodded and began to check her arms, legs, and face for any bite marks. “As far as I can tell, she’s clear,” Olivia replied. “She has multiple injuries, but no bite marks.”


"I'm going to secure the house, help her upstairs," He kissed her cheek and headed upstairs. He made sure the house was safe to stay in and he got food and water together.


She nodded and gently helped the woman get upstairs into one of the bedrooms. After she made sure the room was secure, she went back down to the first floor to find Killian. “Do you think she’ll be alright?”


"I don't know, there's a possibility she'll get killed," Killian rubbed his forehead and sighed, "I don't know, she lost everything so you can't really blame her,"


Killian tossed some bread and peanut butter at her, "The bread is kinda stale but it should work, I'm going to give some to her." He fixed a sandwich for her, "What is her name anyway?"


She walked up to his side, resting her cheek on his shoulder. “Abigail,” she replied. “I believe her husband’s name was Mike.”


"That's a pretty name, not as pretty as Olivia, though." He smiled and placed a hand on her face, "We'll make it through this, hopefully there is a cure or something being worked on, maybe a stronghold that we can make our way to." He laughed at the thought, "If there is such a thing, maybe we can get married," He smiled saying such a thing


“Oh, shut up.” She laughed softly, leaning into his hand. “But… I don’t know. Maybe there isn’t any cure…”


"I'm not sure, I just want to be able to sleep at night, without wondering if I'll be attacked, I want a life with you, where we're safe,"