forum anyone wanna rp?
Started by @lotus12

people_alt 59 followers


sure, so make a character
Body type
Physical characteristics(scars, tattoos, ect..)


Name: Storm Julian Bais
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pronouns/sexuality: he/him straight
Looks: (I'll upload a picture
Height 6'4"
Body type toned but thin
Background: He had a normal life before the fall, two brothers and loving parents
Personality: He's a very blunt person and straight forward. He hates it when someone beats around the bush. Storm is quite clueless and needs things to be explained to him because he can't catch a hint
Physical characteristics(scars, tattoos, ect..)


name: flaan bailr forest
age: 17
gender: demiboy
pronouns/sexuality: he/they pansexual
looks: purple hair, kinda short and curlly on top, glasses and frekels on his face
height: 5'7
skin: fair
body type: a bit of fat on him but also some muscle, he has broad sholders and a rounds like face
background: he comes from a devoriced houes hold, both of his parents resented him cuz he came out as trans at the age of 14. he now lives by himself and only takes to his close frinds (rose and mace)
personality: kind and very trusting, but yes stubornd and sarcastic
physical chareatriscts: he wares bandeges on his arms to cover up scares from his past. he also has a scar on his face from when his dad throgh a knife at him but it barly missed

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Name: Candilynne Patterson
Age: unknown
Gender: Female
Pronouns/sexuality: She/her, shes never thought about romance or sexuality.
Looks: Long pink hair kept up, eyes were somehow transferred to her hands, chunks of flesh have fallen off, exposing the bone.
Height 6 foot
skin unhealthily pale
Body type …… thin? i dont know.
Background: Candi is a grimm reaper by trade. When the other grimm reapers refused her, she ended up possessing a corpse, and in order to stay alive, she has to kill others. with no way to reap their souls in a human body, the souls end up not leaving the dead body, eventually causing zombies.
Personality: Bright and bubbly, but she enjoys hurting people, so she dosent really make friends. the only weapon she can use is her belt that turns into a scythe. without it, she'll be your friend until she gets it back.
Physical characteristics(scars, tattoos, ect..): … ^
Other: I'm trying to send myself a pic, gimme a sec